Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 1047 Seventh brother's IQ is crushed


Listen the name is a girl.

She rummaged for a long time, and finally found a cipher box with a lock.

The password is six digits in total.

[Is it about to start, is it about to start high energy! 】

[As soon as I came here, I asked someone to find the password, without giving any clues, it seemed so difficult]

Li Qinian weighed the box in his hand.

The things inside are very light, so flimsy and weightless.

Suddenly, she moved her eyes to the keyhole and took a look...

【Laughing, she thought she could see what's inside? Don't be naive! 】

Li Qinian sat down unhurriedly, and took out a paper clip holding the test paper from the teacher's desk.

[? ? ? 】

"Director, you should buy better quality locks next time."

She inserted the paper clip into the keyhole.

The director held up the loudspeaker and stared at the scene on the screen, but he didn't recover.

Is this forcible unlocking?

Just a paper clip?

What about the password they racked their brains to devise? ! !


He didn't care about the recording of the show, and directly discouraged him from speaking with a loudspeaker.


Crisp spring sound.


Did her mother really open it?

Li Qinian heard his howl of grief, turned around with a blank and innocent face:

"What's wrong?"

When the director stood behind the camera body, she glanced at the camera, and her 360-degree full face was clearly captured by the camera!

[Sisters, it's really not an exaggeration. The moment she looked at me, my heart skipped a few beats... My sister killed me! 】

【Oh shit! I was actually seduced by a woman! 】

[Codelock: Are you polite? 】

[Can I learn this trick? 】

[So you are a young e-sports player, why do you open the lock (smile.jpg)]

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I begging for the shadow area in the director's heart】

The director looked disheartened, trying to squeeze out a sentence:

"...This kind of violent unlocking is not enough. We have to follow the steps. The password for unlocking is hidden in the room, and you have to find it."

"Follow the steps?"

Li Qinian muttered and repeated his words, "All right."

She closed the opened box again and put it back on the desk.

Because the inside of the lock cylinder had been destroyed, when she put it down, the lid flicked slightly, and it couldn't be closed again at all.


Li Qinian stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and began to search for the password:

"It's okay, it's not a big problem, just treat it as a closed box."


[Director team: Thank you, I was insulted]

【I am the pen on the table, I testify that nothing happened just now】

Li Qinian looked around and began to observe the three murals on the wall.

The first painting, painted a golden apple tree.

The second painting depicts a silver axe.

The third painting is a scientist wearing a white lab coat, holding a burning unknown object in his hand, and showing a surprised expression.

On the table where scientists do experiments, there are dense piles of instruments.

【What the hell is this... I can't understand it anymore】

Li Qinian stopped and stared at the third painting for a long time.

Finally, she turned around abruptly, returned to the desk, and picked up the cipher box on the desk.

The camera was given to her fingertips...




She spoke a series of numbers and turned the gears as she spoke.


The broken spring moved slightly.

A smile curled up on her lips.

"Director, can I open the box now?"


The corner of his mouth twitched wildly, and he nodded: "The password is correct, you can open it."

[? ? ? 】

【What happened just now? She stared at the three paintings for three minutes, why did she know the password? 】

[It's over, I can't keep up with my son's rhythm...]

[So what's going on? Unconscionable rebel, can't you explain it? ! 】

The director looked hopeless:

"Cough... Well, some viewers didn't follow your train of thought, so remember to explain it, otherwise they will say that the show has shady scenes again."

Li Qinian was studying with the box in his arms, and was a little surprised when he heard this:

"This didn't keep up?"

She looked disbelieving.

【Hehe, shut up, you】

【Oh, don't worry about my life, as long as you are happy】

She stopped to study the box and pointed to the third painting:

"You all know this painting, right?"

[I suspect that she is intentionally retaliating against us, but I have no evidence]

[There is no name next to it, who the hell would know...]

Li Qinian earnestly popularizes science for everyone:

"This is a very famous portrait of Lavoisier, the father of chemistry, when he discovered oxygen."

"The burning substance in the painting is the iron wire he used in his experiments."

【... A chemistry teacher passed by, saying that what she said was right】

[So what does this have to do with passwords? 】

Li Qinian: "The password is actually very simple. The key is to understand this painting. Since the third painting is related to chemistry, the first and second paintings must also be involved."

"What are golden apples made of?"

"And what is the silver ax made of?"

She raised her eyes to face the camera, her peach blossom eyes sparkled brightly, and the crazy curiosity for the answer to the mystery in her eyes gave her a layer of mystery.

"Gold, silver, iron, the three paintings correspond to the three chemical elements."

"The serial number of the gold element in the periodic table is 79, silver is 47, and iron is 26."

After Li Qinian spoke for such a long time, he finally explained the answer clearly.

[The periodic table has a total of 112 elements, so have you memorized them all? ! What the hell kind of devil is this...]

[If I didn't know that she chose astronomy, I once thought she was a chemistry student...]

[Usually only the top 36 chemical elements are tested in the college entrance examination, what on earth is she thinking, she actually memorized 112...]

"Okay, let's continue."

Li Qinian still wanted to get out of the room early.

The open lockbox was empty, and there was nothing there.

She pressed a button on the bottom of the case, and a red laser suddenly lit up.

[Sure enough, the step of laser pointer is indispensable to play the secret room! 】

[Finally there is something in Yangjian, this time I will definitely be able to keep up with my son's brain circuit! 】

"It's actually not a key."

Li Qinian narrowed his eyes slightly.

"That's right, it's too simple to give the key directly."

The director team breathed a sigh of relief silently.

Damn, finally found a place again.

The secret room they set up is not simple. After all, who would recognize Lavoisier, the father of chemistry, and the combustion experiment he was doing at a glance?

Li Qinian knocked on the wall, but there was nothing unusual on the wall.

She frowned slightly, returned to the chair and sat down.

She must have missed something crucial...

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