Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 1019 Cinnabar Shocked, Jealous Brothers

It was this group of people of unknown origin who surrounded the villa by force to prevent her from approaching.

"Cinnabar, come here."

Li Qinian was the first to let go.

Zhu Sha hesitated for a second, but still called out "Boss".

That day in the clubhouse, when Li Qinian ordered her to leave, the relationship between the two had already been exposed.

"Is there any news from Wolong?" Li Qinian cut to the chase.

Zhu Sha: "We all declared that you were kidnapped by the group that kidnapped the leader of Silver Snake, and Wolf Killer is sending more people to look for your whereabouts. As for the people outside the box that day, they have all been detained together. "

As she spoke, she looked at the men in front of her out of the corner of her eye.

"Boss, do you know who is the person who kidnapped the leader of Silver Snake? I don't know if this person is an enemy or a friend. I think we need to investigate."

Li Qinian cleared his throat uncomfortably:

"Hey, not the enemy."

Zhu Sha thought quickly: "Is the leader your friend?"

Jiang Lu's human skin mask had been taken off, and she did not recognize his identity.

Li Qinian: "...that's it."

Not just friends, but boyfriends.

Zhu Sha let go of her hanging heart temporarily: "The leader, do you want to go back with me?"

Upon hearing this, several men who were originally doing their own things raised their heads at the same time, and their calm and cold eyes fell on her face, especially the one with the red phoenix eyes, there was a layer of murderous intent in his eyes.

Zhu Sha's heart skipped a beat.


These men are not good people!

When she brought people close to the villa, this group of people directly sent someone to throw her out!

Such a dangerous person, there are still four of them, she must not let the leader fall into such a dangerous situation! !

However, the very next second she made up her mind, something happened that made her eyes widen.

One of the gentle-looking men actually put the peeled whole shrimp into the bowl of her leader? !

Her family is so cold, the leader who refuses people thousands of miles away actually eats with a smile?

Which play is this from? !

"As long as you will behave..."

Regarding Chen Yu'an's behavior, Mo Wang Gui muttered in a strange way.

One day the tea was full of tea, and he didn't look like a man at all.

Li Qinian pretended not to hear what he said, and backhanded a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs for Chen Yu'an:

"Thank you brother, you try this, the taste is really amazing."

Mo Wanggui: "..." Hehe.

He really wasn't jealous at all.

Chen Yu'an had already had lunch, and the food in his stomach hadn't been digested yet, but he picked up the chopsticks and ate the whole rib:


Mo Wanggui rested his hands behind his head, crossed his legs, pursed the corners of his mouth into a straight line, and the aura around him became a little bit colder.

Zhu Sha's heart was shocked again.

If she guessed correctly, this person is jealous?

But why?

"Leader, these few..."

"my brother."

Li Qinian's words were concise and to the point, taking advantage of the gap between meals, he took the time to point to Mo Wanggui:

"Let me introduce, he is the real leader of Silver Snake, don't forget to return."

Cinnabar: "???!"


Her mind is a little messed up!

Isn't the leader of the silver snake tied up?

Do not.

Still not right!

The point is how do you know the leader of the Silver Snake, he looks quite familiar?

She was full of doubts, but in the end she didn't ask.


In the next three days, Zhu Sha brought them back to Chu Feng's base camp.

It was also in just three days that her whole world was shattered, and her cognition was completely overturned.

Just like now——

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