Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 251 There is a thief

Remember for a second【】

In fact, it's not too late, it's just after nine o'clock. The main reason is that people don't have any entertainment activities. They are reluctant to turn on the lights and they are afraid of burning lamp oil, so most of them go to bed early.

When I arrived at the health center, I knocked on the door. At night, Dr. Gao lived here. He was afraid that someone would be in an emergency. Moreover, Dr. Gao's sons are now home, and the house is also tight.

That's the best of both worlds.

Luo Qiao guessed that Grandpa Lin must have acute appendicitis. Doctor Gao opened the door with his clothes on and saw them: "What's wrong?"

Mrs. Lin quickly talked about her old man's condition. Doctor Gao quickly checked it out. He asked questions while checking, and then said, "I have to send it to the hospital quickly. It should be acute appendicitis, so don't delay it any longer."

Doctor Gao said to Luo Qiao, "Luo Qiao, go to the yard of the brigade and push the platoon over here. Er Lengzi lives in the side room of the brigade now, just tell him."

Mrs. Lin said, "In the evening, Luo Qiao and I will go there together."

Doctor Gao patted his forehead and said, "Oh, I'm confused."

When the trolley was pushed out from the brigade, Luo Qiao said to Mrs. Lin, "Grandma Lin, you take the trolley to the health station first, and I'll call someone for help."

Luo Qiao thought that she had to find an authoritative witness for what happened tonight, so she ran to the captain's house. After the door was knocked on by Luo Qiao, she heard the inside ask, "Who is it?"

Luo Qiao said, "Aunt Gao, it's me, Luo Qiao."

Aunt Gao thought something happened to Luo Qiao, so she quickly came out and opened the door: "Luo Qiao, what happened?"

He also looked at Luo Qiao up and down, and was relieved to see that Luo Qiao was all right.

Luo Qiao said, "Aunt Gao, I'm fine, it's Grandpa Lin from the east who is ill. Doctor Gao said that he should be sent to the hospital. I'll tell the captain."

Qiao Lanlan shouted into the room, "Dad, you should follow along and see, don't let anything happen again."

Gao Jiefang, the leader of the squadron, hurried out of the room. When he arrived at the health center, the old man Lin was sweating profusely from the pain, and his face was pale. The few hurriedly pushed the car to take the person to the commune health center.

The doctor on duty said it would be open for surgery. When everyone came out in a hurry, no one carried any money. Luo Qiao said, "I'll put it on first."

Mrs. Lin's eyes were red and she said gratefully, "Thank you, my daughter.


Luo Qiao patted her hand: "It's fine if you're okay." Then she turned and left to pay the fee.

Originally, Gao Jiefang said that it was impossible, so he would hang the village account first, and then come back and settle it. Now that Luo Qiao has money, it is better to pay it, and the province hangs the account, but she still feels a little embarrassed on her face.

After everything was over, the person was sent to the ward, knowing that the person was all right, leaving Mrs. Lin to guard, and the few of them returned to the village together.

When they arrived in the village, it was already past two in the morning. The captain and Doctor Gao were worried and just took Luo Qiao to the door of the house. Only when they saw the open courtyard door, Luo Qiao said, "There are thieves."

This time the captain and Doctor Gao looked at each other and let Luo Qiao lean back. The two of them entered the yard and saw that the door was open. She was really guessed.

He even took away the quilt on Luo Qiaokang, not even the enamel washbasin in the room.

Half a bag of coarse grains in the kitchen was also carried away. Luo Qiao thought that these two were really talented people, because she was thinking of using the things in this yard as a dowry.

Don't tell me, that's what the two of them thought. Anyway, the things here are also Luo Qiao's. Now they belong to their family. Naturally, this thing can't be left behind. It's a dowry, or they spent two hundred yuan. Wouldn't it be a loss.

Luo Qiao said to the captain: "It seems that I still have to report to the police. This is all my belongings, and it is too bullying."

So the captain didn't go home, and went to the commune police station to report the case overnight. Originally, the captain didn't want to report to the police.

If it takes a long time to find out, Gao Jiefang has a severe headache now. It is either with the health center or with the police station. This village is really uneasy.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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