Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 850: Punishment, Relief

Remember for a second【】

Deliberately paused: "Oh, I understand, you want to stir up the negative emotions of the students, and then let everyone isolate me and attack me, it's better if this postgraduate quota is withdrawn, I really didn't expect you to be such a person ."

Tan Xiaoyan's face blushed when Luo Qiao talked about the central matter, and she was ashamed.

Luo Qiao was over her mouth addiction and didn't want to say anything. She saved too much. Tan Xiaoyan's self-esteem couldn't take it anymore. She didn't want to cause trouble.

As for that sentence related to the leader, Luo Qiao also explained her meaning to the department leader before, and it was completely different from Di Manning's.

In the end, both Tan Xiaoyan and Di Manning were given a warning, which was considered a light treatment, and it could not be changed when Di Manning's parents knew about it.

Tan Xiaoyan didn't expect things to turn out like this. She shot herself in the foot with a stone, and she didn't know how she got back to the dormitory. She was afraid that the scholarship would also miss her in the future. What should she do in the next year or so? , This punishment is to be recorded in the file, and I regret it for a while.

After Luo Qiao submitted the application to the counselor, she went to the third year classroom to find Ji Lin for lunch in the cafeteria. On the way, she called Aunt Rong and told her that she would not be going home today.

After hanging up the phone, she heard Shen Juan calling them: "Luo Qiao, Ji Lin, you two have no conscience, don't say wait for me."

Ji Lin countered: "I can let you catch up without waiting for you. Who told you to linger behind, go and eat."

Just after a few steps, she saw Miao Shuang coming from behind, Luo Qiao smiled and said, "Would you like to go to the cafeteria together?"

Miao Shuang likes Luo Qiao very much. Not to mention she is beautiful and eye-catching, and her grades are quite good, so she smiled and replied, "It's an honor."

Luo Qiao introduced her: "This is Shen Juan from sophomore year and Ji Lin from Big Ben, they are my friends."

Then Miao Shuang was introduced to Shen Juan and Ji Lin, and Miao Shuang suddenly laughed: "You make friends every time you jump one level, so am I that darling now?"

Luo Qiao's face was full of smiles: "If you want, I think you can."

Miao Shuang was happy to hear this: "Then it's settled, we will be the four sisters of Beiyi Medicine in the future."

The four of them all laughed, and when they found a place to sit down after the meal, Miao Shuang said, "Today is really refreshing, and the two people in the class that Miss Ben couldn't understand were punished.

Ahaha, that's really pleasing. "

Luo Qiao looked around: "Okay, it's okay to be happy in private, don't look for trouble."

"Hahaha, let me just say, you are so calm, I guess you are secretly having fun, one is arrogant every day, and the other knows how to pretend all day, this is good, I have calculated myself, it is really relieved ."

Shen Juan and Ji Lin looked at them: "What happened?"

Miao Shuang told the two of them vividly and vividly what happened in the morning. The two of them were very angry at first, and then they laughed like Miao Shuang, saying that it was refreshing, relieved, and deserved it. "

Thinking of Di Manning, this person heard that his family was good, and he didn't know what kind of parent he was. He taught his daughter to be so virtuous and looked down on him all day, which was really speechless.

As for Tan Xiaoyan, jealousy is understandable. After all, she has been working really hard all the time. Luo Qiao's jumping up a level has indeed affected her vital interests, but her cleverness has been used in the wrong place, so it is not worthy of sympathy.

After school in the afternoon, Lu Yichen came to pick up Luo Qiao. As soon as she got in the car, Luo Qiao showed him the two people who followed her today. Lu Yichen told Luo Qiao the news he had received in the car.

Luo Qiao frowned and said, "I think the two of them can be used as a breakthrough, and the plan will be calculated."

"No, that would be too risky."

"Since they want to threaten you with me now, that means they are at a dead end now. If they can't catch me, they are likely to change their target. Who do you think will be her next target?

You know my skills, I'll be the bait, it's better to find out what they're looking for, maybe I'll be able to find out the real people behind the scenes. "

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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