Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1044: You do 1st, I do 15

Tang Xiaonan cried a few times and then kowtowed. Anyway, she is a child, and it is not shameful to kowtow. This shameless old woman wants to touch her father's porcelain, hmph, daydreaming!

"Auntie, please pay back the money, please... woo woo..."

Tang Laifu felt distressed that his daughter's eyes were swollen from crying, and he kowtowed to the stinky old woman. He wanted to come and hug his daughter, but was stopped by Yang Lijuan.

"Big brother, firstly wronged the little girl."

Yang Lijuan now likes her little niece from the bottom of her heart. She is eccentric and smarter than adults. This trick is much more effective than Tang Laijin singing a big show.

"Auntie, look at how scared my children are, my family is really not rich, the family has a heavy burden, and there are many places to spend money. If you don't pay back the two hundred yuan, my family can only drink northwest this month. It's windy!"

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Yang Lijuan deliberately raised her belly, sighing and crying.

The villagers saw that she was a big-bellied woman, and they sympathized with her more. The most important thing was that she had to pay back her debts. It was the same principle wherever she went.

"Two hundred yuan is not a small amount. Your family has just bought wine, so how could you not be able to get the money? Since you have written an IOU, you should act according to the IOU, and don't lose the face of our village." Someone shouted loudly.

"Yes, people are poor and ambitious, and they can do as many things as they have. Your family's banquet is quite decent, but you have to repay the borrowed money. If you can't repay it, don't borrow it. What's the point of being fat!"

The villagers were talking all over the place, and they all asked the cousin to pay back the money, and some of them didn't deal with the cousin's family at ordinary times, and the words were even more ugly.

The faces of both the groom and the bride in the house were ugly, especially the bride, who had just gotten married and encountered such unfortunate things, which was a shame.

"Cousin, you just refuse to repay the money, right? Okay, since you don't care about your relatives, don't blame me for not being sympathetic. Laifu, go get someone to move things!"

Zhang Manyue shouted at the eldest son, Tang Laifu walked out quickly, started the tractor, the cousin changed face, and rushed out to stop Tang Laifu.

Tang Xiaonan jumped up and hugged her feet, without speaking, just looked at her with tears in her eyes.

Aunt Qiong Yao's heroine used this trick to fascinate countless people. Men, women and children fell under the tears of the white lotus heroine. She only learned a little bit, and it was enough to deal with this old woman.

Tang Laifu started the tractor and left in a hurry. His cousin's face was ashen, and it was over.

"Manyue, if you really want to kill me, how many days can't you be graced?"

"Cousin, now you are going to kill me!"

Zhang Manyue was unmoved by her cousin's tears and pity, she was not a bodhisattva, she had no bodhisattva heart, and she had a good face towards the old rogue who owed money.

"Your family is so rich, how could you possibly owe debts? You are all deliberate liars!" My cousin cried, not believing Tang Xiaonan's nonsense at all.

"Auntie, you can't say what you said. Could it be that my family would have a better life without debts, so I deserved to be delinquent by you? My family's money is also hard-earned money, earned through hard work, why should I spend it for you? "

Yang Lijuan retorted unceremoniously. The most annoying thing is this kind of thinking of the poor. She always feels that the money of the rich is ill-gotten wealth and should be equally distributed to the poor.


"I borrowed it, and I didn't say I wouldn't return it." My cousin was extremely aggrieved, and the implication was that the Tang family was too heartless and didn't care about any kinship.

"Auntie, you said you should pay back the money, but what about the money you paid? The IOU says that you will pay back the money today. I haven't seen a single cent of it. You're boring like this." Yang Lijuan sneered.

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