Dressed As Eighties Supernatural Woman

Chapter 886: Free Clinic in the Countryside

Remember for a second【】

Lu Yichen kept sending people to the meeting place in the hospital, watching them get into the car.

She wanted to wait for the car to leave before leaving, but Luo Qiao opened the car window: "Brother Chen, if you don't leave, you will be late for work."

As he spoke, he took out his pen and wrote the word 'love you' in Lu Yichen's palm.

When Lu Yichen saw these two words, the corners of his mouth curled up, he glanced left and right, and held his hands empty: "Okay, then take care of yourself and remember to call me."

Seeing Luo Qiao nodding, glanced at the watch on her wrist, she turned and left with some reluctance.

A lesbian sitting next to me joked: "That's your partner, and it seems that she is very reluctant to part with you."

Luo Qiao turned around with a smile on her face: "That's my lover, don't worry if I go out alone."

The lesbian looked at Luo Qiao's delicate face: "Are you married?"

Luo Qiao nodded.

At this time, Nurse Zhang, who was sitting at the back, said, "Sister Qin, don't you know Dr. Luo?"

Seeing her puzzled, Nurse Zhang quickly said, "This is Dr. Luo who followed Professor Chang and the others to the operating table, the one who made our hospital famous at the Shanghai Medical Exchange Conference."

The sister Qin said with a smile, "You are Dr. Luo. I have heard about you from my colleagues long ago, but I haven't had a chance to see you in person in the pharmacy all day. You are so beautiful."

Luo Qiao smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister Qin, for your compliment. I am so famous. I really appreciate everyone looking down on me so much."

Sister Qin looked at Luo Qiao with a smile: "You followed Professor Chang to the operating table at a young age, and now you can perform many major operations by yourself, which is really amazing. There are people who envy you and people who are jealous of you, but You are indeed a gifted, capable and responsible doctor.

Most of the doctors and nurses who have worked with you will give you a thumbs up, so you don't have to be humble, you do have the capital to be envied, envied, and hated. "

The people next to her also laughed when they heard this. Many people looked at Luo Qiao. Yes, although this girl is not very old, she is now famous for her medical skills.

This time, I can also take the initiative to sign up to go to the countryside with the medical team for free clinics, which really makes people recognize and admire her even more.

This time, there are more than a dozen doctors in various departments, plus pharmacies and nurses,

There are also logistics personnel, there are indeed a lot of personnel, so they are divided into two groups to act separately.

When everyone arrived, the leaders said a few words of encouragement, and the medical team left Beijing.

Luo Qiao and the others were going to the southern mountainous area of ​​Luzhong, centered on Yishui and Mengyin. At noon, they found a home from a fellow villager, and borrowed a pot from someone else to cook a large pot of vegetable soup, served with Erhe noodles brought from the cafeteria. Mantou, solved the lunch.

After a short rest, everyone got on the bus again, and listened to the comrades who had been to the countryside before. They were treated fairly well this time. They even found a bus for them. In the past, they all went to the countryside by Jiefang trucks.

Luo Qiao fell asleep not long after getting in the car, but she was woken up by the bumps soon after. The roads now are all dirt roads, and some are simply driving in the river. There are potholes and stones protruding from the road from time to time. Several people were vomited.

We didn't arrive at our destination until it was getting dark, but as soon as the car stopped, someone came to pick them up and arranged for them to temporarily stay in the commune junior high school. Everyone brought a simple bedding roll.

It seems that the place has been cleaned up in advance, and the comrade in charge of reception said: "Dinner is ready, everyone has packed up and eaten and we will discuss tomorrow's arrangements."

Luo Qiao and Sister Qin lived in the same room, and Lu Yichen specially prepared a military mattress for her. The color was stain-resistant, and she had been exposed to the sun in advance. She brought a towel and a single blanket, in case the towel was too thin in rainy weather.

After packing up, the two of them came out with their lunch boxes. The fellow prepared a local gluttonous old pot with pork head meat, tofu, radish meatballs, and mutton soup. Don’t look at the fact that it’s getting dark now, and there are many people smelling the fragrance outside the yard. , Some children climbed on the wall and looked at the meals in the yard people's lunch boxes, their eyes shining.

Luo Qiao looked a little uncomfortable. Now the living conditions here are just enough to eat. The children are greedy for this fragrance, and they don't want to go back when it's dark.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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