Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 1427: Eat carrots and worry less

Latest website: Shitou sent Guan Yuqi home, and the two chatted a lot along the way.

Guan Yuqi also said: "I will tell my parents when I get back and we will discuss the time for the meeting. After all, I can't just take care of my family's schedule."

Shitou looked at Guan Yuqi: "I can't do the requests that uncle and aunt made last time."

Guan Yuqi also knew what Shitou meant. No matter what, it was impossible for the Gu family to buy the wedding house. She could understand: "It's okay. I will tell my parents about this. They just want to get a guarantee for me. After all, parents want their children to live well."

Shitou nodded: "I understand, don't worry, I will definitely work hard to fulfill uncle and aunt's request as soon as possible and give you a stable life."

Guan Yuqi laughed happily: "I believe you, it's getting late, you should go back quickly."

Shitou watched Guan Yuqi walk into the gate of the family courtyard, and then drove away.

But as soon as the car drove away, a girl walked out from a secret place on the side. She looked at the direction the car left, wondering what she was thinking.

I couldn't see the car anymore, so I walked quickly to the family courtyard.

This person is none other than Sun Yu, the daughter of the Sun family who lives across the street from Guan Yuqi's family.

She and Guan Yuqi grew up together. They went to the same elementary school, junior high school, and high school. However, after Guan Yuqi was admitted to university, she only went to a junior college.

Along the way, she always wanted to compete with Guan Yuqi in everything, but it was a pity that she failed the college entrance examination. So on the surface, this person was in harmony with Guan Yuqi, but secretly she always wanted to surpass Guan Yuqi one day.

It's a pity that it's just a little bit different every time.

Guan Yuqi was talking to the aunts downstairs when Sun Yu chased after him: "Guan Yuqi, are you dating someone?"

Guan Yuqi frowned slightly: "I don't have a partner everywhere, what does it have to do with you?"

Sun Yu curled his lips and said, "Be careful if you climb too high, you may fall badly. Those young men are not good at all. They pay attention to being well-matched when getting married. How can they really marry a girl from a poor family? Be careful of being deceived."

After hearing what she said, Guan Yuqi knew that she had just seen him getting off Zhenglei's car, so he was really careless.

She didn't answer Sun Yu's words.

Her mother always told her that Sun Yu was dragged down by that family, so she always wanted to be the best. No matter what she said, don't argue with her.

Looking at Sun Yu walking into the building, Guan Yuqi shook her head and didn't take her words to heart.

Speaking of Sun Yu, this person is also a poor person. She and Sun Yu grew up together, and she is the only daughter in the Sun family. Her father is a middle school teacher, and her mother, like her parents, is a worker in a valve factory.

Sun Yu's parents got married after being introduced to each other. At the beginning, the relationship between the couple was good, but gradually the male chauvinism of Sun Yu's father, Sun Gang, was gradually exposed.

One time, he even beat Sun Yu's mother. This man would hit her a second time. Whenever he encountered problems at work or troubles at home, Sun Gang would attack his wife at every turn.

Later, Sun Yu's mother got better after she became pregnant, but when it was time to give birth, when she heard it was a girl, Sun Yu's father and grandma left the hospital without even seeing the baby.

Grandma Sun Yu took care of the whole confinement period. In that era, women didn't have much maternity leave. Sun Yu's mother discussed with her husband Sun Gang after the confinement period to see if her mother-in-law could come over to help take care of the child. Sun Gang said that she was a girl. I also had the nerve to ask my mother to come over and take a look.

Sun Yu's mother was very angry and said that the child was too young, so I should wait until the child is older before going to work and find someone to do the work first. As a result, Sun Gang became angry and said that he did not want to support two idle people.

Sun Yu's mother had no choice but to cry and return to her parents' home with her daughter in her arms.

Seeing her situation, her parents couldn't ignore her. However, Aunt Sun Yu was pregnant at the time and could only help take care of her for a period of time.

It wasn't until Sun Yu was six months old that her aunt gave birth to a little cousin and her grandmother had no time to take care of her anymore, so her mother took her to the nursery in the factory and went there to feed her milk in the middle of the morning and in the afternoon of the next day.

Sun Yu's mother wanted to divorce several times, but that era was really unfriendly to women. If they were to get divorced, they would probably have to be criticized for not being able to live well, and their parents' family would also be affected.

She had no choice but to endure it. In addition, Sun Yu's mother never became pregnant again, and the relationship between husband and wife also dropped to a freezing point.

Until later, when the country implemented family planning, Sun Gang's dream of having a son was shattered, and the mother and daughter faced a more difficult life. Being beaten and criticized became commonplace for parents.

Until Sun Yu went to school, as long as she did well in the exam, his father would look at her more. If she didn't do well in the exam, he would beat her and kick her.

Perhaps due to Jia Ting's influence, Sun Yu's temper became increasingly unpleasant.

I don’t know what Sun Yu thinks. He has regarded Guan Yuqi as a competitor since he was a child.

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