Tang Xiaonan glanced at Huo Jinzhi. She didn't want to expose him. She didn't tell the truth at all. She earned at least two seven or eight yuan, but she understood Huo Jinzhi that businessmen would never let others know their bottom line.

Obviously, the business is booming, but it must be said to the outside world that they are barely making ends meet, but if the business is really bleak, they will definitely say that the business is good, and it is better than in previous years. It's a big deal, but the boss is actually happy, because there may be a profit of five yuan.

A businessman cannot be a businessman without a traitor, and a simple and honest person will definitely not be a businessman.

"Are you still going to sell it tomorrow?" Tang Aijun hasn't had enough of selling yet.

"Of course, I'll print more tomorrow. I'm going to Wucheng in the afternoon to buy some photo paper and potions." Huo Jinzhi felt a little regretful, he was still too timid, Wucheng should buy more materials, Yuecheng He didn't understand the situation. The photo paper in the department store must be expensive, and the cost went up all of a sudden. It is better to go to Wucheng to buy it.

"Go to the department store to buy it, I want to buy the white rabbit." Tang Aijun suggested.

"No, department stores are too expensive, so you can earn less when the cost goes up, but you can buy sugar." Huo Jinzhi shook his head, cost must be controlled, of course, on the basis of ensuring quality.

In order to control the cost and reduce the quality of the product, it is a foolish thing for short-sighted fools to do. The Huo family was almost destroyed by quality problems in the past.

The Huo family was in the printing and dyeing industry, Beichen Nanhuo was the two biggest printing and dyeing giants in the Republic of China.

The Huo family is his family. Although the Chen family and the Huo family are rivals, they are also good friends, but the Chen family is even more miserable than the Huo family. During the war, the north fell. The old man Chen is a strong temperament and would rather burn the factory down. Unwilling to let the enemy succeed, he saw with his own eyes that the factory he founded was engulfed in flames and vanished into nothingness. Mr. Chen, who was already in poor health, was severely injured and died of illness not long after.

Fortunately, Mr. Chen let his children go to Hong Kong City in advance, but he refused to leave, saying that he would die in his hometown.

Although Huo Jinzhi had never met the old man Chen, he often heard his father talk about some of his deeds, and admired this sturdy old man very much. Although he was a businessman, he was very righteous in the face of national affairs. Never compromise. Compared with the old man in his family, the old man Chen is much more powerful.

The person who made the Huo family almost go bankrupt was Huo Jinzhi's uncle and the eldest son of the Huo family.

This uncle is more than ten years older than Huo Xiu. He is in charge of purchasing in the company. He bought a batch of low-quality dyes at a cheap price, but he dyed all a large order of 500,000 oceans. According to the contract, the Huo family must pay for it all. This order almost gave the old man a stroke of anger. He sold a few houses and some antiques to fill the gap. After that, he didn't want to see big houses anymore.

Because the sons of the second room are not very competent and do not have much business acumen, Huo Xiu, who is shrewd and capable, stands out and is deeply appreciated by the old man. If not for the change of times, now the head of the Huo family must be Huo Xiu .

It's just that the time is also fortunate. Huo Xiu's luck is a little bit worse. He was born in a war-torn era, and when he grows up, he encounters a change of dynasties. Although Mr. Huo's character is not good, his ability to navigate the rudder is very tight. Seeing that the situation was not right, he sold the factory and his family immigrated overseas. Huo Xiu and his mother could have followed, but the big house was bad, and the second and third rooms were not able to leave. They keep the Huo family's ancestral property.

Heh, the Huo family's ancestral property is almost sold by the old man. What else is there to keep? It's not because they are afraid that they will go overseas and compete with the big house for the family property.


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