Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Second

Remember for a second【】

Luo Chengxuan saw the eager eyes of his family, thinking that they really needed this batch of notes, sighed in his heart, opened his mouth several times without saying a word, but sometimes he had to bow his head like reality.

After hesitating for a long time, he said, "Luo Qiao, Pengfei really needs this approval slip, but we can't take this batch of slips in vain, we just follow the rules in the factory as Pengfei said. Uncle is here to thank you. ."

Yao Lili said, "Dad, our family doesn't have that much money now?"

Wu Peiling even grabbed the corner of her clothes with her hands. She also knew that these batches of papers were not easy to get, but the family really didn't have that much money.

Yao Chengxuan said, "Let's see how far it is, let's borrow some to make up."

Yao Lili stopped her and said, "It's better to owe Luo Qiao first instead of borrowing from others. It would be embarrassing to borrow money everywhere, and let people know that our family is carrying debts, and there is no good girl willing to marry my brother."

Yao Chengxuan let out a heavy sigh. He didn't know if his body was angry or anxious, but he swayed for a while: "If you want to be a white wolf with empty gloves, sooner or later I will be pissed off by you."

Turning to look at his wife Wu Peiling: "Let's see how much money there is at home?"

Wu Peiling didn't need to look at it to know that she would count it out when she was okay, and said, "There are three hundred and sixty-two dollars left."

Yao Chengxuan said: "Leave the 12 emergency and take out 350 yuan. I will give Luo Qiao an IOU for the remaining 150 yuan, and I will pay it off before May 1 next year."

Yao Chengxuan looked at his wife and said, "Why are you like them, wanting to take other people's things for nothing?"

Wu Peiling hurriedly waved her hand and said, "No, no, I want to discuss with you, can I take two hundred yuan first, and then make an IOU of three hundred yuan, and we will pay it off before August 1st.

Pengfei is not too young. I was thinking that if he gets a regular job and there is a suitable girl, we can have a happy event right away with some money. I calculated that if Pengfei gets a regular job and you have a salary, it will be before August 1. We can definitely pay it off. "

This is also reasonable. Yao Chengxuan's face is really flushed. He doesn't know how to talk to Luo Qiao. He has never been so embarrassed in half his life.

Luo Qiaoxi also watched for a long time, and then she said: "The money is no longer needed, this batch of notes was originally obtained by chance, Brother Pengfei really needs it, even if I have protected me from Uncle Yao and Aunt Yao in those years. return."

After Luo Qiao finished speaking, the Yao family felt ashamed.

Even Yao Lili felt that her face was so hot, she could not wait to find a hole in the ground to get in.

Yao Chengxuan wanted to say something, but was stopped by Luo Qiao: "Uncle, I will never forget your kindness to me for the rest of my life. For now, you can take it as my wish. It's enough that I understand what you mean."

Luo Qiao didn't stay any longer, and now she is helping the original owner to repay the debt of favor, and no one will mention what they owe them in the future.

After leaving the Yao family, she didn't rush home, but walked slowly in the snow, thinking that she didn't expect that the transfer quota would be so valuable, wouldn't this owe the Jiang family a big favor.

After walking for one stop, I got on the bus before the stop sign. I kept thinking about how to repay this favor. I didn't do it beautifully. It was like tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

When she got off the bus and was about to cross the road, she heard someone calling her name. She turned around and looked for the voice, only to find out that it was Gao Baozhu, the eldest son of the captain's family. Luo Qiao asked in surprise, "Paul. Brother Zhu, why are you here?"

Gao Baozhu stomped the snow on his feet: "Luo Qiao, something has happened in the village recently. My mother asked me to tell you. I don't know the exact location of your house. It's been around for a long time."

After Luo Qiao heard this, she quickly said, "It's cold today, let's go, let's go home first, just as we recognize the door, next time you have something to do, just go home directly."

The two walked home one after the other, and when they entered the door, Luo Qiao quickly poured an enamel cup of brown sugar water into Gao Baozhu: "Brother Baozhu, drink some hot water to warm up."

Gao Baozhu took the enamel cup: "Luo Qiao, don't be too busy, there is still a long way to go from here to the factory, I'll leave when I'm done."

Gao Baozhu told Luo Qiao what Zhao Jianing had done carefully, and also said that the Zhao family has been lively these days, and the sisters are either fighting or arguing every day, and they have almost become the play troupe in the village.

He also said that Aunt Gao told Luo Qiao not to go back to the village before she was fine, so she would be angry when she went back, and she had to be involved.

After listening to it, Luo Qiao said, "Thank you, Brother Baozhu, for letting you make this trip all the way."

Gao Baozhu smiled and said, "Thank you, this is not what it should be."

After thinking of something, he continued: "By the way, there is another thing in the village, my mother asked me to tell you, that is, Zhang Dezheng and his young son, for some unknown reason, strayed into the hinterland of Daqingshan before.

As a result, it took a few days to walk out. Zhang Dezheng was injured on his arm. The commune health center said that the delay was too long. People in the village say that they have lost their souls. "

Luo Qiao chuckled: "This is a retribution for doing something bad."

After he finished speaking, he got up and took a cloth bag and packed some of all kinds of marine goods. Then he said to Gao Baozhu: "Brother Baozhu, these are some marine goods. You can bring them back to my aunt. I didn't go back to the village a few years ago. already."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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