Remember for a second【】

Tai Feng raised his head, his eyes sparkling: "Is it okay?"

Luo Qiao nodded: "Of course."

Tai Feng carefully stretched out his hand and touched Luo Qiao's belly: "Auntie, is it a younger brother or a younger sister?"

Luo Qiao touched Tai Feng's head with a smile: "It's hard to say, maybe there are a younger brother and a younger sister, maybe two younger brothers or two younger sisters, but whether it is a younger brother or a younger sister, Tai Feng will protect them well. is not it?"

Hearing this, Bai Taifeng suddenly felt a sense of responsibility, nodded vigorously and said, "Yes, I will be good to my brother and sister and protect them."

Stone also said at this time: "And me, this is my little nephew. When I'm older, I'll play with them."

Gu Qianru joked: "Okay, it's good to have your words. Don't dislike the baby and bother you in the future."

When Lu Yichen came in, he saw Shitou and Taifeng both had their hands on his daughter-in-law's belly, and took a few steps to squeeze them apart: "How long have you been standing, sit down and take a rest."

Gu Qianru pouted and muttered in a low voice, "You're really careful."

Originally, Shitou and Taifeng wanted to stay and go back tomorrow afternoon. They carried their schoolbags, but Lu Yichen sent them away.

The next day, after Lu Yichen got up, he whispered to Luo Qiao, "Qiaobao, rest today, you can sleep more."

When I got to the front yard, I said to Aunt Rong, "Auntie, Qiaoqiao said a few days ago that she wanted to drink mutton soup. Don't bother this morning. Get me a big pot. We all drink mutton soup. There are shortcakes there. Bring it back together."

Aunt Rong smiled and said, "I have everything at home, I don't have to worry about cooking, you can just bring a copy back to Qiaoqiao."

Lu Yichen didn't listen to her, went into the kitchen and took a large enamel basin: "I'll be back in a while, let's drink together, it's a waste of time to do it."

When Luo Qiao woke up, Lu Yichen had already returned, and he had just entered the room and was about to wake someone up: "Qiaobao, wake up."

As soon as he approached, Luo Qiao said, "Have you bought mutton soup?"

Lu Yichen smiled and pinched Luo Qiao's nose: "It's almost catching up with the dog's nose, get up, didn't you say you want to drink mutton soup, I bought it, it will be cold later."

Luo Qiao stretched a small amount of laziness: "What time do you get up to line up.


After he finished speaking, he reached out and touched his head. Lu Yichen picked him up and said, "As long as you want to drink, what are you afraid of lining up?"

Luo Qiao leaned against Lu Yichen's arms: "Thank you, Brother Chen."

Lu Yichen kissed Luo Qiao's forehead: "This is not what it should be, and she was polite to me."

After the two of them washed up and arrived in the front yard, Aunt Rong began to pour it into the bowl. She was afraid that it would be cold if it was served too early.

Time passed by like this, and people would come every three to five in the second-entry courtyard, whether it was the Luo family, the Yuan family, or the master and the wife. After the cold weather, everyone tacitly agreed not to let her come again. It was them who came to see her.

Now her belly is not small. Lu Yichen picks her up and down to and from school, and now she doesn't go home for dinner at noon. It is all sent to school by Uncle Rong and Aunt Rong.

The senior sisters and junior sisters around her envied and teased her.

But there was no way. Lu Yichen was afraid that she would make a mistake on the road when she was older, so she was determined not to let her run back and forth at noon. He would also come to deliver meals when he had time, but most of the time it was Uncle Rong and Aunt Rong.

Before New Year's Day, Luo Qiao's own research project made a major breakthrough, and she also published two academic papers in a row, which caused a lot of repercussions and a sensation.

By the end of the year, almost all of her master's courses and basic courses have completed the exams, which is indeed a miracle in the eyes of others, but she thought that twins were likely to be born prematurely, so she tried her best to rush her studies so that she could advance ahead of schedule. take a vacation.

The project researched by Professor Chang has also progressed a lot, and I am afraid that the results will be produced after the new year. Professor Chang's report will also be signed with the names of Luo Qiao and other members, but Luo Qiao's name will always be second.

The people in the project team are not envious, but they do contribute a lot. Many data are from her hands, and everyone has only the envy of them. Who makes people talented in medicine?

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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