Having not experienced the precipitation of years, Zhou Cheng's every move seems childish and frivolous among a group of big bosses who call the wind and rain.

"What about the other two?"

"Julie, 37 years old, Director Liu's wife, an actress who debuted as a child star."

"Tang Tang, a music creator, a talented girl from Berkeley College, 22 years old."

Li Qinian knew it.

Zhu Li and Zhou Cheng were pushed in by someone, and they were both people with financial backers.

"Everyone, get ready, the recording location will arrive soon. After getting off the car, we will officially start the live recording."

The director stood up from his seat and turned to look at the guests in the car.

"The program strives to be authentic, so it will be broadcast live. Everyone try to control their emotions."

If the character design collapses, he is not responsible.


The car stopped in the wild.

Director: "This is a blindfold. Everyone can get out of the car after blindfolding. There will be staff to take everyone to the corresponding starting point."

"Isn't that right, Director, it's a single-player game right from the start?"

Julie held the black blindfold in her hand and hesitated to put it on.

Single-player games can best reflect personal abilities.

The director showed a mysterious smile:

"Everyone will know as soon as they enter, the secret must not be leaked, a warm reminder, after getting out of the car, our follow-up director will officially start filming."

Just when Li Qinian was about to cover her eyes, it was dark in front of her eyes, and the clear and thick woody fragrance enveloped her.


Jiang Wang's sullen and magnetic voice fell on her ears.

Li Qinian shook his head: "I heard that there are elements of terror, I am quite looking forward to it."

She will try to control her iron fist and let the NPC live.

"Nian Nian, let's go, get out of the car."

Chen Yu'an blindfolded, turned around and stretched out a hand towards her.

At this time, Li Qinian's hand was already held by Jiang Wang.

"What are you dawdling in, why don't you leave?"

Mo Wanggui grabbed Li Qinian's other hand according to the location in his memory.

"Follow me and stop wrestling."

Li Qinian who was held by two men at the same time: "..."

There is a kind of coldness, which is called your mother thinks you are cold, and there is a kind of weakness, which is called your brother thinks you are weak.

She can hit the bull's-eye with her eyes blindfolded, but she still has to worry about falling when she walks?

She sighed and groped to get out of the car after the two of them.

At this time, the barrage on the Internet had already started.

[Why can't the director go up and shoot if the people in the car don't come down? 】

[Aww, I want to see my son smash it! I haven't seen him for two years, and I don't know if he is disabled or not! 】

[Pure passer-by, is this some unpopular show? Except for Chen Yu'an, I don't know any of the other guests! 】

[The people who eat melons on Weibo... just want to see the bloody Shura field where the cheating scumbag meets his ex! 】

[The rubbish program group knows how to gain popularity, if it wasn't for eating melons, I wouldn't click in! 】

Just as the barrage was boiling, the first person got out of the car.

Zhou Cheng was blindfolded and couldn't see the camera at all. He could only look forward and greeted everyone:

"Hi~ good afternoon everyone."

【Ahhh Zhou Zhou is so handsome, Ma Ma loves it so much! 】

【So my son, get off the car quickly! 】

In anticipation, the second person got off the car.

Julie held Tang Tang behind her, and carefully touched the car door to get out of the car. Her movements were restrained, and she looked a little funny. On the other hand, Tang Tang walked calmly and looked calm.

[Laughing, my Tang Tang is pretending again]

【Sister Li is still so beautiful~】

Amidst the barrage of flattery, one foot stepped on the gravel road.

Ji Ji got out of the car with a cold face, expressionless, and stood aside without speaking, quietly waiting for the people in the car.

【who is this? I don't know why]

[This should be the mysterious guest mentioned by the program team, right? It seems that foreign aid was invited from the police force to help the guests solve the mystery and win the poverty alleviation fund! 】

[Wori! Sure enough, all the good-looking men were handed over to the country! He is so handsome! so white! So noble! Like the blood-sucking ghosts in western legends! 】

[Which police force? Tell me your name in three minutes, and I'm going to apply for Aunt Cleaning now! 】

[It's late, I've already opened Word and am writing a resume! 】

Ji Ji didn't know that his good looks caused the coveted eyes of the old people, and when he heard the movement behind him, he turned his head:

"Never mind?"

Mo Wanggui rolled his eyes angrily: "It's me."

One day, I will know how to think about it.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

Because they were going to be on the show, the show team arranged makeup artists for several people.

Mo Wanggui didn't want to put on makeup, so after changing his clothes, he simply styled his hairstyle, revealing his full forehead and deep eyebrows.

A light purple shirt was loosely unbuttoned with the top two buttons, and a bohemian and evil spirit came over his face.

【Help, I'm so lustful, I really want to fuck him...】

【As soon as I saw him, I have already thought about the names of our future children】

[It turns out that there really is a kind of man, you want to clamp your legs when you see him...]

[Those who dare to wear purple are ruthless! Relying on his good looks to act recklessly! 】

When Ji Ji heard that he would never forget to return, he took back the steps he took.

The two big men stood guard in front of the door, one on the left and the other on the right, ignoring each other, which seemed to be tit for tat.

Chen Yu'an's gentle voice sounded just right:

"There are steps here, please slow down."


Li Qinian's left hand was held by him in the end, but her right hand also pulled Jiang Huang.

"Brother Wang, slow down too."

Chen Yu'an pursed her thin lips tightly and did not speak.

He pulled Li Qinian out of the car.

[Help, so where is my son? Why don't you come out? 】

[Fuck, who is this woman? So fucking pretty! ! 】

[Beautiful sister, I can! ! 】

[In the entertainment industry? Why haven't I seen it? The official blog of the program team did not see the introduction information of this sister...]

[Fuck! Everyone, get ready for battle, Jiang Zhanan has a second to arrive at the scene! 】

When Li Qinian pulled Chen Yu'an with one hand and Jiang Huan with the other to get out of the car, all the audience erupted!

[Where did the vixen come from, it's not enough to hold one male god, you have to hold two? Let go of my family An Yingdi! 】

[The point is that An Yingdi actually let her lead her! Jiang Ruan let her hold him too? ! 】

[Isn't it true that men nowadays are so superficial and only look at their faces? 】

"Okay, everyone is here, everyone can start to act."

The director's voice cuts in.

[Wait, there are not enough people! My son is still in the car! 】

[I'm stupid, where are the whisperers? ! 】

[Tell everyone a ghost story, there are only eight guests in total...]

[Is something wrong upstairs? Shouldn't it be eight or nine? 】

[After counting the number of guests at the scene, I am stupid]

[Eight people, are they really together? 】

[? ? ? 】

[So now there is an extra beauty who can't be named, and my son of Zaan is missing? 】

[I rub it, the profile of the beauty looks familiar, come and wake me up...]

I have been busy with the exams for the past two days, and a cute guru who asked a question said that it expired before she could reply in time, and I don’t know how she is doing in the exam. I wish him the best of luck in the exam and pass all the exams with high scores! good night~

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