"There is nothing on this mountain. Apart from the good air, there is no advantage. I persuaded the military adviser many times, but he just refused to leave."

Zhou Chan talked for a while, only to realize that he had always been the one taking the initiative, and no one around him had said a word, so he threw the topic to Ji Ji.

"What about you? How did you meet the military division?"

How did you meet?

When Ji Ji heard this question, he couldn't help being in a daze for a moment.

It's been so long that he rarely recalls this time.

"He is my college classmate."

When he first entered the police academy, Shen Nian had already become famous.

Outstanding appearance, invincible skill, excellent leadership ability...

There are also people who can't understand him and challenge him, but there is only one result in the end...

Later, the school asked them to choose their opponents one-on-one.

Since no one could beat him, and no one could beat Shen Yian, the two freaks naturally formed a team.

At that time, he still couldn't beat Shen Nian, and every time Shen Nian beat him to the ground, he would smile and tickle his fingers at him: "Come again."

He is like a sponge that absorbs knowledge crazily, accumulating experience in actual combat. In the year of graduation, his skill was already comparable to that of Shen Nian.


Zhou Chan nodded thoughtfully.

That should be pretty perverted too.


It took the two of them half an hour to finally reach the small bamboo forest halfway up the mountain.

In the depths of the bamboo forest, there is a small courtyard built of bamboo. Among the misty smoke, the bamboo house is like a secret fairyland, mysterious and unpredictable.

At this time, the gate of the small courtyard was closed.

Zhou Chan took out a key, unlocked the door of the courtyard, went to the closed door, and knocked lightly.

"My lord, are you inside?"

After about three seconds, an indifferent voice finally came from inside.

"What is it?"

Hearing these two short words, Ji Ji's eyes were completely glued to the door.

Zhou Chan's attitude was respectful: "There is a person who claims to be your friend and wants to meet you."

After he finished speaking, there was no movement for a long time.

Zhou Chan turned his head and looked at Ji Ji with a tangled look: "This..."

What does this mean?

When he came here before, he didn't encounter such a situation.

"I have no friends, let him go."

The people in the room finally responded.

Zhou Chan looked at Ji Ji in surprise: "Why don't you still..."

Season was too lazy to listen, so he stepped forward and kicked the wooden door open with force.


Before the door fell to the ground, he couldn't wait to step on the buzzing wooden planks and rush in directly.

As soon as Ji entered the room, his eyes began to shoot around.

Finally, his eyes fell on the back of the desk.

This is a thin back.

The man was wearing a black shirt. When he heard the door being opened, he still didn't look back.

"Shen Nian."

He calls his name.

Shen Nian focused his eyes on the bookshelf, and when he heard the movement, he turned his head, revealing an extremely familiar face in Season:

"Are you calling me?"

There are doubts and indifference in his eyes, but he doesn't see the surprise and joy after reuniting after a long absence...

Even staring at Ji Ji was like looking at a stranger.

"You don't recognize me?"

Seasons stopped in front of him.

"Are you the one Zhou Chan said, my friend?"

Shen Nian was alienated all over.

When Ji Ji came to him, he realized that he was not sitting in a chair, but a special wheelchair.

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