Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1845: All fat people are eaten

"Listening to her nonsense, she never stopped talking along the way. Ice cream, coke, hamburgers, french fries, and all kinds of snacks, which one should eat less."

Lin Xuejian couldn't stand it anymore, so he stopped Xin Gan from taking the fifth banana's paw, "Eating too many bananas can make you fat, look at those vegetarian orangutans, hippos, elephants, and pigs, which one is thinner? already?"


Tang Xiaonan couldn't help laughing, and said to the stunned Xin Gan: "Xuejian is right, if you eat too much vegetarian food, you will also gain weight. Bananas are more likely to gain weight. Don't think that you can eat fruit. Eat unscrupulously, no matter what you eat, you have to control the amount and have a balanced nutrition. There is no physique in this world that will make you fat if you drink water, and all fat people eat it."

"But I really didn't eat much, I didn't eat."

Xin Gan murmured in a low voice, a little aggrieved.

She really felt that she was already in control and didn't eat much.

Lin Xuejian was speechless and asked: "You haven't eaten, but you haven't eaten too much snacks, two large ice creams, two large cokes, a Big Mac, and Oita French fries, hot dogs, chocolates, etc. How can you eat less?"

"I ate so much? No way, I don't even feel it."

Xin Gan said to herself in disbelief, she really felt that Lin Xuejian was exaggerating, how could there be so many things?

Lin Xuejian rolled his eyes, too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

Tang Xiaonan laughed to death, but Xin Gan's appetite is really good. She seems to have become more rounded in the past three days. This girl has a round and jade-like body shape and has a good appetite. Before she knew it, she ate too much and went to college. In two years, the girl has made a circle.

Continuing to round up will also affect health, and any girl who doesn't love beauty also wants to be a thin beauty. Xin Gan is clamoring to lose weight every day, but she can last for three days at most.

"Well, I'll go out with you tomorrow." Tang Xiaonan had an idea, she wanted to help her friend lose weight seriously.

"Okay, it's very interesting here. Many big brands are very cheap. I bought a watch for my dad and brother, which is much cheaper than in China." Xin Gan said happily.

"Tariffs are to be collected in China, and the price is indeed quite high. What did Xuejian buy?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

Lin Xuejian shook his head, UU reading www.uukanshu.com "I didn't buy anything, people in my family don't need to import goods."

She doesn't need it either. Although domestic brands are temporarily inferior to some foreign brands, she still has to support domestic products. She also believes that sooner or later, things produced by Huaxia will be sold all over the world.

The smile on Xin Gan's face became embarrassed, and she was a little embarrassed. She bought a lot, but she was also very patriotic. Even when she saw that it was so much cheaper, she couldn't control her desire to buy.

Lin Xuejian smiled and said, "It's just my personal habit. You can buy whatever you want. Some foreign brands are really good."

Xin Gan then breathed a sigh of relief. Before Lin Xuejian met, she always felt that she was very small, and her ideological realm was at least one Everest away from Lin Xuejian.

The next day, the three of them went out for a walk. Butler Ned was their tour guide. Huo Jinzhi went out to run errands.

Although Shi Ye is in his sixties, he is in his early forties at most. He is full of energy and tall and straight. He doesn't look like an old man at all, and he is indeed not old. The girl in her early teens.

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