Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter eight hundred and eighteen strike while the iron is hot

Remember for a second【】

Gu Qianru had been waiting at the gate early, feeling distressed about the child's experience, and wanted him to feel the warm love from them, so that the child could get out of the shadows in his heart earlier.

In the afternoon, Luo Qiao came home as scheduled. After changing her clothes, she greeted her family and took her grandfather and grandmother to the train station.

It was after eleven o'clock at night when we arrived in Jishi. When the second brother Luo Xuyuan received the person, his face was full of smiles: "Grandma, Dad, Qiaoqiao, it's hard for you."

Luo Haotian said, "Can we do it without working hard? You can't wait until the end of the New Year if you are so anxious."

Luo Xuyuan was a little embarrassed: "Xiao Ya's parents finally let go, I must not strike while the iron is hot, anyway, everything at home is almost ready, and we can get married in time after the new year."

Zhou Guifang reached out and patted his grandson on the back: "You bastards, the Xiao family won't have time to prepare."

Luo Xuyuan smiled and ran a few steps forward: "When we confirmed our relationship, Xiao Ya wrote a letter and went home, the Xiao family has already started preparing things, I'm not thinking about getting married sooner or later, so I might as well do it during the holidays. "

After listening to Luo Daoren, he said, "It's not impossible. Tomorrow, let's talk frankly and honestly with our in-laws. The children are all quite old, and they can talk about it if they don't want to delay their study time."

When he got home, Luo Xuyuan brought out the steamed buns, vegetables, and cooked porridge from the kitchen. Everyone ate some casually and went to bed early.

The next day, the Xiao family got up early to clean up, and the two couples had already reached a consensus that since the daughter likes it, the young man is also a good person. As long as the Luo family is of good character, then they do not object to the idea of ​​the children wanting to get married during the holiday.

After all, the girl will be twenty-one in the next year, and after a few more years, she will become an old girl. Both of them are college students, not to mention that the Luo family boy said that Xiao Ya will not suffer hardships if he has an income. He also heard from his daughter. The son-in-law is amazing.

The Luo family arrived at ten o'clock, carrying rich gifts, and the neighbors were not envious. They all said that Xiao Ya's life was good, and everyone found a college student in Beijing.

When the people who came to see the lively knew that the people who came were the other party's grandma, father and sister, they felt that the other party also attached great importance to Xiao Ya, and then learned that Xu Yuan's father was the deputy director of the machinery factory, and everyone in the family had Work, and three of the siblings are college students, that is even more envious.

Things went well, and the Luo family was full of sincerity. They said that the Xiao family went to Beijing on the sixth day of the first month, and the Luo family gave the dowry on the spot, and the wedding day was set on the ninth day of the first month.

After lunch,

Luo Xuyuan accompanies Xiao Ya to buy clothes, Luo Qiao takes her grandma and father back home to settle down, and goes to Huo Yuhao to get a ticket to Beijing in the afternoon.

Huo Yuhao has already opened the home appliance store, and the business is quite good. It is still open today on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. Luo Qiao also followed around the store and gave some suggestions.

Now, the work of connecting with Huo Yuhao's side is done by Xu Yuqing and Xu Shifan, Luo Qiao is a solid hands-off shopkeeper.

In the afternoon, the Luo family got on the train back to Beijing.

On the 30th of the twelfth lunar month, several people from the Luo family came home one after another. When they learned that Luo Xuyuan was going to get married on the ninth day of the first lunar month, everyone laughed at Luo Xuyuan.

But everyone is not surprised, after all, it has been mentioned before, but I didn't expect it to be settled so quickly.

Things for marriage have been prepared long ago, so the family will not be in a hurry.

During this year's reunion dinner, Luo Haotian drank too much. He said that after the end of the year, the family was going to import a baby, but Qiaoqiao was about to get married. Just like Jialin, she was from someone else's family, and she felt uncomfortable.

Later, he laughed and teased himself for being hypocritical, and said that he had prepared a sum of money for Luo Qiao as the bottom of the press box, so that his daughter would marry beautifully, and was later supported by Luo Siyuan and sent back to the room.

Luo Siyuan helped his father to scrub, and then said, "You should pay more attention to me in the future, they all care."

The time soon arrived on the sixth day of the first lunar month, and the Xiao family also arrived as promised. Seeing the Luo family's house, and seeing the Luo family's attitude towards several grandchildren, I felt even more relieved.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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