Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1381: terrify you

Tang Xiaonan was still asking, "Sister Zhiyan, you have nothing, and neither does my elder brother. You like him, and he likes you too. Can you be my sister-in-law? My mother said that she would have a drink in the new year!"

Gu Zhiyan's worries were relieved a lot, but she was still angry and said angrily: "Your eldest brother has a partner, he is his colleague, he is a native of Songcheng, he is good-looking, and he can act like a spoiled child."

When Tang Aihua heard it, he would jump out and complain. When did he have such a target?

He didn't know it himself.

Huo Jin dragged him back with one hand and stared angrily. Tang Aihua shrank honestly, but felt aggrieved in his heart.

Why did Gu Zhiyan condemn him to death without asking him?

Tang Xiaonan blinked, feeling very calm. Nine times out of ten, this so-called coquettish object is an Oolong incident again.

"Did Big Brother tell you?"

"Of course he won't say it, I saw it with my own eyes. The two of them were talking and laughing together, but they were affectionate. The girl looked at me in a very provocative way. Your elder brother is still very close to her, just like the couple. ."

The more Gu Zhiyan said, the more angry she became. The woman's intuition made her understand that the girl was provoking her, but Tang Aihua had never clearly stated her identity in the work unit. She only said that she was a friend. What else could she do?

I could only suffer in embarrassment.

"She provokes you, you provoke you back, sister Zhiyan, why are you so good-natured?" Tang Xiaonan Huo Dao.

This kind of woman who knows that someone else has a fiancée and still moves forward doesn't have to give her face at all, one word——


Gu Zhiyan smiled bitterly and laughed at herself: "What qualifications do I have to provoke others?"

"Why are you not qualified? You are my eldest brother's real fiancée!" Tang Xiaonan died of anxiety.

"Xiao Nan, your eldest brother has never clearly stated that I am his fiancée, whether he is at school or in the work unit, he and I have always kept a very distant distance, he doesn't like me, Xiao Nan, I can't wait any longer. already."

The more Gu Zhiyan talked, the more uncomfortable it became. After so many years, she finally understood that Tang Aihua didn't mean anything to her in that regard. She only booked a kiss to help her, how could she be so embarrassed to occupy the magpie's nest again?

Time to quit.

Tang Aihua would be in a panic, if it wasn't for Huo Jinzhi's collar being hooked and his mouth covered, he would have jumped out to explain, but now he can only shrink.

Tang Xiaonan was surprised, but she was scolding stupid big brother in her heart, what the **** are you doing?

No wonder Gu Zhiyan would think about it, and everyone would think about it.

Tang Xiaonan, who was so angry, really wanted to give his eldest brother a kick, what kind of **** is he doing, and he still has the face to cry?

Crying for your uncle... No, the elder brother's uncle is also her uncle, so you can't scold.

"Sister Zhiyan, let me ask you one question, do you want to be my sister-in-law?" Tang Xiaonan asked directly.

Gu Zhiyan blushed brightly, but she quickly became sad and sighed, "Xiao Nan, I think it's useless, your elder brother doesn't want to."

Tang Aihua shook his head eagerly, trying to say "he thinks" aloud, but Huo Jinzhi covered his mouth.

Huo Jinzhi is determined not to let go, is he in a hurry now?

Humph, you idiot!

It's such a mess to make a target, and it's a waste of time for him and Tang Xiaopang. Originally, he and Tang Xiaopang were going to go to the mountain to pick peach blossoms. Who is patient to take care of this shit.

Tang Xiaonan was relieved, and Gu Zhiyan was willing to marry. As for the stupid big brother, let him hang on for a while.

Kill him!

After chatting with Gu Zhiyan, about ten minutes passed before Tang Xiaonan nodded to Huo Jinzhi, the boss let go of his hand like a gift, and kicked someone's ass.

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