"Wait at the door."

The voice of the visitor was very ear-catching, low and intoxicating, with a hint of magnetism.

Hearing this voice, Li Qinian raised his head abruptly, staring at the door in a daze.

This man's voice, as if he...

Her heartbeat speeded up unknowingly, and she curled her five fingers slightly, forcibly suppressing the rushing expectations in her heart.

Do not.

not him.

This is the Golden Triangle, brother Zhuang was still in Jiangcheng two days ago, how could he suddenly become a Silver Snake?

The flame of hope was suddenly extinguished, and the luster in her eyes gradually dimmed, and she returned to a deserted state.

It must be because I miss him too much that I have the illusion.


She heard the doorknob being turned.

Zhu Sha returned to her original arrogant look, crossed her legs, and didn't take anyone seriously.


It was the sound of Mosuo leather shoes on the carpet.

Li Qinian was still immersed in memories, and didn't look up immediately.

For a long time, there was no movement.

She raised her eyes in doubt, and the moment she saw someone coming, the sparkle in her eyes stopped flowing instantly.

Really, it seems that he...

The visitor was about 188 tall, with broad shoulders and narrow waist. He was dressed in a black suit to the extreme. His cool demeanor automatically isolated him from the outside world. His black eyes were dark and deep, as unfathomable as the vast starry sky.

Li Qinian's eyes trembled slightly, and finally he put his gaze on his face.

He and he...

The facial features are different.

While she was looking at the man, the man was also looking at her.

The woman in front of her was extremely beautiful.

Protruding forward and backward, long and slender legs.

The most common black jeans, but she wore them with a different charm. Her long hair was draped gently over her shoulders, and the black birthmark on her cheeks was terrifying, but all he could see were those star-like eyes.

She was not the only one in the room, but he could never leave his eyes.

He walked towards her step by step.

Li Qinian couldn't take his eyes off the man either.

This cool temperament really resembles that person...

Even the way he looked at her was terrifying and familiar.

Finally, he stopped in front of her.

Seeing him staring at Li Qinian, Zhu Sha's heart sank, and she immediately said eagerly:

"You are the leader of the silver snake?"

The man ignored it.


He couldn't hear any movement from the outside world at all.

Zhu Sha frowned, and couldn't help reaching out to touch his shoulder.


Before his hand touched the man's body, there was a cold and stern reprimand.

Just one word.

Only one word.

Li Qinian's eyes turned red instantly.

"You man, why are you so loud..."

"Cinnabar, get out."

Li Qinian's voice was trembling, and she tried her best to suppress her emotions.

Zhu Sha looked up in shock: "First..."

"go out."

Li Qinian directly used the tone of command.

Zhu Sha lowered her head: "Yes."

Before closing the door of the box, she turned her head and gave the two of them a strange look, wondering why her leader would take the initiative to expose their relationship...

Who is this man?


There were only two people left in the box.

Li Qinian watched him quietly with red eyes.

He lost weight.

Also high.

The man who was originally half a head taller than her now needs her to look up to.

There is only a little youthful air left on him, and it has completely faded in the past two years.

Her teenager, in her absence, has grown into a calm, mature and qualified adult.

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