Dressed as the Cannon Fodder Ex-Wife of the Regent

Chapter 211 Gu Linchao's heart swayed

The corner of Gu Yi's mouth twitched, and he took the opportunity to say, "Aunt Huang, my nephew's name is Yi. If Aunt Huang doesn't dislike it, you can call me by my name."

"I see." Wen Nong Nong nodded, "If you have time to come to the capital, you must come to the Prince Regent's Mansion, and the aunt will treat you well."

Gu Yi heard her say the word "Aunt Huang" so eloquently, and was already unable to complain in his heart.

She's just a little hairy girl, and she dares to act like an elder.

"My nephew will definitely go to harass him." He clasped his fists.

Wen Nong Nong stopped talking nonsense with him, closed the window, leaned against the wall of the car and closed his eyes.

The carriage drove quickly, from slow to fast, and quickly left the state.

Gu Yi watched the carriage go away, shook his head, and felt that this little aunt might not be able to come back to the state so easily next time.

Uncle Huang is so strict with rules, and this time he came to Tunzhou specially.

I won't let her slip away next time.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and he slowly returned to the palace.

After returning to the capital, Wen Nongnong handed over the gifts he bought for the Wen family to Wen Tingyun, and then returned to the Prince Regent's mansion with Wang Houde.

She originally wanted to go to Wen Mansion, but she was really tired after running around all day, and it was getting dark, so she could not wait to go back to Chenxiangyuan as soon as possible and have a good sleep.

After returning to the palace, she originally wanted to give the gift that she bought for Gu Linchao to Wang Houde, but she felt that this was a good time to gain favor. She had to go there in person, so she took the gift and went to the study.

However, she flinched, Gu Linchao was not in the study, and only after asking the servants did she know that Gu Linchao had gone to the military camp and had not yet returned.

She angrily returned to Chenxiangyuan.


When Gu Linchao came back, it was already night.

As soon as he returned to the study, he asked someone to find Wang Houde, "Where's the princess?"

"I'm afraid I'll be resting in Chenxiangyuan at the moment." Wang Houde replied.

"When did you come back?" Gu Linchao raised his hand and kneaded with a trace of exhaustion between his brows.

"Evening." Wang Houde replied, remembering something, and said with a smile, "As soon as the princess came back, she came directly to the study to find you. She bought you a gift and wanted to hand it to you. Who knew that you were not there, and the princess was a little disappointed at the time. ."

Hearing this, Gu Linchao was stunned, "She bought a present for this king?"

"Yes." Wang Houde said, "The princess bought it specially for you. In order to pick out a gift that suits you, she spent a long time shopping in Dunzhou City."

Gu Linchao heard the words, the fatigue on his body seemed to dissipate a lot, and his heart was inexplicably happy.

"My lord, the princess is here."

At this time, the servants reported outside the door.

Gu Linchao was stunned for a moment, looked up, and saw Wen Nongrong walking in with a food box.

"My concubine guessed that you should be coming back, so I asked the kitchen to prepare dinner and come to eat with you." After Wen Nongnong came in, he carried the food box to the table beside him, then opened the lid and put the meal One end came out.

Gu Linchao looked at the busy woman under the lights, and for a while, a feeling of fullness and warmth developed in his heart.

"Your Highness, go wash your hands and come over to eat as soon as possible, otherwise the food will be cold." Wen Nong Nong looked back and saw that he was still sitting there motionless, so he couldn't help urging, and his tone was a little naive, which made Gu Linchao's heart sway.

He lowered his eyes and was silent for a while, and finally cleaned his hands according to the words.

When he returned, Wen Nong Nong had already prepared soup for him.

"This corn rib soup was ordered by the kitchen when the concubine came back. It has been stewed for a long time, and it has become very soft. The soup is also delicious and fragrant. You can try it."

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