Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1989: can't hide it

Ye Mingzhu often comes to live here, so she has a dedicated room here. As soon as she enters the house, she goes upstairs with ease, and Xu Jinfeng greets warmly, "Mingzhu is here, I made you your favorite pickled tucco fresh. , come and eat later."

"Well, I'll come down as soon as I put things down. Thank you Aunt Jinfeng."

Ye Mingzhu twitched the corners of her mouth and said hello to Xu Jinfeng. Others might think that she was rude, but in fact, this girl has this kind of temperament. In fact, she is warm-hearted.

Of course Xu Jinfeng didn't mind, she was already familiar with the child's temper, Ye Mingzhu went to the room to put her luggage, washed casually, and then went downstairs. Xu Jinfeng poured a bowl of soup just right, put it on the table, and greeted her. : "Come and drink, I also fried spring rolls and ate a few to fill my stomach."

Ye Mingzhu eats a lot, more than many adult men. She sat down and took a sip of soup and boasted, "It's delicious."

"Eat more if it's delicious. There's still a big pot in the kitchen."

Xu Jinfeng chatted with her for a few words, then went back to the kitchen to continue working. Ye Mingzhu drank two bowls of soup and ate a plate of spring rolls. When her stomach was full, she looked around in the living room, trying to find out some clues.

Sister-in-law seemed to be very worried, and it seemed that the matter was not trivial. She was hiding it from Aunt Jinfeng. It was very likely that the old man in the family was sick. Ye Mingzhu guessed that Tang Laifu was the one. She thought that Tang Xiaonan was afraid that Xu Jinfeng would be anxious, so she kept it hidden.

Tang Xiaonan was on the phone on the lawn. She was contacting the doctor. She didn't know any cancer experts. She knew experts in pediatrics and gynecology. .

"Dr. Zhao Dongping, right? Okay, I'll call him, thank you, and invite you to dinner another day."

Tang Xiaonan asked about the expert's phone number. It was introduced by the exclusive pediatrician of the three Huo Dong brothers. He is an expert in lung cancer. Ordinary people can't get his number. This pediatrician and Dr. Zhao are college classmates and have a good relationship.

"Don't worry, the mid-term is not a big problem. Many patients with advanced lung cancer have been cured by Dr. Zhao, and they have not recurred in the past ten years or so." The doctor comforted.

Tang Xiaonan's heart was relieved a lot, and she thanked her repeatedly. After hanging up, she called Dr. Zhao's personal phone number. This number is very private, and it is usually only known to Dr. Zhao's close friends. The pediatrician said hello in advance. Dr. Zhao is very polite.

"When the time comes, you can take the patient directly to my office. Don't worry too much. Generally speaking, the mid-term cure rate is very high. I'll talk about the specific situation after seeing the patient." Like magic, Tang Xiaonan's anxiety was instantly appeased.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Ye Mingzhu rushed out, ran to her like a gust of wind, and asked sharply, "What happened to Brother Danqing?"


"Don't lie to me, there is a strange call from the snowy area at home. Who else is there besides Sudan Qing, sister-in-law, is he sick? What's wrong? Will he die?"

Ye Mingzhu looked anxious, her eyes were red, her relationship with Sudan Qing was deeper than that with Huo Jinzhi, her cousins ​​were like brothers and sisters.

Tang Xiaonan sighed and couldn't hide it now, so he had to tell the truth and comforted: "Don't worry, I have already found an expert, an authority in the industry, saying that your brother Danqing's illness is fine."

"I'll **** him back!"

Ye Mingzhu said something bitterly, rushed back to the room, packed her bag and drove away. It was the Land Rover who was driving. Before Tang Xiaonan could react, the car disappeared.

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