Wen Nong Nong was worried, when he heard the words, he said, "Since the prince's eyes have recovered, let him go."

Although she is not ashamed of Shen Qingning's behavior, Gu Linchao had a word in advance and promised Daoist Lingyin, and when his eyes were healed, he would let the person out, so they could not break their word and fall into the wrong place.

"Yes." Wang Houde responded and was about to go down, but was stopped by Wen Nong Nong.

"Eunuch Wang, bring a sentence to them, saying that this time, for the sake of the antidote prescription given by Taoist Lingyin, the prince and I will not care about the fact that they want to poison me, but if there is a next time, we will definitely Don't be lighthearted, let them do it for themselves."

Wang Houde nodded, "The servant will go here."

After Wen Nong Nong saw him go down, she thought that she hadn't been to Wen Mansion for many days, so she planned to visit Lu Yingying and her little nephew.

When he was about to get to the gate of the mansion, he suddenly heard a loud noise from outside the gate of the mansion.

Lv Qiao immediately walked over to check, and when she came back, her face was a little ugly.

"What's wrong?" Wen Nong asked.

Lv Qiao said with an ugly face: "Isn't that Shen? She has been reluctant to leave, clamoring to see the prince. I have never seen such a shameless woman."

Wen Nong Nong laughed, this Shen Qingning really set a new limit, still not giving up at this point, still want to see Gu Linchao?

She snorted coldly and walked towards the door.

Ding's mother was afraid that she would be bumped into, so she quickly persuaded: "This kind of bitch, you don't need Miss to come forward, just let someone drive away directly."

"It doesn't matter, we are going to go out too. It's okay to go and see. It's just like watching a play." Wen Nongrong said with a smile, her footsteps did not stop.

Seeing that she couldn't stop her, Ding's mother had to give up, but followed step by step.

Arriving outside the mansion gate, I saw that Shen Qingning was entangled with the guards guarding the gate.

"We are King Xiang's savior, you can't treat us like this. You let us in, we want to meet King Xiang in person."

"The palace is not a place where you can be wild, hurry up and leave!"

Daoist Lingyin only felt that his old face was lost, and he stepped forward and grabbed Shen Qingning's arm, "Enough Qingning, let's go."

"Master, you have healed King Xiang's eyes, you are his savior, how could you just leave like this?" Shen Qingning hissed.

After being detained for many days, although she was not treated harshly, her mental state was not very good, and after being entangled here for so long, her spirit was already on the verge of collapse.

"Qingning, wake up, people don't want to see you at all, why should you be humble?" Daoist Lingyin's face was very ugly.

"How could King Xiang not see me? It must be Wen Nong Nong who is obstructing it." Shen Qingning's eyes were red as she muttered, when she suddenly saw Wen Nong Nong appearing beside the door, her pupils shrank and suddenly burst open. The guard who stopped her rushed towards her.

"Wen Nong Nong, you are narrow-minded, you must be the one who interfered with it, and Gu Linchao refused to see me."

The guard was not prepared for her to suddenly bump into him, and even made her rush over. By the time she came to a reaction, it was too late.

Thinking that the princess is pregnant now, if he is bumped and something happens, ten heads will not be enough for him.

Thinking about it, his eyes were split, and he rushed over, trying to drag the person back.

But before he could take action, Shen Qingning suddenly flew out like a rag.

Then, he saw the legs of his princess slowly putting down.

He froze on the spot.

Until the sound of "bang", the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

He turned his head and saw that Shen Qingning, who had just rushed towards Wen Nong Nong, was lying on the ground outside the door like a toad.

The front of the mansion fell into silence, staring blankly at Shen Qingning lying on the ground until Wen Nong Nong's faint voice sounded.

"Shen Qingning, you look down on yourself too much. Let me tell you, even without me, Gu Linchao doesn't look down on you, and you don't look at what kind of virtue you have? You think that you are a sweet treat that everyone has to hold. You?

In this world, I am afraid that only the master treats you as a treasure, but in the eyes of others, it is just a piece of shit! "

It was probably her metaphor. It was too frustrating. Shen Qingning, who was lying on the ground, suddenly burst into tears, "Wen Nongrong, don't deceive people too much..."

"Miss, are you alright?" At this moment, Mama Ding, who had come to her senses, nervously grabbed Wen Nong's hand and checked her up and down.

Lv Qiao and Bai Li also stood beside Wen Nong Nong and asked nervously, "Does your leg hurt, Miss (Princess)?"

Shen Qingning: "..."

Listening to the nervous voices of those people, she only felt a mouthful of sweetness in her throat, and suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Daoist Lingyin came back to his senses and hurriedly helped her up, "Qing Ning, how are you?"

"Master—" Shen Qingning burst into tears, "They, they deceive people too much!"

Daoist Lingyin's face was extremely ugly, and he couldn't stay any longer, "Don't insult yourself any more, just follow me."

"I'm not going, I'm not going, I want to see Gu Linchao!" Shen Qingning shouted hysterically.

When Daoist Lingyin heard the words, she couldn't bear it any longer, and slapped her face directly, "You stay awake, don't be embarrassed. If people are willing to see you, why would they wait until today?"

Shen Qingning was beaten and turned her head away. It took a long while before she realized it. She covered her sore face and looked at him in disbelief, "Master, you, you beat me..."

Lingyin put down her trembling hand and said cruelly: "If you are so obsessed with it again, don't recognize me anymore."

Shen Qingning was trembling with anger, "You are my master, why don't you help me?"

Daoist Lingyin seemed to have aged a lot for a moment.

He looked at her a little dejectedly, "If I don't help you, you are still squatting in other people's dungeons. Why are you still awake?" He took her arm and said, "Let's go, I'll bring Get out of here."

"I don't want to—" Shen Qingning struggled endlessly.

At this moment, an arrow suddenly shot in the air.

"Pfft" hit her back.

Because it was so sudden, Daoist Lingyin was not prepared at all.

When he found out, Shen Qingning had already fallen down softly.

"Qing Ning—" he yelled, reaching out and hugging her.

At the same time, a group of men in black from nowhere rushed towards the two and killed them.

"There is another one, kill him quickly so that you can collect the bounty!" At this moment, someone shouted.

Daoist Lingyin immediately understood who these people were.

It was he who was careless and forgot that someone else wanted the lives of their father and daughter.

He quickly picked up Shen Qingning, performed Qinggong and left.

When those people saw this, they also performed light work to catch up.

The dramatic scene in front of them made everyone in the palace stunned.

It wasn't until the front of the mansion was quiet that everyone woke up like a dream.

"Then Shen Qingning shouldn't be alive, right?" At this time, Lu Qiao broke the silence by speaking out.

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