Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 650 Returning to Beijing, It's Good

Remember for a second【】

Shen Juan took over the difference and thanked the guy on the bottom bunk opposite, then packed up her things and climbed onto the top bunk.

I didn't sleep anymore and chatted with Luo Qiao.

During the chat, Luo Qiao learned that she was going to attend her cousin's wedding before, and now she is going directly to Beijing by car. She is going to help her sister-in-law take care of the children for a period of time, and by the way, she will get acquainted with Beijing in advance.

The two chatted for a while, the lights in the car dimmed, and then they each fell asleep.

The next day, Luo Qiao woke up early, entered the space by using the toilet, and took care of herself. When she came back, she saw that her second brother had also got off the bunk.

Luo Qiao woke up Shen Juan, who was still asleep, and said, "Get up and pack up, the car should arrive at the station in a while."

Shen Juan stretched her waist: "Fortunately, you called me, or I would have slept in fear."

Luo Qiao said with a smile, "I can't sleep in the sleeper carriage. The conductor should come over to exchange the ticket in a while. Come down and clean up. There will be more people washing up in a while."

The train slowed down with a long honk and was about to enter the station. When Shen Juan came back after washing up, she saw someone talking to Luo Qiao. Luo Qiao then introduced, "This is my second brother, Luo Xuyuan."

He said to his second brother, "This is Shen Juan, and this is the third time I met on the train."

Luo Xuyuan nodded at the person, saying hello.

The train slowly entered the station, and she could see the people outside the station. Luo Qiao saw Lu Yichen in the crowd at a glance.

Lu Yichen seemed to have telepathy, yes, he walked to the carriage where Luo Qiao was, waited for the car to stop, and the three got out of the car together.

Luo Xuyuan did not expect that Lu Yichen would come to pick them up, although he felt that Lu Yichen was not worthy of his sister, but since he was identified by his sister, he would not deliberately embarrass him.

After Luo Qiao got off the car, she said with a smile, "Didn't I tell you not to pick up?"

Lu Yichen said, "I can't delay going to work in the morning. Let's go out for breakfast first, and I'll take you back."

Luo Qiao said to Shen Juan generously, "This is my partner, Lu Yichen."

He added, "This is Shen Juan, whom I met on the train."

Lu Yichen put away the doting expression on his face and nodded to Shen Juan,

Then he talked to Luo Qiao.

The group left the station, and someone from Shen Juan came to pick them up, so they said goodbye to Luo Qiao and left.

Lu Yichen first took Luo Qiao and second uncle to have breakfast not far away before sending them home.

After arriving at the place, Lu Yichen didn't go in, but just got out of the car to say a few words to Luo Qiao and second uncle, and then drove away.

As soon as the brothers and sisters entered the yard, they saw that the elder brother was helping grandpa kill chickens there.

Luo Xuyan saw them as soon as he looked up: "Qiaoqiao, Xuyuan, you are back."

After speaking, he did not forget to shout into the room, "Grandma, Qiaoqiao and Xuyuan are back."

Luo Qiao looked at Luo Daoren who was full of chicken feathers: "Grandpa, I'm back, do you miss me?"

Luo Daoren saw his granddaughter come back, and his face was full of smiles: "It's good to come back, now I can finally stay in Beijing safely."

After Luo Xuyan finished shouting, he turned to Luo Qiao and Xu Yuan and said, "Come in, the chicken will be slaughtered in a while, and grandma will cook the chicken soup."

When Wu Yunmei heard the movement downstairs, she also came downstairs: "Qiaoqiao, you are finally back. Your elder brother has been talking about you these days."

Luo Qiao smiled and said, "I'm back, sister-in-law, your school is on vacation."

Wu Yunmei nodded and said, "It's a holiday."

Zhou Guifang also came out of the kitchen with a smile: "It can be regarded as coming back."

Luo Qiao walked over and hugged her grandmother: "I can't say that I will come back every day when I go back to Beijing to go to school. At least I can come back to see you and my grandpa every five minutes from the mountain."

The family entered the house with a smile, and Zhou Guifang said, "Grandma loves to hear this. Don't worry, grandpa and grandma won't hold you back. We will come back to accompany our old couple when we have time. We are content."

Luo Qiao looked at her eldest brother after entering the room: "Brother, you are in a good mood. You did well in the test this time."

Luo Xuyan smiled and said, "Anyway, I have done everything I can, so there shouldn't be a big problem."

Luo Qiao smiled and said, "That's great."

Except for Wu Yunmei, everyone in the Luo family understands the meaning of Luo Qiao. Zhou Guifang even burst into tears and said, "It's good."

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I like to dress up as an eighty-nine supernatural girl

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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