Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 1033 Little expert pretending to be dead

He seemed to hear something funny, and couldn't help laughing out loud. The man suddenly leaned forward, approaching Ji Ji's face, his aura was oppressive, and his voice was low and deep:

"Then tell me, what did I steal?"

Ji Ji didn't hide or evade, sat in the same position, stared directly at him, but didn't intend to speak.

Shen Nian shook his head and sat back on the wheelchair.

"Are all of you policemen so stubborn? You can't say a word for a long time."

You are also a policeman.

Ji Ji met his gaze, and silently recited a sentence in his heart.

You are a glorious people's policeman, an undercover agent, and a ghost walking on the tip of a knife.

"You go, I won't go back with you." Shen Nian gave him the answer bluntly.

Season's attitude is very calm: "Then I won't go back."

"You have to spend time with me?" Shen Nian asked back.


The seasons readily admit.

His rogue attitude to the end made Shen Nian laugh angrily:

"Okay, the legs are on your body, and I can't do anything about you, so just stay by yourself."

"I'll let Zhou Chan in."


When Zhou Chan heard the news that he was the only one going down the mountain, his three views exploded, and he was shocked:

"What did you say?"

Ji Ji kindly repeated it for Shen Nian: "He asked you to go down the mountain earlier."

Zhou Chan: "???"

"how about you?"

He had a constipated look on his face.

The season is indifferent: "Live in the bamboo forest."

Zhou Chan: "..."

God damn lives in a bamboo forest!

The bamboo forest is full of mosquitoes, rats and ants, and it is very humid after the rain. How can people live there?

"Then how about... I also live in the bamboo forest?"

He tentatively opened his mouth.

Anyway, living in one is living, and living in two is also living.

Shen Niannian: "..."


Zhou Chan waited for a long time, but he didn't see the two of them paying attention to him, so he could only speak depressedly by himself:

"Forget it, I'm used to Jingui, but I can't stand your broken bamboo forest. I'd better go down the mountain. Military division, remember to contact me in time if you have anything to do."

Since it is the grievance between the two of them, let the two of them resolve it.


After Zhou Chan left, the room became quiet again.

Season took the initiative to ask: "Do you cook by yourself every day?"

Shen Niannian: "..."

Playing dead.

"You also planted the cabbage in the yard?"


Continue to play dead.

"Are you dumb?"


I'm an expert at pretending to be dead.

Ji Ji waited for a long time but couldn't answer, so he simply pushed the wheelchair out of the house.

"Where are you taking me?"

Shen Nian finally couldn't help but speak.

The halfway up the mountain is not as good as the city. Once it is dark, you will no longer see the busy traffic and red lights and green wine.

"What do you do every day?"

Ji Ji pushed the wheelchair into the yard, he pulled out a small stool and stood beside him.

Shen Niannian: "Sleep, read and grow vegetables."

"You're having a good time."

I'm afraid no one would have imagined that the captain of the criminal investigation who was once famous in Jiangcheng, the gangster of the powerful duo, ended up growing vegetables in a big mountain.

"After staying in a cage for a long time, I can return to nature."

He made his stand clear.

Ji Ji took out two bottles of wine from nowhere, handed one of them to him, uncorked the bottle and took a sip:

"Shen Nian, I have arrested you for five full years."

"All of them say that you are a fugitive and saw you kill someone with their own eyes..."

Having said that, he paused.

"But I don't believe it."

Shen Nian didn't drink alcohol and listened quietly to his narration.

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