Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 1437: Don’t judge others by yourself

Jiang Pingping had no choice but to go to Luo Qiao.

Unfortunately, there were two surgeries in one afternoon. She went several times and the news she got was that Director Luo was in the operating room.

I didn't get anything done until I got off work.

Guan Anping's surgery was scheduled later. After all, the afternoon surgery had been arranged before. Even if he was a relative, he couldn't break the rules.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when Luo Qiao came out of the operating room.

The operation was very successful. Luo Qiao even used her powers to repair all the surrounding potentially diseased tissues when others were not paying attention, ensuring that there would be no recurrence.

After Luo Qiao changed her clothes, she went to the ward to see Guan Anping and gave some instructions to Guan's family before leaving.

The next day, when Jiang Pingping came over again, he was told that Director Luo would not be coming this week.

After Vice President Ni learned about the situation, he said coldly: "Then wait until Director Luo comes over next week before apologizing. Don't try to play any tricks."

Jiang Pingping hated Luo Qiao because of this, and thought in his heart that he must take revenge on Luo Qiao.


Luo Qiao has been at the school this week, mainly because the laboratory experiment has reached a critical moment, and she and the people in the team want to get the results as soon as possible.

When I arrived at the office that day, I saw a few candies on the table.

Teacher Ge next to me smiled and said: "This is the wedding candy from Teacher Jiang in the office next door. I will get married next Saturday."

Teacher Ge said with a smile: "His partner is also a police officer."

Luo Qiao moved the candy to the side and took out the textbook and lecture: "Then we have one more police wife."

The two laughed.

As the two of them were talking, they saw Miao Shuang walking in enthusiastically: "Qiaoqiao, there is something I want to tell you."

Luo Qiao arranged her things: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Miao Shuang coughed slightly and pulled the person aside: "Before, I heard from my brother-in-law that you support many poor students. Is this true?"

Luo Qiao looked at Miao Shuang: "Let's talk directly."

Miao Shuang touched his nose: "That's it.

A student in my class fainted a few days ago. He was taken to the infirmary and was found to be severely malnourished.

After asking, I found out that he was the second eldest son in the family. His parents fell ill and passed away one after another in the early years. His brother, who was two years older than him, took over his father's job. With this salary, he supported their five brothers and sisters. But these children are all talented in reading, and his eldest brother never let them drop out of school no matter how difficult it was.

I just want to ask if their situation is within the scope of rescue. If possible, can you help them? His family is local in Beijing. I went to his house once and it was really hard for the brothers and sisters. "

Luo Qiao thought for a moment: "I'll give you a phone number. You ask him to call the staff. They will inform them of the process. If it meets the rescue requirements, the foundation staff will contact them."

Miao Shuang got the phone: "Qiaoqiao, thank you so much. If they can get help, those children will definitely change their future."

What Luo Qiao didn't expect was that because of today's kind deed, she had trained several capable subordinates for herself.


After Guan Anping's surgery, he stayed in the hospital for more than half a month before he was allowed to be discharged.

The day after he was discharged from the hospital was the day Shitou and Guan Yuqi got engaged.

The valve factory was very busy that day. The daughter of the Guan family was getting engaged, and four cars came to her partner's house, which became a hot topic in the valve factory.

Accompanying Shitou were Lu Yichen and Luo Qiao, Luo Haotian and Gu Qianru, Lu Yixuan and Wang Xiaoxin, and finally Luo Xuyan and Xiao Ya.

In addition to the cigarettes, wine, meat, and nutritional supplements brought that day, the betrothal gift was 6,661 yuan, and there was also a complete set of gold jewelry, including necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings. It looked like these things were custom-made. , particularly festive.

Guan Anshan and Qiu Xiaochan really didn't expect that the other party would be so generous, making the neighbors and relatives who came to the engagement banquet envious.

What they didn't expect was that Luo Qiao and Lu Yichen also gave Shi Shi a wedding room with three bedrooms and one living room, which was currently being renovated.

Guan Anshan wanted his daughter to spend the New Year with them, so the wedding date was set for February 16th after the new year.


When Jiang Pingping finally met Luo Qiao, it was already a young year.

Luo Qiao looked at the girl who stopped her: "Is something wrong?"

Jiang Pingping said with great reluctance: "I'm here to apologize to you. I said something I shouldn't have said that day, and I ask for your forgiveness."

Luo Qiao looked at her like this and didn't bother to argue with her: "Are you done?"

Jiang Pingping didn't hear Luo Qiao's words of forgiveness: "I have already apologized, and please don't complain to my uncle again."

Luo Qiao was unhappy after hearing this: "Don't judge others by yourself, I don't have as much time as you do."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Jiang Pingping shouted from behind: "If you don't tell me, I'll assume you forgive me."

But there was a cold 'hmph' in his heart: "What's so great about it, just wait for me."

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