Dressed as the Cannon Fodder Ex-Wife of the Regent

Chapter 219 This time, he didn't push her away

Si Yi didn't want to pay attention to her at first, but he was worried that she had been pestering the prince, so he had to be patient and lean over to take a look.

When he saw the master's handwriting above, surprise flashed in his eyes.

I didn't expect the master to be so busy, and even took the time to help her make comments on the inner strength and heart method.

He frowned and said, "It's already been clearly commented on, why don't you understand?"

Wen Nong Nong heard his impatient tone and glanced at him, "Is it very simple? Then you can explain it to me more clearly."

Si Yi patiently said, "Isn't this easy? This sentence means that when you are sitting down, you need to pay full attention and get rid of distracting thoughts..."

"I know that's what I mean, but the question is what if I don't think about anything and fall asleep when I'm sitting down?" Wen Nong Nong asked seriously.

Si Yi: "..."

"It seems that you don't understand either. I'd better ask our lord. Our lord is extremely smart, so there is no such thing as difficult to live with him." Wen Nongrong sighed, and was about to go up the steps.

Si Yi said with a sullen face: "Come with me, I'll show it to you!"

"Alright then." Wen Nong Nong glanced at him and reluctantly agreed.


Gu Linchao hadn't seen Wen Nongnong for two days.

At first, he didn't think there was anything, because he knew that the girl was very keen on learning inner strength. After getting the inner strength method, he was afraid that she was practicing inner strength.

But for two days in a row, he didn't see her shadow, and he felt strange in his heart.

Because whenever he was in the mansion, that girl would always look for various reasons to come over to show her hospitality, but it suddenly stopped coming, and he felt a little unaccustomed to it.

Moreover, although he has commented on the internal training method, it is impossible for him to understand everything about Wen Nong Nong, who has never been in contact with the internal training method.

But she didn't come to find herself.

Didn't he say it clearly enough that day?

He pursed his lower lip, hesitated, got up and went to Chenxiangyuan.

Just outside the door, he heard Wen Nong's familiar voice.

"Si Yi, did you see that the leaf moved." He was quite proud.

"It was blown by the wind." Si Yi said coldly.

"Nonsense, it was clearly brought about by the wind of my palm." Wen Nong Nong's charming voice.

Si Yi sneered, and after only two days of training, he delusionally imagined that he could move the leaves in the air? What a fool's dream!

But he did not argue with her.

Just as he was about to step away, he was very surprised when he saw the person who came in.


Gu Linchaojun's face was covered with gloom.

He used to wonder why Wen Nong Nong didn't come to him. Could it be that she could understand all those thoughts?

Now I finally understand that it's not that she understands everything, but that there is Siyi beside her to teach her.

When did he instruct Si Yi to teach her inner strength?

His phoenix eyes narrowed, and his voice was cold, "Si Yi, the military camp has recruited a new batch of soldiers recently, you go and practice with them."

Si Yi was surprised, when did the new recruits come to the barracks and need him to practice together?

But looking at his master's condensed expression, he didn't dare to object, and replied, "My subordinates will go here."

Seeing that Si Yi was taken away, Wen Nong Nong didn't think much about it, only that someone was needed in the military camp.

Seeing Gu Linchao approaching, she was still a little happy. She went up and pulled his sleeve, and said as a gift: "My lord, you are here just in time. I seem to have internal strength. Please help me to see if it is right."

Gu Linchao glanced at her lightly, but did not push her hand away this time, and followed her to a flower tree.

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