"It's just that my Sissi here seems to be a little different from yours."

She unfolded the note suspiciously.

"This is a design drawing of a dress, and the designer's name is Sissi."

And behind Li Qinian's certificate, it clearly shows that Sissi is taking astronomy class...

"Here's a photo of the finished dress."

She sent another photo

Li Qinian's eyes fell on the photo, and with just one glance, he was attracted by the special design of the skirt.

The skirt is all black and red.

The extreme black is paired with bright and rich red, and the picture is indescribably depressing.

It's like a black canvas, blood is constantly flowing down...



The sound of water flow suddenly sounded in the secret room. Everyone stared at the weird red liquid in the photo, and their backs suddenly felt cold.

This feeling is wonderful, as if at that moment, you are the black dress.

You can clearly feel that the blood in your body is constantly flowing outwards, and even the arc of your body is falling...


"Why do I feel a little cold..."

Julie hugged her arm and couldn't help trembling.

When she came in, she was only wearing a thin short-sleeved dress.

The lights in the secret room flickered suddenly.

Tang Tang, who had a calm face at first, looked a little apprehensive, but for the sake of face, he resisted not saying anything.

"Your director team can really create an atmosphere."

Li Qinian stretched slowly, breaking the terrifying atmosphere in the secret room.

She has already experienced the Golden Triangle, so how could she still be afraid of ghosts?

Can ghosts be scary to people?

Tang Tang: "..."

Julie: "..."

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the compassion of each other from the bottom of each other's eyes.

This delicate-looking female guest seems to be different from them? !

[Li Qinian: It's so empty and lonely, are there any ghosts fighting a landlord together~]

[Li Qinian: Laugh to death, as the leader of a pervert, who else should I be afraid of? 】

"Brother Wang, are you alright?"

Li Qinian suddenly remembered that during the World Championships, he and Jiang Ju watched ghost movies together, and the other party seemed to be very afraid of ghosts?


Jiang Wang still had no expression on his face, but his thin lips were tightly pressed into a line.

Li Qinian took the initiative to understand that he was afraid, but because of the recording of the program, he did not dare to speak out in public.


She understands! !

"It's okay, don't be afraid, you follow me, if there is an NPC, he can't beat me."

Protect your wife, start with me!

The light in the secret room was dim, and at an angle that Li Qinian couldn't see, Jiang Juan's thin lips slightly curled up, and he reached out to hold her skirt tightly:

"it is good."

[Jiang dog! Put the corners of your mouth down for me! 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhh, is this the legendary male version of green tea? No wonder my unmoving son was eaten to death by him, you bastard, return my son! 】

[I'm dying of laughter, look at Mo Wanggui's eyes, hahaha! 】

Mo Wanggui stared at Jiang Lu's hand holding Li Qinian's clothes, his eyes were scorching hot, as if he was about to scald a hole!

[I can guess Mr. Mo's inner thoughts - after the ball, one step late, why did I not think of such a green tea idea? 】

[Mo Wanggui: Get your dirty hands off, my sister should be mine! 】

[Mo Wanggui: You are a plastic bag, how can you hold it like this? 】

It was because of Mo Wanggui's gloomy eyes that many netizens took screenshots directly and made them into emoji packs with texts.

【It's getting cold, the Jiang family should go bankrupt】

Tang Tang looked at the interaction between the two, and couldn't hide the surprise on his expression. It seemed that he didn't expect the relationship between the two to be like this? !

Strong women and weak men?

Jiang Xueshen is actually the one who eats soft food?

"Ah Chiu..."

Julie's nose was so cold that she sneezed violently!

She took it, who turned on the air conditioner, why is it so cold?

Hearing her sneeze, Chen Yu'an was taken aback for a moment, and then began to take off his coat.

The white suit jacket was still stained with his body temperature, and Julie's eyes lit up when she saw him take off the jacket.

Finally a gentleman...

The smile on the corner of her mouth gradually curled up, and she took the initiative to take a step, ready to reach out to pick up the coat.

At the same time, Chen Yu'an took a step and just passed her by.

Julie: "???"

The smile froze on his face.

Chen Yu'an came to stop in front of Li Qinian, with a white suit jacket draped over Li Qinian's shoulders, his tone of disapproval, familiar with reproach:

"Why are you wearing so little? It's a bit cold in here, so put it on first."

The movements are so natural!

[Wori? ? ? 】

[Although the two have cooperated before, this move is too ambiguous, right? Is Jiang Wang, the empress of the palace, still watching? 】

[Help, greening President Jiang, my great actor, in public, isn't that good? 】

Li Qinian stared at his jeans, speechless:

"I don't feel cold..."

Julie felt another arrow shot in her chest!

Good sister, you are not cold, I am cold!

Look at my sister!

It seemed that she had too much resentment, or that Zhou Cheng saw her frozen white lips, so he also took off his suit jacket and handed it to her.

"Sister Julie, put it on first, I think your face is not very good."

"Thank you brother."

Julie took his coat and put it on.

[emmm, I feel embarrassed for sister Julie, at first she thought that actor An's coat was taken off for her, right? 】

【Chen Yu'an: Excuse me, thank you】

"Is sister Julie cold too?"

At this time, Chen Yu'an spoke belatedly, as if he had just noticed Julie's embarrassment.

Julie: "..."

Li Qinian: "..."

elder brother.

Too fake.

It's really too fake.

As the Three Golden Film Kings, we really don't need to smash our own brand like this!

[Hahahaha fuck you look at Mo Wanggui's eyes, why is he always so funny! 】

Mo Wanggui stared at Chen Yu'an's suit jacket, his eyes sank again.

[Mo Wanggui's inner thoughts: Fuck, I'm actually one step slower? 】

[Mo Wanggui: What if my sister is surrounded by courteous green tea essence? 】

Tang Tang cast an envious look at Li Qinian.

"Nian Nian, are you familiar with An Yingdi? He treats you very well."

[Little Tang Tang is awesome! Asked my favorite question! 】

Li Qinian: "...it's okay."

If the group of sons knew that she was on variety shows with her three brothers, she would have to be cleaned up again.

[Actor An's face turned black visibly to the naked eye hahahahahahahahahaha]

[Coincidentally, Old Dog Mo's complexion has improved visibly with the naked eye]

[Isn't this really a face-changing show? Laughing to death dad! 】

[Jiang Wang is worthy of being the empress of the palace, no matter what other people do, his expression has not changed! 】

[I found that Jiang Xueshen was the most scheming, he pretended to be weak, and showed his diligence. In the end, he was the only one who could grab his son's clothes hahaha! 】

【Jiang Delusion: Accepted】

Good night!

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