Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 240: Tofu Shih Tzu

Widow Wang sells tofu in the vegetable market, known as the tofu xi shi, she is fair and plump, with a handsome appearance, and her life style is naturally indiscreet, and she has a relationship with many men. body for profit.

Chai Yuxiang went to the market to pick up vegetable leaves every day. That day, when she was half thirsty, she went to Chai Boliang's office to drink water, but before the closing time, the door of the office was locked. Chai Yuxiang was curious for a while and was never covered by the curtain. Looking in from the corner of the window, I saw her father and Widow Wang were hugging each other and flirting with each other, and her father's hand was trying hard to drill into Widow Wang's clothes. The monkey's anxious look made her disgusting.

But at that time, Chai Yuxiang only felt scared. She was afraid that Chai Boliang would find out and beat her, so she quietly left without telling anyone about it, including Tang Laifeng.

But since then, Chai Yuxiang's respect for Chai Boliang disappeared, leaving only nausea.

Tang Xiaonan was equally disgusting. In the book, Chai Boliang committed the crime a few years later, and he was also a widow in the market, probably the widow Wang, but he had already hooked up with him.

Tang Laifeng shouldn't know, otherwise, why would she have another child for Chai Boliang?

It is said that a man cheats, his wife is the last one in the world to know, Tang Laifeng definitely doesn't know.

"Your dad is really not a thing!" Tang Xiaonan said angrily.

Chai Yuxiang nodded vigorously, "It's not a thing, I will definitely not marry a man like my father in the future."

She has no ability, she has a big temper, she is messing around outside, and her mother put a flower in cow dung. This is not what she said. She heard it when the neighbors were discussing in private. They all said that Tang Laifeng was too wronged to marry. , The appearance is outstanding, obviously can marry a better man, but married such a useless Chai Boliang, what a pity!

"My aunt is so pitiful, should I tell my aunt about this?" Tang Xiaonan was very worried.

He said that he was afraid of irritating Tang Laifeng, but if he didn't say it, he felt sorry for Tang Laifeng, alas!

Chai Yuxiang was not so worried. She had been holding back on this matter for a year, and it made her feel very uncomfortable. It was only when she said it today that she felt more comfortable. Now that her cousin was worried with her, she felt much more at ease.

"Wait until my mother is born. The doctor said that my mother can't be angry now."

Tang Xiaonan nodded. After Tang Laifeng gave birth, she told her grandparents about it and let the adults be the masters. Tang Baishan and Zhang Manyue still feel sorry for their daughter, and they will definitely not wrong Tang Laifeng.

The two sisters who shared the secret looked at each other and smiled, and the distance between their hearts became closer, holding hands to catch the girl.

It was only around three in the afternoon, and there were many people working in the fields. When they saw two beautiful little girls approaching, the farmers all laughed and asked which family they belonged to.

"My grandfather is Xu Liujin, and my uncle's name is Xu Jinhu." Tang Xiaonan's articulation was very clear, just like the little adults.

"Your mother is Xu Jinfeng, right, haha, everyone said that Xu Jinfeng gave birth to a beautiful girl, she's really weird, look how good-looking this little girl is."

Everyone knew who Tang Xiaonan was as soon as they heard it. It was very rare to see that she was dressed neatly and beautifully, was clean, spoke clearly, and was polite.

"You went wrong, your grandfather's house is over there." Someone kindly pointed, thinking that Tang Xiaonan was going to find her grandfather.

"Thank you uncle."

Tang Xiaonan made a mistake, waved his hand at the man who was pointing the way, and took Chai Yuxiang away. There was farmland in front of him, and Huang Fengxian would definitely not have an affair in such an open place, and then go to other places to look for it.

"Gu Songtao, you are quicker, just like the slow woman. (The slow woman is a dialect, which describes a person who is slower than an old woman someone shouted dissatisfiedly.


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