Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 729: How are your Zheng family going to deal with this?

Remember for a second【】

At this time, the second sister-in-law Wang Lanxiang also stepped forward: "I have never seen you so shameless. We can send some supplements to my sister-in-law to make you think about it like this. It's okay to let the child go to ask for it all day. To intentionally harm people.

If it weren't for our family's excellent medical skills, you all have to stay in the situation now. Our Luo family has a raised daughter, and it is really unreasonable to be bullied by your sister-in-law in your Zheng family. "

While talking, Wang Lanxiang started to cry, Song Shiya stepped forward and hugged her daughter-in-law and cried too. At this time, the sister-in-law in the lobby stepped forward and pulled the two back.

Looking at what I said earlier, Zhou Guifang said, "Today we are here to ask my in-laws how your Zheng family is going to handle this."

Everyone's eyes turned to Zheng Daquan and his wife, Zheng Daquan turned his head and glanced at his two sons: "These two troublemakers are fucking red eyes, and they are subsidized by their parents' parents, then you go to your parents' home, the whole thing. God knows trouble.

Zhiqiang and Zhijun, they are your daughters-in-law. Your mother and I are getting old, and your daughter-in-law has broken hearts and wants to harm others. You can do it. There is always an explanation for this. "

Zheng Zhiqiang and Zheng Zhijun knew that if they didn't give an explanation today, the matter would not go through, and if the three younger siblings hadn't interceded, they would all have to get involved now.

So the two of them moved their hands directly, and they didn't show any sympathy on their hands. That was really a dead hand. After fighting for a long time, Luo Daoren stood up and said, "If you want to teach them a lesson, don't be in front of us. I came here to speak, not to watch you beat people."

Luo Qiao almost laughed when she heard her grandmother Zhou Guifang also say, "My dear family, let them stop. If it's a real fight, it's up to you. Besides, you're not afraid of scaring your grandsons and granddaughters."

Hao Xiuyue had to say: "Okay, stop fighting, a bunch of shameful things."

When Zheng Zhiqiang and Zheng Zhijun stopped, the two daughters-in-law of the Zheng family hurriedly covered their faces and entered the house. They were really shameless to see people. They were beaten in front of the Luo family members and family members. How can they see people in the future.

After the eldest daughter-in-law of the Zheng family went into the house and cleaned herself up, she thought that it was indeed their fault yesterday. Fortunately, the third siblings begged her parents not to call the police, and she was beaten to relieve her anger. It was worth it.

But the second daughter-in-law of the Zheng family doesn't think so. Although her maiden's family also said yesterday that it's okay to make the Luo family angry no matter what, it's too embarrassing, except that she didn't reflect on herself, she blamed Luo Jialin instead.

In the yard, Zhou Guifang said, "My dear, when you went to the hospital last night, did Zhiyuan tell you anything?"

Hao Xiuyue nodded and said, "I said,

He felt sorry for Jialin and made Jialin aggrieved. This time, it was true that our Zheng family couldn't be sorry to Jialin. Since she married, there was really nothing we could deal with. "

Zhou Guifang said: "Since my granddaughter came out to plead and let us not call the police, then we also respect Jialin's intentions, but since we came here today to talk about it, we can't just talk about it.

When I come back from the hospital in the future, the stirring spoon in a pot will inevitably be bumped, so our Luo family hopes that Zhiyuan and the couple will share the order, so that how much our mother's family subsidizes, it is useless for others to be jealous. "…

Hao Xiuyue glanced at Zheng Daquan, the old couple were silent, and Zheng Daquan said for a long time, "My family, I'm afraid this is not right, is there a younger brother below Zhiyuan who is not married?"

Shang Jie, the sister-in-law in the lobby, said, "Uncle is wrong. We Jialin will move out after we split up, just to make room for your youngest son. Otherwise, your youngest son won't even have a wedding room when he gets married. ."

These words directly hit Zheng Daquan in the face, making his old face blush.

No one is a fool. Now, the third and second members of the family have high salaries. They just want the third and the third to pull out of the family, but the Luo family came here this time to let them go, but they won't show any respect for them.

Hao Xiuyue said, "Jialin is still in the confinement period. What if they split the confinement period?"

Luo Qiao smiled and said: "Auntie, you don't have to worry about this, even if the family is separated, it does not mean that you will not be allowed to live at home immediately, we certainly cannot deprive you of your right to serve the confinement.

The eldest sister-in-law of the Zheng family and the second sister-in-law have given birth to so many children, not all of them are served by you, but our Luo family also feel sorry for the cousin, and my aunt will also come to help you with the confinement, so you can't be alone. no.

It's not impossible to move out now. Our Luo family definitely has that ability, but we can't do that because she is the daughter-in-law of your Zheng family. This time, you and your uncle will not be implicated.

Our Luo family has clear grievances and grievances, and we won't blame the old couple. In the future, my cousin and cousin-in-law will have to respect you well, so the confinement will definitely come back to sit. My cousin gave birth to a pair of twins. , I have to let the two little guys kiss their grandfather and grandma. "

Zhou Guifang didn't know what her granddaughter was thinking, but she also agreed: "That's the reason. Even if Jialin wants to move out, it has to be after the confinement. The two children have to come back and let grandpa and grandma see if they are not."

After the Zheng family discussed it, they simply split the other two rooms. Of course, they didn't want to, but Hao Xiuyue thought clearly, if only the third son was separated, there would still be a problem in the future.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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