Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 819: Father and son

"I'm sorry." Shen Yuzhu lowered her head even lower, and now she doesn't dare to mess with a child, even if the boy has a foreign accent.

If the commotion is too big, it will definitely provoke the inspection team. She is a three-in-law and a child, and she will definitely be deported. Shen Yuzhu can't help but complain about Shen Banxia. She has been here for so long, but her aunt has never given her She did the identity certificate, but she didn't really care about her affairs.

Thinking about it this way, Shen Yuzhu's guilt has also faded. Who made Auntie incompetent, with Huo Xiu for so long, she couldn't even get a name, and let Huo Jinzhi's mother and son live for so long, it's too useless .

But my aunt did a good thing, except for Huo Jinzhi, falling into the river on such a cold day would not be enough for ten lives, and he would definitely die.

The young man was unrelenting. A middle-aged man came over, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses and a Chinese tunic suit. He looked polite and polite. He shouted to the young man, "Aye, don't waste time!"


The young man glared at Shen Yuzhu, turned and walked towards the middle-aged man with a very respectful expression, and carried the man's luggage, "Dad, let me carry it."

The man let him carry the bag, and his expression was very natural. It looked like this. The young man carried the suitcase in one hand and the bag in the other, and followed the man to the front guest house.

"Dad, that dog thief Huo Xiu can't hold on for a few days. His money is dead, and Dad is wise and talented. Huo Xiu can't even match your toes." The boy flattered his ass. The young man smiled smugly.

Shen Yuzhu paused, Huo Xiu?

Did she know Huo Xiu?

Running over was Huo Xiu's opponent. Seeing that the father and son's clothes were not bad, Shen Yuzhu gritted his teeth and did not hesitate for too long. He rushed towards the father and son and grabbed the middle-aged man's arm? "I I can help you deal with Huo Xiu!" The reborn wife shocked the world

"Who are you?" The middle-aged man looked at her unexpectedly, not believing her words too much, just a yellow-haired girl in her teens? What's the use?

"My aunt is Shen Banxia."

Shen Yuzhu decided to take a gamble, maybe this father and son was her turning point? Otherwise, how could she bump into someone, and how could she hear this?

The middle-aged man looked at Shen Yuzhu, his eyes gradually became sharper? Shen Yuzhu forced himself to raise his head? Looking at the man's eyes? After a long while, the man smiled, "Go ahead."

The little girl is quite brave, but he is not sure if it is a bitter trick? Shen Banxia is Huo Xiu's concubine, how could he let his niece help him?

Keep it by your side and observe? I'll go ask tomorrow to find out if Shen Banxia and Huo Xiu have broken up. It would be good if Shen Banxia can be dug by her side. This woman must have a lot of Huo Xiu's secrets in her hands.

"Go in." The middle-aged man finally said.

Shen Yuzhu breathed a sigh of relief? But it was dark in front of him, he fell straight down, was caught by the teenager, and said dissatisfied: "Dad, why do you want to take in a little girl, you can't do anything."

"Come back in."

The man glanced at the young man, the young man's heart tightened, he did not dare to say any more, he carried Shen Yuzhu on his back and walked towards the guest house.

The sky was getting brighter, and Huo Xiu was no longer sleepy. He looked around, but couldn't find Shen Yuzhu, so he had to go home. Shen Banxia was still lying on the ground, the blood on the back of his head had solidified, and there was also a pool of blood on the ground. light.

Huo Xiu sneered, but he underestimated this girl, Tang Laijin was right, she was indeed a poisonous snake.

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