According to Shen Nian's personality, he would never keep a man who had only met him once overnight.

Even Zhou Chan, who has known him for so many years, must go down the mountain on time, but it is the season, which seems to always have some kind of privilege with Shen Nian.

"Forget it, don't worry about it, the Land Bureau gave my brother a one-month annual leave, and when the month expires, he always has to go back."

Li Qinian decided to stand by for the time being.


Ten p.m.

A group of people gathered near the Silver Snake camp.

Killing Wolf stared at Li Qinian, who was dressed in black and looked heroic, with greed surging in his eyes:

"Shadow, you should pay more attention to safety."

After the Silver Snake matter is settled, it will be her turn to quarrel with him.

Li Qinian was standing behind a big tree, half of her figure was blocked by the thick trunk, and at this moment, the man behind her was playing with the five fingers she carried behind her:


He scratched her palm lightly.

A little itchy.

She pursed her lips tightly so as not to let herself cry out.

Passed like a feather.

Killing Wolf couldn't see her expression, but could only see her tightly pursed thin lips. The pale pink lips were distorted into an arc, which gave her a bit of aloofness and arrogance.

This feeling again...

Obviously she is right in front of him, but she is like the bright moon in the nine heavens, she can only be seen from a distance and cannot be profaned, as if no matter how close he is, it is impossible for him to hold the moon in his arms.

He finally made up his mind and promised to speak:

"When we return safely, I will send all the power of the silver snake to your hands."


The subordinates around him were all shocked.

Send all the power of the silver snake to her?

One must know that Silver Snake's power is not much weaker than Wolong's. If Shadow controls this power, it means that she is fully qualified to sit on an equal footing with Killing Wolf. What an honor is this? !

Li Qinian was also a little surprised.

She always thought that Killing Wolf would not trust her.

"Boss, it's time, it's time to go."

She raised her wrist to glance at the time, sounded a reminder, and automatically blocked what she had just heard.

Darkness flashed in Wolf Killer's eyes, he understood her evasion, and said no more at the moment: "According to the plan, you lead a team, and I lead a team, outflanking from north to south."

Li Qinian is in charge of the North team: "Okay."


After the two teams separated, Li Qinian followed the original plan and took them to the designated place.

"The monitoring interference can only last for fifteen minutes, and we must complete the task within fifteen minutes."

Her mission is to capture the leader of the Silver Snake alive and kidnap the top executives of the Silver Snake, while the task of Killing the Wolf is to attract the attention of the rest of the Silver Snake.

"My lord, we will listen to you as to how you plan to arrange it."

"Divided into six teams to search for the whereabouts of the leader of the Silver Snake respectively. Once there is news, call and I will be in charge of controlling the rear."

Squads are for breaking down one by one.

In every direction they went, people with silver snakes had already laid a net, waiting for them to enter the circle.

the other end.

Mo Wanggui looked at the prey that entered the enclosure, and when he found that Li Qinian was not there, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This little brat was finally obedient for a while.

Little did they know that the current Li Qinian had already brought Jiang Zhu to the direction of killing the wolf.

On the Wolf Killing side, Zhou Chan and Chen Yu'an were in charge.

A certain gentle boss sat in the main seat, drinking tea leisurely, throwing some "funny" emoticons and jokes to his sister from time to time.

In contrast, Zhou Chan was much more tragic.

Every intersection is monitored at all times, for fear that the wolf killer will slip in accidentally.

"Here comes the fish."

Zhou Chan tried to get Chen Yu'an's attention.


The bony fingers continued to tap the screen.

Niannian returned his message.

Said she was on her way.

The movie king, who is well versed in the way of green tea, slowly put away his phone and looked at Zhou Chan:

"What's going on now?"

Zhou Chan rolled his eyes in his heart.

Oh shit.

I'm drooling beside you, and you didn't listen to a word?

He cursed secretly, and patiently explained the situation to Chen Yu'an.

Chen Yu'an did not respond after listening, Zhou Chan turned his head in doubt, only to find that he was holding his mobile phone again, as if he was replying to someone else's message! ! !


He had a shit-eating expression on his face.

Are you the world paddling champion?

Chen Yu'an stood up indifferently: "Are you finished?"

Zhou Chan: "It's over."

Anyway, you don't listen, he said there is a fart!

"Then let's go."

Chen Yu'an picked up the black coat on the back of the chair.

Zhou Chan was confused: "Where are you going?"

"Catch fish."


Li Qinian directly copied and pasted the plan Chen Yu'an had sent her and sent it to Shilang.

The content is very simple.

Mixed true and false reports part of the situation.

Killing Wolf is a cautious person, if the latent plan does not go well, he will choose to retreat directly, and most definitely, if the latent situation is very good, he will also choose to retreat.

In his view, being too easy means something is wrong.

Once they retreat, the Wolong people have no chance to enter their ambush circle.

The scale of Chen Yu'an's news is very subtle, jumping wildly within the range that Killing Wolf can bear.

Li Qinian showed Jiang Lu a look at the chat records:

"As expected of a man who has won a Grand Slam."

Calculating people's hearts, step by step.

If she was the Wolf Killer at this moment, she would probably believe it.

ten minutes later.

As soon as Li Qinian walked near the family area, he heard the sound of gunfire from the two sides.

She unconsciously quickened her pace.

More than half of the people brought by Killing Wolf had been reduced, and the remaining twenty or so people were surrounded by Zhou Chan's men.

Obviously there are guns, but they don't shoot. Is the two sides confronting each other?

Just as Li Qinian approached to find out, Chen Yu'an, who was opposite him, gave her a wink.

Many people in Silver Snake saw Li Qinian, but Shi Lang didn't notice her coming because his back was facing her.

Li Qinian paused.

Is Chen Yu'an telling her not to go there?

She hesitated for a moment, but chose to stand where she was, and did not move forward.

"Wolf Killer, I advise you to stop struggling. Even if you ignite the explosives, we are the ones who will die the most. Crouching Dragon's defeat is already settled. Even if you escape, it will not change anything at all."

Zhou Chan spoke to persuade.


Li Qinian heard the key words, and his eyes fell on the back of Shi Lang.

It can be vaguely seen that the man's hands are in front of his body, as if he is holding something...

Killing Wolf sneered, with an unruly expression on his face: "I was the one who got the idea, but you put eyeliner by my side."

This is obviously a grand banquet, and everything is just waiting for you to enter the urn.

Thinking of the text message Li Qinian sent him, his eyes flickered.

Why did Shadow send him false information that she was the spy? Or, she has been captured, and someone used her mobile phone to send him a false message?

"It's enough to hold you back." His eyes were burning with madness.

Aww, two chapters in one!

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