When the people of Wolong saw Li Qinian, they were overjoyed, as long as Mr. Shadow was around, they would be able to turn danger into good luck.

Killing Wolf raised his head when he heard the words, first he was overjoyed, then his eyes were stained with suspicion.

She was not caught.

Then what happened to the false information she sent?

"Catch it."

Zhou Chan saw her and ordered directly.

The silver snake swarmed up and began to fight with Li Qinian, his moves were ruthless and merciless.

Killing Wolf narrowed his eagle eyes slightly, staring at Li Qinian who was besieged by more and more people and was about to lose his strength. Finally, he said:

"Tell your people to stop!"

He grabbed Chen Yu'an's neck.

Displeasure flashed across Chen Yu'an's brows, and his gaze continued to be on Li Qinian.

Zhou played and raised his hand, and the Silver Snake man immediately stopped fighting.

"Shadow, come here."

Killing Wolf stared at Li Qinian, his black eyes were as black as ink, making it impossible to see his emotions.

Li Qinian walked towards him.

"Put down the gun in your hand." Killing Wolf suddenly said.

A look of worry appeared on Zhou Chan's face.

Killing Wolf asked her to put down the gun, obviously because he didn't trust her, if she passed by now, she might be shot dead by Killing Wolf...

Without saying a word, Li Qinian let go of his hand neatly, and the small pistol in his hand fell to the ground with a "click".

She took off her coat, revealing the black T-shirt inside, turned around in a circle, and had a clear view of her waist.


A faint sarcasm flashed across her face, and her tone was provocative, as if she was not surprised by the behavior of killing the wolf.

You see, the way you are, never learns to trust anyone.

It was this sarcasm that hurt Shi Lang's eyes.

After all... It was his fault that she didn't trust him.

"Shadow, I'm not doubting you."

He tried to explain.

"Oh? Then what are you doing?"

The mocking smile on the corner of Li Qinian's mouth was even bigger.

Killing Wolf knew that no matter how he explained it, it would be futile, so he could only hold a stalemate with her:

"Come here first, it's not safe to talk outside."

Of course Li Qinian would not be at odds with her own safety, she walked towards the people in Wolong, and the men around her consciously made way for her.

Shi Lang looked at the woman who was close at hand, but he didn't relax the hand that was holding Chen Yu'an's neck.

"Where's your phone?"

"It fell during the fight." She said lightly.

Killing Wolf narrowed her eyes:

"Shadow, someone used your mobile phone to send me a false message. Because of this message, we lost more than a hundred brothers."

A ruthless look flashed across Li Qinian's eyes, and he frowned slightly: "They're all dead?"

"All dead."

Killing Wolf observed her reaction, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

It should not be her.

Shadow had had many chances to lay hands on him, and if she wanted him dead, he would not have survived long ago.

He is too sensitive and suspicious...


As the leader of the organization, this is the first time he has apologized to someone.

Li Qinian didn't buy it, and his expression remained unchanged: "Let's go out first."

"it is good."

Killing Wolf pinched Chen Yu'an, protected her, and moved towards the gate:

"You hide behind me, there are hostages in hand, they dare not act rashly."

Li Qinian's long eyelashes drooped, casting shadows on the eyelids: "Okay."

She stood behind Killing Wolf, the man's fragile and deadly back was exposed in front of her eyes.

She didn't move.

"Where's the car?" Killing Wolf looked around.

Zhou Chan delayed the time: "I'll be there soon."

"I'll give you another minute. After one minute, if I can't see the shadow of the car, I will cripple one of his eyes!"

His tone was harsh and his eyes were dark.

Zhou Chan agreed with a heavy tone: "Okay."

in a minute.

A van pulled up in front of the gate.

Killing Wolf: "Shadow, you go up first and check if there is any problem with the vehicle."

"it is good."

Li Qinian talked less as usual.

She opened the car door and sat in.

Killing Wolf blocked Chen Yu'an in front of him, and retreated step by step.

Li Qinian poked his head out after checking, "No problem, the car can be used."

Killing Wolf relaxed his vigilance a little.

Continuing to retreat, he stood in front of the car door and assured Zhou Chan:

"Don't worry, I will release him as soon as possible after I guarantee my safety."

I thought that he would die here today, but he didn't expect that there is no end to the road, and God gave him a glimmer of life.

As long as he gets into this car, he's safe.

With Shadow's driving skills, he could easily get rid of this group of people. When he got to a safe place, he killed the man in his hand and fed it to the dogs...

"Leader, come up."

Li Qinian squatted in front of the car door, holding the door with his hands.

"it is good."

A smile of rejoicing that he escaped from death appeared on the face of Killing Wolf.

As long as he is alive, one day he will make a comeback.

When he thought of the days to come, his eyes sparkled, and his desire for life burst out! !

With his back to Li Qinian, he stepped back into the car.

He looked up and saw Zhou Chan who looked angry but helpless, with a playful and insolent smile on the corner of his mouth...


The sound of skin being cut by a blade.

In a noisy environment, such a cracking sound is inaudible.

Large streams of blood gushed out from his neck, his eyeballs widened, as if they were about to fall out of their sockets in the next second, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was frozen on his face.

"Why, why?"

He turned back with all the strength he had left.

Why, why kill him? ?

Since he was going to kill him, why didn't he do it before? !

For the first time, he learned to trust a person, but he didn't expect it to end in betrayal.

Holding the dagger hidden in the carriage in advance, Li Qinian turned a blind eye to his gaze, the corners of his eyes were cold and disdainful, and he removed his hand from Chen Yu'an's neck, with a low tone:

"It's up to you to cooperate with my brother?"

She looked into his eyes as if looking at a piece of garbage.

Killing Wolf's chest trembled slightly, and there was a subtle pain, but he was in so much pain that he couldn't even tell whether it was the wound on his neck that was hurting, or the pain in his atrium was worse...

elder brother?

How could the Silver Snake be her brother?

His brain consciousness began to blur, and he no longer had the energy to think about this problem.

At the last second before his vision fell into darkness, a thought suddenly flashed in his heart.

It turned out that this is what she looks like when she sincerely protects someone...

The other people in Wolong were killed by snipers lurking in the dark the moment Li Qinian made his move.

Li Qinian wiped off the blood on his hands, and raised his hand to touch Chen Yu'an's neck:

"Brother, are you okay? This has left bruising marks..."

She didn't expect Killing Wolf to be so ruthless.

Depend on!

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let him die so cheaply!

"Skin trauma, it's okay."

After Chen Yu'an finished speaking, he began to cough uncontrollably.

Li Qinian supported him, with a nervous expression on his face: "Is it because you hurt your trachea?"

Happy 2-in-1!

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