Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Five

Remember for a second【】

Jiang Dongli coughed lightly and said, "Luo Qiao, you also heard what the doctor said just now. Thank you for this today. As long as there is any use for our Jiang family in the future, you can open your mouth."

Before Luo Qiao could say something polite, she turned to his wife Qu Meimei and said, "Meizi, go and get the money."

The family does have so much money now, just to buy ginseng, Qu Meimei quickly brought the money over.

Luo Qiao said: "Uncle, listen to me first, I gave away the quota you gave me. When I took it from you, I was too young and ignorant to know how valuable it was. .

Originally, I wanted to repay the debt of favor. Later, it was said that a regular worker in the factory would cost 500 yuan. Only then did I know that the approval note was so valuable. I was worried about how to repay your favor. "

Hearing what Luo Qiao said, Jiang Dongli quickly stopped him and said, "Luo Qiao, one yard is one yard, that thing may indeed be valuable and useful in the hands of those who need it.

However, that batch of slips is different from a regular job quota. That batch of slips can only be used by temporary workers. It is not essentially a regular job quota, but can be converted from temporary workers to regular workers.

The approval note I gave you was also thought to be a waste in my hands, so I gave it to you, so it really can't be counted like that. "

Several people pushed and refused for a long time, but Jiang Dongli couldn't do anything about Luo Qiao. The last approval slip was worth 300 yuan, and everyone was happy. Luo Qiao didn't need to owe any favors, and she also earned 2,200 yuan. Jiang The family is also happy to have ginseng.

When they came out from Jiang's house, they saw Lu Yichen who was waiting not far away, Luo Qiao and Jiang's family waved their hands and walked towards Lu Yichen quickly: "How long have you been waiting, there is snow all over the body, not behind the gate. And the umbrella, why don't you open it?"

Lu Yichen raised his head and glanced at the sky: "I didn't fall that big when I came out just now. I didn't expect the snow to get heavy just after I came here."

When I got home, Luo Qiao said, if you're not in a hurry to go back, let's fry those tofu, I'm afraid I won't be busy tomorrow.

Lu Yichen nodded: "You tell me what to do?"

The stone peeled the onion, Luo Qiao took out a small piece of meat left before and let Lu Yi chop it into stuffing, she took the carrot and cleaned it, and then handed it to Lu Yichen to let her cut it into pieces.

After that, I found a big pot to prepare the dough. Tomorrow will be steaming steamed buns and flower cakes. When she is done here, Lu Yichen chops up the meat, carrots, and green onions.

Luo Qiao washed her hands,

Scrape the tofu, put the chopped carrots, meat, and green onions in, and beat two eggs in according to the habits of later generations. After adding the seasoning, hand it to Lu Yichen to stir.

I quickly cut the other tofu into large pieces and prepared them. I put them in the water and added salt to soak for a while before taking them out to control the water. Then I put oil in the pot. Lu Yichen helped set the fire on the side. I moved the stool over to do my homework over there.

After a busy night, I fried two pots of tofu puffs and a large pot of tofu balls. Shi Shi said, "These tofu balls are delicious."

Luo Qiao smiled and said, "I'll bring everything to you for a while. This is your food ration during the Chinese New Year. I'll fry some meatballs and vegetarian balls tomorrow, and I'll fry some small twists for you as snacks."

It was getting late when the two were sent away. Luo Qiao was really tired today, so she took a bath first after entering the space, or else the smell of oil smoke on her body was too much.

But she didn't know that the neighbors next to her were all tempted by the smell of her croquettes, and they were all coming out, and they didn't fall asleep when it was very late.

The next day, I got up early. The noodles I made yesterday were ready. Luo Qiao first steamed the steamed buns, sugar packets, flower rolls, and flower cakes. They steamed a lot of everything. When Lu Yichen came over, the noodles were half steamed. .

After eating, Lu Yichen said, "I'll help you with what else you need to do."

Luo Qiao looked at him: "Aren't you going to work today?"

Lu Yichen gave a soft 'um', and the stone behind him said loudly, "My brother took a leave of absence. She said she was helping my sister at home today."

Lu Yichen glanced at the stone: "You talk too much."

Then he said to Luo Qiao in a hurry: "I am on duty during the New Year. This is an early adjustment."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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