He stopped Jiang Lu who was following Li Qinian, with a hesitant expression on his face.

Li Qinian clasped his hands behind his back, and said in a powerful manner, "My man, do you have any objections?"

"No, it's not... But my lord, this person's identity is unknown. According to the rules of the organization, he cannot be let in."

Facing Li Qinian's cold gaze, every time he said a word, the sweat on his forehead increased a little faster.

Li Qinian silently pulled out the dagger on his back, casually wiped it in his hand, and said calmly:

"Oh? Then have you ever seen me abide by the rules of the organization?"

The cold light from the dagger just hit his eyes.

That heart tightened, and he immediately knelt down: "My lord, please, please..."

He had seen the scene of Li Qinian murdering with his own eyes, and it was the same. One second he was still talking, but the next second he pulled out the dagger without warning...

A chill came from the soles of his feet, making his hair stand on end.

Li Qinian glanced at him lightly, walked towards the main building without saying anything.

main building.

Before she reached the gate, Killing Wolf who received the news greeted her.

Li Qinian's eyes flickered.

It took her less than five minutes to walk from the entrance to the main building. She didn't expect Killing Wolf to receive the news so quickly.

"Are you back?" Killing Wolf looked her up and down, "Aren't you injured?"

Li Qinian said indifferently: "Small injury, it's not a problem."

"Sure enough, I'm still injured. I'll send someone to call a doctor..."

Killing Wolf's face darkened slightly.

"Since you were able to escape from desperation, have you figured out the identities of this group of people?"

Li Qinian shook his head: "Not yet, but judging from the accent, he seems to be an authentic Chinese."

She went on to add: "The wound has scabbed over, so there is no need to bother the doctor."

Killing Wolf didn't force it, but his eyes fell behind her:

"Who is this?"

The man behind Li Qinian had dark skin, thick eyebrows, drooping eyelids, a sunken nose, and thin, chapped lips. He looked ugly and cowardly.

"His name is A Niu. If he hadn't saved me this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back today."

She retold the speech she had prepared in advance to Kill Wolf.

After listening to the explanation, Shi Lang looked at Jiang Lu with less guarded eyes:

"Are you good at it?"

"A Niu is dumb."

Li Qinian explained aloud.

"He is just a villager near the border. He has not received systematic training. He only knows some boxing skills. The village where Ah Niu lives is poor and backward. In order to repay him, I brought him back. There is just a shortage of people who can boil water in the bamboo building. .”

"You're lucky."

Killing Wolf spoke with unknown meaning, and at the same time, his left hand landed on Jiang Lu's shoulder, exerting force suddenly.


The sound of bones could be faintly heard.

Li Qinian lowered his eyes, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Jiang Lu didn't fight back, but frowned and avoided, staring at Shi Lang defensively, as if a little scared.

Li Qinian mocked and said:

"Have you had enough probing? Now that you have had enough probing, I should go back to the bamboo building?"

Killing Wolf resentfully withdrew his hand, and smiled softly: "Shadow, I am also thinking of your safety."

"Don't bother the leader."

After Li Qinian declined, she turned and left with a cold face.

Jiang Lu silently followed behind her.

As soon as he walked out of the gate, there was no one around, Jiang Huang suddenly said:

"He likes you."

Use an affirmative tone.

Li Qinian: "..."

Outrageous, you can see that too?

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