Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 315 Who wants to be disgusted to death

Remember for a second【】

Xie Guiqin picked up the awl and stuck it on the sole of the shoe, thinking that it would be impossible to talk about it if she didn't go there.

With a sigh, he continued to put the soles of his shoes on, and said casually, "The third child doesn't know where to go again."

On the train, the aunt next to Luo Qiao was packing up and preparing to get off at the station in front of her. Seeing that a girl in Luo Qiao was out, the aunt said enthusiastically to Luo Qiao, "Be vigilant on the train and pay attention to safety."

After Luo Qiao thanked her with a smile, she helped the aunt take down the luggage from the luggage rack and watched her get off the bus. It was a small station, but there were many passengers waiting to get on the platform.

It didn't take long for someone to come up. A woman came up with a few children. The girl at the head came over to see that the seat next to Luo Qiao was vacant and shouted, "Mother, come here, there is a seat here."

The woman was carrying a rucksack on her back, a child tied to her chest, and a smaller girl behind her. The children's clothes were too dirty to look at. Luo Qiao thought to herself that she would never go out. Pack up the kids.

The woman put the bag down and placed it in the aisle, sat down directly, then looked at Luo Qiao who was sitting inside, pointed to the seat between the two, and said to the older girl, "Come and sit here."

Luo Qiao thought that it was not easy to go out, so she took the initiative to move in to make the little girl sit more comfortable, but as soon as the little girl sat down, Luo Qiao's face changed, and her first reaction was to stand up immediately. up.

Because just when she turned her head, she saw the lice on the head of the little girl next to her, and they were very active in groups, crawling around on her hair.

Luo Qiao put away her things, then stood up and said, "I'll go out for a while, you all sit here."

The woman didn't think that Luo Qiao would give up her seat, and didn't say thank you, she just pulled the little girl beside her and said to the one who was standing, "Go in and let my sister sit down."

On the other hand, Luo Qiao walked a little further and found a seat there and sat down. Everyone thought that Luo Qiao was helpful.

But as the train pulled out of the station, the younger girl couldn't sit still in her seat, so she stood up and walked around, but when the old-fashioned train was always unstable, the train swayed, and the little girl didn't. Standing still, he fell onto the body of the passenger next to him.

Originally, the child's clothes were dirty, and when the passenger caught her, he saw the lice on her head clearly, and he screamed with a wow.

Just pushed the little girl out.

The little girl was pushed directly into the arms of the passenger on the opposite side. Before the passenger on the opposite side could react, she heard the woman screaming and pointing at the little girl's head: "There are lice, there are lice."

Only then did the eyes of the people around look at the little girl's head. Oh my god, there are not so many lice in general, it can't be said to be densely packed, but the number is quite considerable.

This time, the passenger also pushed the child away directly, and stood up himself, not to mention that there were really fallen lice on his body, and hurriedly shook his clothes, and the passengers next to him also stood up one after another, preventing her from shaking himself. .

Everyone avoided the little girl like the plague, and the mother who screamed at the beginning said to the little girl: "You are too lazy, the lice on the child's head are a disaster, you don't care, go out Don't clean up the body of the child, who would you like to be disgusted to death?"

The woman holding the baby said, "It's just you people in the city making a fuss about which baby in the village has no lice on its head."

The woman who was so angry didn't know what to say, she just glared at the mother a few times, patted herself and left with her belongings.

Someone next to him whispered, "I can't blame the girl for giving up her seat just now. She must have seen the lice on the little girl's head, so people didn't dare to sit, and they left after being embarrassed."

The little girl who was laughed at by others hid in her sister's place and didn't dare to come out and walk around again. Everyone saw that the woman was a jerk, and they didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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