Remember for a second【】

When it got dark, it felt as if the boat had stopped. Luo Qiao went into the space to change into her original clothes, ate something to take care of herself, and then left the space. She climbed out of the window and listened to it for a long time. Hearing no movement, he carefully opened the door and walked out.

Except for the guards on the deck, the other attendants gathered in a nearby cabin to drink and eat meat. Luo Qiao saw that the Luo family and their son were among the group of people, but her face was solemn.

Luo Qiao bent down and walked towards the tattooed man's cabin. When she got there, she found someone guarding the door. She tried the wind direction. In an instant, the person was received into the space.

He quickly returned to the original hiding place, wanting to see if the people in the room heard any movement. He also entered the space first. Except for a wooden warehouse, the person had no other useful information.

Luo Qiao saw that there was no movement outside, so she carefully went to the cabin door, put her ear on it, and heard the tattoo man in the morning say: "Master, you are too risky this time, if something happens, how do you tell me to follow me? The young master explained."

"I'm already so old, and I still have a few years left to live. This matter has been in my heart for decades. If there is no result, I'm afraid I'll have to go to the ground with regrets."

"No matter how important money is, is your life more important? Can't you trust your subordinates?"

The man patted the tattooed man on the shoulder: "You grew up by my side since you were a child, I can't trust anyone and I can't trust you, but I think if I really can't find anything this time, I'll look there too.

If there is still no way to open it this time, it means that those things have no relationship with me. I will put it down in the future, and I will never think about it again and spend the rest of the year with my grandson. "

"Now that the daughter-in-law of the Lu family is in our hands, if the thing is really in their hands, I believe they will take it and replace it. After all, they don't know the purpose of the jade pendant at all, no matter how careful they are, they will never think of it. That jade pendant is the key to unlock the treasure."

"Shh, be careful that there are ears on the wall. I don't want a fourth person to know about this. Besides you, I just mentioned it to Wu Jin. Everything needs to be careful."

"Master, this boat is all our people, and it's on the high seas, you're too cautious."

"Be careful sailing the Wannian Ship. It's not easy for me to come here this time, and I have arranged for a substitute, so if I can't get the jade pendant tomorrow, I will go directly to Chongqing. I want to go there again."

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate to enter Yintiaoling at this time. If someone is staring at it, wouldn't it lead people to the way in vain?"

"I don't have much chance of coming back.

Going again is my wish. "

"It's not possible, we let someone bring some explosives in and blow up the entrance. Anyway, the place is deep in the mountains, and no one will notice the movement even if it is loud."

"You're thinking too simple. Unless the jade pendant is used to open the place, the organs inside will be activated, even if it is a few hundred meters away, no one can escape."

"I'm afraid that Yu Pei is really not in the Lu family, or there is no news for so many years, and the Lu family has been turned over several times."

"Did Gu Taoran really have no contact with any of the Lu family in the end? Or is it someone close to the Lu Gu family?"

"No, there were more than passers-by who followed Gu Taoran at that time, so the only possibility was that the jade pendant accidentally fell on the road and was picked up by someone."

"It's been exhausting these days. You should rest early. No matter if you can get it tomorrow or not, we'll go to Chongqing."

Hearing these words, Luo Qiao carefully released the person who had been put in the space, then spread a handful of antidote over it, and went back to the tool room.

He quickly thought through what he just heard in his mind. If this is the case, Lu Yichen can't be shocked by the grass. It's better to follow them to Chongqing and find a place.

Otherwise, Yintiaoling is so big, where can I find that treasure?

I can't complain that after so many years, I still hold on to it. It's true that people die for wealth and birds die for food. It seems that it is because of this treasure that Lu Yichen's mother was poisoned.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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