Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 642: Success is not enough and failure is more than enough

Remember for a second【】

After Huo Yuhao's affairs were settled, Luo Qiao left. She went home with her second brother, Luo Xuyuan, to the Yipin Fruit and Vegetable Base in Jishi.

Luo Xuyuan felt that his younger sister was indeed more promising than their brothers. He didn't expect that in addition to Beijing, the Yipin fruit and vegetable base in Jicheng was so prosperous.

After thinking about going back, they must work harder. Fortunately, the things they have researched in the past two years are almost ready, the research and development stage has been completed, and they will wait for the finished product to be produced. rich.

Luo Qiao's first-grade fruits and vegetables are now quite famous. Every province has a base of fruit and vegetables, and there are more than one. In addition to the first-grade fruits and vegetables, there is also the Yameng Flower Garden. However, the flower garden is only available in the provincial capital in the north, and larger in the south. Cities have.

However, these Luo Qiao did not tell the family one by one. Before, they only knew that Luo Qiao and her friends had established a vegetable base in Beijing. Now Luo Siyuan knew that Yipin Fruits and Vegetables belonged to her younger sister.

It's impossible not to be shocked. I didn't expect my sister to have such great courage. It's thousands of acres of land, and ordinary people don't have that courage.

The next day, Luo Qiao and Luo Xuyuan sat back to Qingshan Village. She didn't think that she would be dumbfounded when she entered the village. The villagers were all catching pigs by the riverside, watching those pigs run wild.

Luo Qiao originally wanted to find someone to ask what happened, but a pig came over to their siblings. Luo Qiao was not afraid of these pigs because of her skills. She was saying that she was someone who lived in the end times anyway. The pig was subdued in a few moments.

A villager came to help tie the pig's trotters first, and Luo Qiao asked, "What's going on here, why are the pigs running out?"

As the villager was busy with his work, he said, "I'm not the youngest son of Gao Shunyi's family yet.

Today, a pig farm was built in Kaichun Village, which is regarded as the collective property of the village. At that time, Li Xiulan made a noise and insisted that her youngest son Gao Rusen go to work on the pig farm, saying that her son could not do heavy work because of his injury.

The cadres in the village discussed it and agreed.

Today, it was Gao Rusen's turn to clean up the pigsty. He didn't expect that kid to drive the pigs in the small pigsty to the big one without plugging the door. Halfway through the cleanup, someone was looking for him, so he threw his things and left.

If it wasn't for a child who went to the back to mow the grass, something was wrong, and the village was notified, I am afraid that the pigs would all run away. "

There was a riot of troops and horses, and the last one who came to the village was not caught.

These two senior brothers seem to have opened their minds. Although they are fat, they are a flexible fat man who shuttles through the crowd.

The village chief Li Suozhu originally wanted to block the pig from the front, but he did not expect the pig to rush up directly. The village chief was hit and climbed onto the pig's back. The village chief was also quite frightened.

Fortunately, they didn't run very far and were forced to stop by everyone. Someone stepped forward to pull the village head up, and the big guys started to tie the pig together.

The people who came down the mountain ran to the party secretary and the village chief: "The party secretary and the village chief, two pigs fell off the cliff, and they were all injured."

The village head Li Suozhu was very angry and looked at Gao Shunyi on the side: "Shunyi, what do you think about this?"

Gao Shunyi also has a big head now, and he doesn't know where that nasty thing is now. He has caused such a big disaster. This is because he wants to piss him off.

The village chief saw that Gao Shunyi did not speak, so he first and the village cadres instructed the villagers to send the bundled pigs back to the pig farm. The pigs could not be tied up like this forever. The old man in charge of feeding the pigs said, "This pig is frightened today. It’s not small, but don’t give up the meat if you don’t eat it.”

When the villagers heard this, their faces were not very good-looking. The two injured pigs were also in trouble for the village chief. Now they kill and sell meat, they feel that the loss is terrible, but who knows if they will get better if they don't kill them.

He sent someone to invite the veterinarian in the commune to come over. After inspecting the two pigs at the pig farm, the veterinarian shook his head.

He stood up and pointed at the pig on the ground: "This one has a broken leg, and although there is an injury on the head, it is not a big problem to stop the bleeding, but the other side is not good, and the blood loss is too much, so let's deal with it as soon as possible, it's hot today , don't go wrong again."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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