Shi Luo pursed his lips.

Xuanqing's inner strength is really unfathomable, and the Buddha bead almost broke his hand bones.

I didn't expect to do so much this time, but it fell short.

Si Luo punched the table.

Moreover, just a few of them suddenly rushed to the Queen Mother's yard, obviously to visit the Queen Mother, but in fact to test him.

What he didn't understand was why they could think of him.

Obviously, his plan was meticulous and he did not reveal any flaws.

If he hadn't been prepared, he would have been discovered by now.

Thinking of this, his eyes narrowed.

It was more difficult than he thought to capture Wen Nong Nong.

Besides, after Wen Nong and others left the Queen Mother's yard, Master Xuanqing had to deal with the fire in the main hall, so he walked first, Wen Nong and Si Yi sent Atuo Jianghua back before returning to their own house. courtyard.

When a few people went to the Queen Mother's yard just now, Xuanqing had ordered the disciples in the temple to come and deal with the corpses in the yard.

Therefore, when the two returned, the bodies in the courtyard had been cleaned up.

Lv Qiao was still waiting in the yard, looking forward to it.

Wen Nong Nong walked over and patted her on the shoulder, "Go to sleep."

Lv Qiao said, "Looks like this tonight... I'll let the servants work for you at night."

Wen Nong Nong smiled and said, "You don't have to work so hard, I'm not afraid, you go to bed quickly, and the assassin won't come again tonight, don't worry."

When Lu Qiao heard the words, she could only say: "Then the servant will go down first."

"Go." Wen Nong Nong nodded.

After Lv Qiao went down, Wen Nong Nong looked at Si Yi, "I've been tired for several days, you should go and rest."

Si Yi didn't insist this time, "Yeah."

Just as he was about to go down, he suddenly remembered something and paused, "Why do you suspect it is Si Luo?"

Wen Nong Nong said with a look of surprise: "Isn't it you who suspects him? I just suspect that the man in black has an inner response."

Si Yi glanced at her scrutiny, then frowned and left without saying anything.

Wen Nong Nong wiped away his sweat and breathed a sigh of relief.

This kid is too keen, he was almost discovered by him.

And what happened tonight, if he hadn't communicated with Master Xuanqing in advance, and Master Xuanqing was guarding the back mountain, she might have been kidnapped.

Sure enough, none of Gu Linchao's subordinates were good.

However, Si Yi had already suspected that Si Luo had arisen. At that time, he would definitely report to Gu Linchao. Since what happened tonight might have nothing to do with Si Luo, how could Gu Heng stay out of it?

After all, Si Luo was Gu Heng's person.

Thinking about it this way, the fact that she was almost kidnapped tonight is not all bad, at least it can be used to remind Gu Linchao and make him vigilant against Gu Heng.

Thinking of this, she felt relieved, yawned, and went to sleep with peace of mind.

the next day.

Wen Nong Nong went to the Queen Mother's yard to visit her.

When she arrived, so did the others.

The Empress Dowager Guo was obviously very frightened. Although she was dressed neatly, her face could not hide her pale and haggard face.

Wen Nong Nong guessed that she must have been so frightened last night.

I thought so in my heart, but said on the face: "Last night, the minister's wife learned that an assassin had broken in, and she was worried that the Queen Mother came to visit you, but the deputy commander told the minister's wife that you were asleep, so I didn't dare to disturb you. The queen mother was shocked."

Before Empress Dowager Guo spoke, Guo Yuzhen, who was beside her, suddenly said strangely: "Princess Regent speaks beautifully, but in her heart she is not sure how to gloat at misfortune. Is that right, Princess Regent?"

Wen Nong Nong looked at her in surprise, "Why did Concubine Zhen say this? The empress dowager was assassinated, and everyone was so worried that they couldn't sleep. Look at the ladies present, who is not looking haggard because of worrying about the empress dowager? You are good, you are here. Talking nasty words. According to this princess, the one who gloated over the misfortune was probably you, Concubine Zhen."

Guo Yuzhen was annoyed, "You..."

"Enough!" Empress Dowager Guo reprimanded in a deep voice, with impatience on her face, "Guo Yuzhen, if you don't understand the rules like this, you will go back to the Ai family." You shouldn't be so blatant when dealing with Wen Nong Nong. People who don't know it will definitely think it was her instructed.

Guo Yuzhen was startled, her face was pale, and she closed her mouth, but she still couldn't swallow the breath in her heart, and glared at Wen Nongrong fiercely.

Wen Nong Nong hooked the corner of his mouth indifferently.

Mrs. Guo said lightly: "Lao everyone is thinking about it, Aijia is all right."

When everyone saw this, they didn't dare to stay any longer. They each made an excuse and retired wisely.

After leaving the Queen Mother's yard, Wen Nong Nong saw Guo Yuzhen walking by, blinked her eyes, and suddenly stuck out her foot and tripped her.

Guo Yuzhen was unprepared, and suddenly fell forward to the ground.


Because she was unprepared, she ate a mouthful of mud when she fell to the ground.

"Haha!" Seeing this scene, A Tuo Jianghua laughed bluntly, "Alas, why did Concubine Zhen make such a big gift? This palace really can't bear it."

Seeing this, the others pursed their lips and snickered.

They couldn't bear Guo Yuzhen's domineering any longer. On weekdays, relying on the Queen Mother being her aunt, they would be arrogant in the palace, and they would often find fault with them.

Seeing her so embarrassed now, all of them rejoice in misfortune, very happy.

Guo Yuzhen took a mouthful of mud, her face was blank, and she didn't respond for a long time. At this time, she heard A Tuo Jianghua's laughter, and then she came back to her senses.

With the help of the maid, she stood up. She glanced at Atuo Jianghua resentfully, and finally fell on Wen Nongrong, thinking of something, and said angrily, "You tripped me just now."

Wen Nong Nong looked at her innocently, "Concubine Zhen, don't talk nonsense, this princess has always been dignified and virtuous, and she can't do anything as crude as stumbling on other people's feet, and this princess is too weak, but she can't stumble over a physique like Concubine Zhen, you Don't wrong me and ruin my reputation."

Guo Yuzhen's face turned pale with anger. Not only did Wen Nongrong not admit it, she was also mocking her for being fat, which was the most unbearable thing for her.

If it was someone next to her, she would have reached out and grabbed her face, but Wen Nongrong was not something she could grab.

Thinking of this, she was angry and hated, and screamed, "You were the closest to me just now, not who are you?"

"Is it me who is the closest to you? I also want to say, did you try to attack me just now, but you fell down yourself?" Wen Nong Nong said with a half-smiling smile.

"That's right, isn't there a saying in Great Ye that thieves call to catch thieves? I think it's very suitable for Concubine Zhen." A Tuo Jiang Hua said in a helper voice.

"You, you!" Guo Yuzhen was so angry that she couldn't talk to the two of them, but she didn't want to swallow this breath, her whole body lost her reason, "I'm going to fight with you." To grab them in the face.

Wen Nong Nong and A Tuo Jiang Hua do not fight with her and dodge to the side.

Guo Yuzhen couldn't hold back the momentum, and slammed into the wall next to her, making her dizzy and a big bag on her head.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, Si Luo came over.

Wen Nong's eyes flickered, and she said worriedly: "Deputy Commander Si came just right, I think Concubine Zhen may have lost her mind, you should take her to the imperial doctor to have a look, otherwise she will return to the palace like this, I am afraid It will make the emperor displeased."

Guo Yuzhen was originally reluctant to give up, but when she heard that it would offend the emperor, she immediately suppressed it.

This Siluo is the emperor's confidant. If he tells the emperor that she is like a shrew at this time, wouldn't the emperor want to hate her?

Thinking of this, she even panicked.

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