Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Eight hundred and twentieth chapters 2 brother's generosity

Remember for a second【】

School starts tomorrow, and Luo Qiao was packing things in the evening when Luo Xuyuan knocked on the door and walked in, handing a document bag over: "This is a wedding gift from the second brother, you have packed it yourself."

Luo Qiao asked with a smile, "What is it?"

Luo Xuyuan said: "Don't you like courtyard houses? Just as someone was about to take action, I went over with my friends to take a look. It's not as big as the second courtyard you live in now, but the house is okay, so I bought it."

Luo Qiao frowned and said, "I like Siheyuan, but it's too expensive. I really can't accept it. Besides, my sister-in-law also likes courtyards. You know that. I don't want to make you feel bad about it."

Luo Xuyuan said softly: "Don't worry, this is what I thought about it before, and I also bought a set for her, just a little farther away from your place, don't refuse.

The second brother can have today because of you, Qiaoqiao. The second brother also wants to do something for you as much as he can. I know you are not short of money, but I know that you like courtyard houses. Accept it, this is the second brother a little thought. "

Luo Qiao looked down at the house certificate and key in her hand, and then looked at the second brother's expression that I won't agree if you don't accept it, and said, "Okay, I accept it, thank you second brother.

If the second brother has spare money in his hand, he can buy a few more houses and store it up. Anyway, he can rent it if he doesn't live there, and he can also take a mortgage loan if he is in a hurry. "

Luo Xuyuan touched his sister's head: "Second brother, remember, pack up and rest early."

After Luo Xuyuan returned to the room, seeing that Xiao Ya had already packed up and went to bed, she still had a book in her hand, and said, "It's getting late, rest early, and I'll send you to report tomorrow."

After she finished speaking, she took the book from her hand, then turned off the light and went to bed......

Early the next morning, Lu Yichen came over to have breakfast at Luo's house, and picked Luo Qiao to school.

Luo Xuyan also wants to go to school, but he will no longer live on campus this semester. He rents a house not far from the school, sends the child to his mother-in-law during the day, and picks them up at night.

Zhou Xiaomin has already started to go to work. For the time being, her two children can only be taken care of by her grandfather and grandmother, because her mother is still at work and cannot help her, and it is impossible for her to ask for leave all the time.

From going to work, going to school, going to school, Luo's yard suddenly lost its usual liveliness.

Zhou Guifang looked at the twins in the crib in the living room: "Fortunately, there are you guys with grandma,

is not it. "

Luo Daoren said with a smile: "It will be hot in a few days, so we will push the two children to the square in front of us. It was repaired last year. I think a lot of trees have been planted. It is definitely indispensable to bring the children to play. "

Luo Xuyuan took Xiao Ya not to the school, but to a hutong not far from the school. Xiao Ya asked inexplicably, "What are you hiding from me? If we don't go to school, we will be late."

Luo Xuyuan took her to a gate, took the key and opened the gate, Xiao Ya covered her mouth all of a sudden: "Xuyuan, you didn't really buy a courtyard house, did you?"

Those eyes are really not enough to see. I looked left and right, and I didn't forget to look at Luo Xuyuan beside him. Seeing Luo Xuyuan nodded, he shouted again: "You can buy it as you like, how much does it cost?"

Luo Xuyuan smiled and said: "This place is not too far from our two schools, so we don't have to live on campus anymore, just go back here at night."

Xiao Ya's eyes turned red all of a sudden: "Xuyuan, you are so kind to me, but how can we tell the family, will grandpa and grandma be unhappy?"

Luo Xuyuan smiled: "What a silly girl, grandpa and grandma are too happy to see that we bought a house, how could they be angry with us, besides, we bought the house after we got married, grandpa and grandma will only say that you are prosperous husband."

Xiao Ya thought about it for a while: "It seems that you are right, but it doesn't seem right. We have only been married for more than ten days, and you were not the one I was prosperous before."

Luo Xuyuan was immediately amused by Xiao Ya's words: "Why are you so cute, alright, don't think about it, anyway, the family will definitely not be angry, just pack up and send you to report, at noon we will Meet at the noodle shop at the entrance of Hutong, remember."

Before Xiao Ya could recover, Luo Xuyuan had already put the luggage of the two of them in the house, then locked the door and dragged her out of the alley.

Walking to the entrance of the alley, Xiao Ya confirmed it again: "That house really belongs to us?"

Luo Xuyuan patted the top of her head amusingly: "Really, haven't you recovered yet?"

Xiao Ya smiled now: "Then I will also plant all kinds of flowers in the yard, just like the garden in Qiao Qiao's backyard."

Luo Xuyuan watched Xiao Ya contemplating the future there with pampering, and from time to time he danced excitedly to express his thoughts, thinking that this is happiness.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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