Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 1476: What do you think is fair?

Each project is completed together by parents and children.

The first event is shooting.

The parent turns his back to the child and throws the ping pong ball. The child catches the ball in a small basin uniformly arranged by the kindergarten. The child who catches the most is the winner and is ranked according to quantity.

The basin the children are holding is not very deep. Sometimes the ball will pop out again after it goes in. This requires cooperation.

None of the three brothers were assigned to the same group, which was exactly what they wanted. In such a competition, the other two could cheer them on.

Lu Yichen and Gu Hongrui were drawn into the first group. Like others, they didn't cooperate very well at first. They threw five balls before catching one. However, after communicating with each other, the two quickly found their skills.

The next five balls caught four and dropped one, for a total of five balls. There was also a father and son in this group who also caught five.

Next, Luo Qiao and Xiao Yezi participated in the second sister. Luo Qiao and Xiao Yezi had just discussed how to cooperate. Xiaoye had good jumping ability. In the end, he lost two and caught eight, becoming This group has the most catches.

The last group was played by Lu Yichen and Xiao Yu. Because they had observed two games, Xiao Yu also summed up some experience on his own. Coupled with Lu Yichen's guidance, Xiao Yu also caught eight balls.

Then the top three in each group started the elimination round. In the end, Lu Hongyu and another kid named Zhou Qianfeng were ranked first. Xiao Rui, Xiao Yezi and a kid named Wang Zhanyue tied for second place.

Next, the balloons are transported. The participating children and their parents hold the balloons with their heads and send them to a large bucket 100 meters away. Which pair transports the most within the specified time will be ranked according to the number of transports.

The three brothers got another ranking in this event because of their good physical strength during martial arts training.

Some children were unhappy: "Why do all three of their brothers get rankings?"

Some parents also think it's unfair. They think these three brothers have great physical strength. They have completed two projects without any signs of fatigue on their faces.

But the teacher said that the most important thing is participation, and every child in the class must participate.

Some parents came over and said, "Hongrui's mother, these three people in your family have really good physical strength. Do they usually exercise at home?"

Luo Qiao didn't hide anything: "His father takes him out for exercise every morning, and they are also enrolled in martial arts classes, so they must have an advantage in terms of physical strength."

When some parents of children heard what Luo Qiao said, they were a little unhappy and said, "Then this is unfair.

We are not on the same starting line at all, and our children are at a great disadvantage. "

Luo Qiao scratched her head after hearing this: "Is it possible that when you go to elementary school, middle school, or high school, and other children have good academic performance, you will feel it's unfair and feel that your children are suffering?"

The parent was unhappy because her husband peeked at Luo Qiao before, and now she was even more unhappy when she heard Luo Qiao challenge her: "Your child has such good physical strength, other children must be suffering, and I'm not wrong. .”

Luo Qiao thought this woman was quite interesting: "Then what do you think is fair?"

The parent stopped talking there. She couldn't say that she wouldn't let her children participate in the competition, but she always felt that her children were suffering because they couldn't keep up with their physical strength.

Lu Yichen said: "Just because your son's physical strength is not good, we can't stand still and wait for him. You can't be parents like this, not to mention that your son's poor physical strength is not caused by us."

Teacher Zhang quickly smoothed things over: "Our purpose for this activity is to strengthen the tacit understanding between parents and children and deepen the relationship between parents and children. The emphasis is on participation."

Luo Qiao was also very annoyed by people who didn't see others as better than themselves, and thought to herself: "My son's physical strength is because of hard work every day. At that time, your son was still sleeping under the quilt."

So in the next program, she told her sons: "Baby, don't care what others say, just be yourself. Mom hopes you will go all out for the next project."

The three brothers nodded: "Don't worry, Mom, we will work hard to get a ranking in every event today."

Luo Qiao laughed: "Okay, let's work hard together, come on!!!"

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