Remember for a second【】

Yuan Weicheng calmed down, and slowly went through the whole story in his mind again. Could it be that there are hidden secrets in it that he didn't know at all.

Why did Lu Xinyi change? Why didn't he listen to other people's words? In Yuan Weicheng's memory, he was not that kind of person, but in the case of the Luo family, he disappointed himself too much.

Father Yuan walked in from the outside and asked, "That girl Luo Qiao doesn't know how she did in the exam?"

Yuan Weicheng put aside the conjectures in his mind and said, "Luo Qiao has said that she will go to high school in the city. Judging from her confident expression, there should be no problem. You can just wait for the good news."

The old man Yuan laughed when he heard this: "Don't say that the girl has tenacity. The main thing is that she has a good brain. Old Yang has always said in front of me that she is a good seedling of reading."

As soon as the old man mentioned the Yang family, Yuan Weicheng's good mood disappeared all of a sudden, and it was really embarrassing for the uneasy people in the Yang family.

As soon as Master Yuan turned his head, he saw his younger son frowning again: "Why, those uneasy people went over to make trouble again?"

Yuan Weicheng said: "I have a comrade-in-arms' family and Yang's family in the same compound. I heard that the three families have all gone this time. I want to share the back wages paid by Mr. Yang and his wife when they returned to the city this time. bitter."

When Master Yuan heard this, he suddenly threw the watering can in his hand and scolded, "What kind of shit is this?

It's not easy to die on the farm and get back to the city after being rehabilitated. These beasts are not as good as they want to split the money. What kind of sin Lao Yang has done, these beasts have all hit him. "

Yuan Weicheng said, "Mr. Yang said the other day that if they came to make trouble again, he would call the police. Anyway, they broke the relationship by reporting the news.

The old man Yuan said: "Don't say that this is a solution. It's all the fault of the money. If you don't have the money, you might be able to live in peace."

Yuan Weicheng was relieved: "Master, do you have anything to eat? I haven't had breakfast yet?"

The old man Yuan said, "Aunt Chen went out early in the morning. There is cooked porridge in the kitchen and yesterday's buns in the cupboard. You can serve it yourself."

Qingshan Village, Luo Qiao hurried home after taking the letter of introduction. She was still cooking porridge on the fire.

When passing by Lu Yichen's gate, the courtyard door just opened, and the stone rushed out from inside.

Shitou rushed over and followed Luo Qiao: "Sister Luo Qiao, yesterday we went to the police station to make it clear, and the director also showed that I am a good boy."

Luo Qiao said with a smile: "Very good, our stones are awesome, you must think twice before doing things in the future, you know? If you feel that something is not right, remember to communicate with adults in time, remember?"

Stone smiled and said: "Remember, I will never make such a low-level mistake again, and I scared myself to death. I will tell you everything in the future."

Lu Yichen came out behind the stone. Listening to what Luo Qiao said just now, he thought that he should communicate with the adults in time. You are not a child too.

After entering the yard, Luo Qiao hurried into the kitchen, but luckily she didn't waste too much time, otherwise the porridge would have to overflow.

On the other fire, eggs were boiled on the bottom, steamed buns were distilled in the steamer above, and it was almost time, so I quickly took out the fire and picked it up.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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