Jiang Ju laughed softly, without adding fuel to the flames, he helped her go downstairs.

Li Qinian had just turned the corner, and when he saw the appearance downstairs, he froze in shock.

The originally gorgeous lobby on the first floor is now dilapidated, as if the demolition has just been halfway through, and the clean floor is full of sand, gravel and mud.


Someone sneak attack?

The house was bombed?

Ten thousand thoughts flashed through her mind.

Jiang Wan raised his eyes and glanced at the tragic situation downstairs, his attitude was much calmer than hers, as if everything was within his expectations.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Li Qinian didn't even care about his weak legs, he broke free from his hand and strode out.

As soon as she went out, she met dozens of pairs of eyes full of curiosity and confusion.

Li Qinian: "..."

There was a crowd of people at the door.

Someone was bending over to shovel the soil with a shovel.

Someone pushed a construction truck to remove all the soil outside the villa.

Some people were holding the construction drawings, bowed their heads and gathered together to discuss which direction to demolish, so as not to affect the load-bearing structure of the villa.

At this time, half of the originally luxurious villa had been demolished, and a few tanks were even parked farther away.

Seeing Li Qi read out, everyone looked to the left at the same time.

In that direction, four huge parasols were erected, each with a chaise longue filled with fruit bowls, laptops and piles of paper documents.

Several men heard the sound of construction disappear suddenly, they all raised their heads from their work, and looked in the direction of the villa displeased.

And seeing this, everyone was stunned!

Mo Wanggui's reaction was the quickest, he rushed towards Li Qinian like flying, holding Li Qinian's face and kneading it!

"Are you a pig? You dare to run to the Golden Triangle by yourself. Is it because the training time of the team is not long enough, or the schoolwork is not enough..."

Li Qinian stared at Mo Wanggui in a daze, still unable to recover.

Sao Fox, they are all here?


Ji Ji cut Mo Wanggui's arm with a knife!

Mo Wanggui was forced to dodge, and glanced at Season with displeasure:

"What right do you have to say that?"

If it weren't for finding someone for him, the little brat wouldn't have disappeared for two full years.

In the gap between the confrontation between the two, Li Qinian suddenly fell into a gentle embrace.

Chen Yu'an hugged her, resting his chin on her hair:

"Don't scare brother anymore, okay?"

It's not a commanding tone, there is a thick layer of sadness and depression in his words.

Even if she knew that she was very skilled, but as a girl, she must have suffered a lot after staying in a place surrounded by wolves for so long.

Li Qinian touched his nose guiltily, feeling a little guilty:

"Brother, I was wrong."

No one noticed that there was a man standing there not far away, looking at the brothers and sisters who were hugging each other tightly, the stern mask on his face was shattered!

Li Jin was still a little confused.

Although the person in front of him was wearing men's clothes that were obviously one size bigger, his waist-length hair couldn't be faked, not to mention the beautiful figure hidden under the clothes...

It is indeed a woman.

And this woman has a face very similar to her brother's.

Not only the face, but even the voice is like...

Li Jin's breathing gradually became short.

Why does he understand the truth, but always feels untrue? !

his brother!

The famous Zaun troll of the SOG team!

Is it a woman? !



Why is it a woman?

He walked over mechanically and stiffly.

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