Almost as soon as he stepped up the steps to the second floor, he couldn't wait to lower his head and kiss her.


The door was kicked open directly.

The door of the bedroom didn't care to close, so she was thrown onto a big soft bed, the core of the bed was extremely soft, and she sank into the bed, as if she had fallen into a cradle made of feathers.

As her back touched the mattress, she couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

Jiang Wu sniffed the fragrance of her body, feeling his soul trembling.

two years...

Really too long.

He is like a lost planet, floating in the vast universe for more than seven hundred days and nights, with no direction, no track, and no light in sight.

Among the three thousand galaxies, only he is the loneliest.

Time froze for him.

Li Qinian felt his weight, and the soul that had been floating for two years finally landed:


I'm sorry, this wait has made him wait so long.

Jiang Ruanqing kissed her eyes with a gentle tone:

"I accept your apology for Seven."

On that night two years ago, he had been waiting for her to come home, and he had agreed to take a bath for Seven when she came back, but since she left, it has been two full years.

As for him...

His girls never have to apologize to him.

Li Qinian's nose was a little sore: "Then it must be a little dirty cat now."

She clutched the button of his shirt across his chest with five fingers.


It is the place closest to his heart.

She looked into his eyes.

Those eyes were clear and clean, and she was the only one in the reflection.

She parted her thin lips slightly, and kissed her without hesitation.

The missing rib returned to the body again, and the movements of both of them were tinged with madness.


When Li Qinian woke up again, the curtains in the room had been drawn, the room was dark, and the clothes were scattered all over the floor.

Is it dark?

She has completely lost the concept of time.

The man next to her was still asleep, and she couldn't help but be attracted to him by tilting her head.

Everything in the past two days was illusory like a dream. The person who could only be seen in dreams was now lying beside her and sleeping soundly.

She wants to capture her truth.

Slender fingertips touched his eyebrows.

He seemed very unhappy.

Even in his sleep, the center of his brows was tightly clenched, his eyes were slightly darkened, it looked like he hadn't slept well for a long time.

There was a flash of distress in her heart.

In the past two years of separation, she was never the only one suffering.

She caressed the center of his brow, as if trying to smooth out all the wrinkles between his brows.

"Woke up?"

As soon as there was a movement, the man suddenly made a sound before opening his eyes.

A pair of sleepy quiet black eyes slowly opened, staring at her deeply.

Li Qinian withdrew her hand resentfully:

"Just woke up."

Jiang Wang pulled her over forcefully, stuffed her into his arms, let her whole head rest on his chest, and hugged her tightly:

"Lie down with me a little longer."

He looked up at the clock on the wall, and this time, he actually slept for almost ten hours.

He hadn't had a full night's sleep in too long.

Every night, the side effects of hyperamnesia began to become apparent, and the past scenes became clearer in his mind like a player.

The more clarity, the longer the insomnia.

In the end, he didn't sleep at all. When he was tired from work, he lay down on the table to rest, and continued to work after waking up. His work and rest schedule was completely disordered.

Li Qinian quietly pressed against his chest, counting the beating of his heart and said:

"it is good."

Even if he didn't say it, she knew how difficult it was for him in the past two years.

Jiang Wang wrapped her fingertips around her hair.

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