Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 195: Someone in the DPRK is easy to handle

Remember for a second【】

After finishing speaking, he took out a drawing he had drawn in advance from his bag and handed it to Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen took it and looked at it carefully for a while, and said, "Okay, leave this to me, and I will help you handle it."

Luo Qiao took out five pieces of Great Unity from her bag and handed them over: "Brother Lu, you can take the money first, and then you can return more and less to make up for it."

Lu Yichen took it after a little hesitation.

The two chose a place in the backyard, Lu Yichen left to find a place to buy materials, and Luo Qiao stayed to clear the place so that the materials could be pulled back for a while before the construction began.

Some celery and spinach were planted in the corner here. Luo Qiao first used her supernatural ability to spawn them, then harvested them all and put them in the space warehouse, and also put some in the kitchen in the front yard.

She put those celery roots into the space and planted them on the bank of the stream. In the space, her powers could not be used, so these things could not be wasted.

She will collect these vegetables and store them up and find a place to sell them at a good price in winter.

Lu Yichen came back quite fast. Not only did he bring back the materials, but he also brought back two workers. I heard Lu Yichen say that if one person pays one yuan, the work will be completed today. "

These materials were obtained from comrades-in-arms for help, but they were not given in vain, or they were purchased directly from the big Kurira of their third construction as a convenience. These two workers were also recommended by his comrades-in-arms.

The two of them rested today and just came out to earn some extra money, but this cannot be said explicitly.

These people are workers of Sanjian, and they started construction after reading the drawings, which is too simple for them.

Luo Qiao thought about having a meal at noon, so that the master could continue to work after a short break after eating. It is best to finish it early so that they can catch the bus going back in the afternoon.

The one who ran to the backyard said yes to the masters, and only then went out the door, and came back with some rice, noodles, oil and a chicken that had been chopped into pieces.

I left what I couldn’t take away from the kitchen, and I could cook a meal with them. I scrubbed the kitchen utensils, cooked a large pot of dishes with chicken nuggets, beans, celery, and tomatoes, and pasted two mixed noodles.

I also boiled egg spinach soup, just in time for the backyard to finish work, and Luo Qiao's meal is ready.

Those chefs had already smelled the fragrance in the backyard, and they were greedy enough. Because the kitchen was not complete, the two masters used clay pots to serve dishes and cakes.

It's just that no matter what you eat, this meal makes the two chefs praise the sky.

After eating and resting for a while, the master's door started to work again. If there was a wall over there to block some of the sun, it would be unbearable on such a hot day.

Luo Qiao boiled a pot of water, added sugar, and put it in a clay pot and sent it to the backyard.

I picked the cucumbers and tomatoes and washed them so they could eat them when they were thirsty. Then I went back to the front yard to go to the junkyard to see if there was anything I could use.

After saying hello to Lu Yichen, Luo Qiao left the yard. When passing by the post and telecommunications office, she thought that she should tell Grandpa Yuan and Grandpa Yang about going to City No. 1 Middle School. They must have been thinking about it.

After sending the letter, I walked quickly to the junkyard, but unfortunately I didn't find anything this time.

Thinking of the lack of things in the house, she went to the black market again, and when she came back again, the things that were lacking in the kitchen were basically completed.

Putting things down, seeing that there is still a little time, I washed my hands and turned out of the yard. I went to the supply and marketing agency across the street to buy a ruler and came back. I was ready to measure the size of the bed, and made mattresses and quilts these days.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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