Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 192: Splashing Dirty Water

Remember for a second【】

He almost fell out when his body was crooked, but fortunately, he grabbed the back of the chair tightly.

It's just that this road is too bad, the car is still bumping constantly, and Luo Qiao is about to sit on the lap of the comrade next to the car.

Lu Yichen quickly grabbed her with a quick hand and pulled the person directly into his arms.

Because she exerted a lot of force, Luo Qiao's nose directly hit Lu Yichen's chest. Tears came out of her in pain, and her face was wrinkled.

One of the women in the car who disliked the crying of other people's children and said the most unpleasant words said: "It's really shameless, hugging and hugging in public."

Lu Yichen's face darkened instantly. Seeing that Luo Qiao's expression softened a little, she asked softly, "Is it better?"

Luo Qiao got up from Lu Yichen, squatted down and pinched her calf, then stood up and stomped a few feet. The eldest sister who just held the child said, "Are your legs numb?"

Luo Qiao smiled and said, "It's fine, it'll be fine in a while. After squatting for a long time, the leg numbness is inevitable."

The two of them didn't speak loudly, but it was enough for the people in the car to hear them. Some people were glad they didn't follow him blindly, otherwise it would be really shameless.

When her legs were no longer numb, Lu Yichen asked Luo Qiao to sit inside, but she stood up and walked in front of the woman who was swearing just now.

The woman was also a little scared now, and stammered: "You, you, what do you want to do? My son knows martial arts, so don't be fooled."

Lu Yichen said coldly, "Apologies."

The woman said, "Dao, Dao, what apologies, I, I'm not right, you all saw it when you hugged together just now."

Lu Yichen glanced at the young man beside the woman, stretched out his hand and took it out: "Aiming at that young man's stomach is a punch, the young man's 'ah' sounded and rolled into shrimp, and his aching forehead was all over. It's fine sweat."

The woman quit: "How can you beat anyone casually?"

The eldest sister who was holding the child stood up and said, "You have such a stinky mouth, didn't you see how long the little girl squatted here? You died just now, didn't you feel the car bumping?

I see that you ate shit in the morning, you would pour dirty water on others if you speak without thinking, and if you are not clean, you will not come out to harm others, whatever, it is unlucky for your son to have such a mother.


The people in the car also talked nonsense about the woman's fault. When his son came over, he turned his head and said, "Hurry up and apologize."

The woman saw that everyone was blaming her, and some of them couldn't get off the stage. Seeing the anger in her son's eyes, she could only say, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking nonsense."

Lu Yichen said with a cold face, "stand up and speak louder."

The woman stood up reluctantly, raised her voice and said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't be talking nonsense."

Lu Yichen threw the young man down the aisle, turned around and returned to his seat.

Seeing that Luo Qiao's nose was still red, she asked distressedly, "Does it still hurt?"

Luo Qiao shook her head and said, "It's alright,

Lu Yichen glanced out the car window and said, "I'll be in the city soon."

After saying that, she looked ahead, but when she saw what he searched, she rushed out. Before Luo Qiao could react, she felt the car shaking. When she saw what was happening in front of her, the male conductor also shouted. : "Master Qian, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Qiao and the others were sitting in this position just so they could clearly see the driver's every move. The driver must be ill, and he saw his arms slowly drop and his head tilted to the side of the door.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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