"I think it's better for you to stay away from me." Li Qinian suggested tactfully.

The big brother pretending to be a ghost was overjoyed and grinned.

It really works, look, doesn't this scare people?

The more frightened the customers were, the harder they frightened them. Full of a sense of accomplishment, he continued to utter strangely: "Jie..."

Li Qinian: "..."

Damn, the fist is hard.

You can be scary, but not ugly!

The little brother made a gesture to caress Li Qinian's shoulder.

Li Qinian took out the walkie-talkie from the program group from his coat with a blank expression, and in front of his little brother, neatly and vigorously with both hands——

There is a crisp "click"!

The antenna on the walkie-talkie is broken...

broken! !

Little brother pretending to be a ghost: "..."

His body movements were visibly stiff.

Li Qinian suddenly took a step forward.

The little brother took a step back suddenly, with his hands on his chest, with a vigilant expression, ready to run at any time:

"Don't come here!"

【Hahaha, are you serious about taking half a step back~】

[I'm laughing so hard, son, take it easy, it's not easy for big brother to earn some money]

Li Qinian nodded in relief: "That's right, you can speak human language now."

It's not Jie Jie Jie anymore.

"Never mind?"

A suspicious male voice suddenly came from nearby, tentatively speaking.

"Bro, I'm here."

Li Qinian let go of his voice, grabbed Brother Gui with one hand, and walked over following the sound.

Brother Ghost: "..."

Why do you take me with you when you are in love, I am afraid QwQ woo woo!

"Are you all right?"

He took her arm and examined it.

Brother Ghost: "..."

Brother, be reasonable, what can she do, isn't he the one who does?

"Where's my brother, isn't he with you?"

Li Qinian looked behind him, but found no one.

Jiang Lu: "I don't know."

His daughter-in-law was taken away, how could he care about Chen Yu'an?

Li Qinian slapped his head violently: "It's going to happen."

His brother is afraid of ghosts, and it's so dark here, if he stays alone, he's definitely afraid of death!

"Brother Zhuang, catch this ghost, I'll go back and find him."

She intends to return the same way.

Jiang Wang held her wrist: "Together."

"it is good."


The moment Li Qinian disappeared, Chen Yu'an instinctively chased him out.

But after chasing for a while, his footsteps gradually stopped...

He hunched over, leaning on the wall of the secret room, breathing a little short of breath.

【what! What's wrong with you husband? 】

"I'm a little tired, take a break."

He seemed to guess what the barrage was talking about, leaning his back against the wall, lowered his eyes and said softly.

The only fortunate thing is that the secret room was too dark, and the audience couldn't see the cold sweat gathering on his forehead.

"She should be back soon."

He whispered in the quiet space.

It seems to be speaking to the audience, and it seems to be speaking to myself.

The man leaned against the wall, even though he was in the air-conditioned room, his black hair was still wet with sweat, and the broken hair on his forehead was stuck together, sticking to his fair skin...

More than three years ago, he suffered from a disease.

He couldn't be alone in the claustrophobic dark space for too long, and once it was more than three minutes, some inexplicable memory fragments would keep flashing in his mind.

It was a fragment of his dream.

in a dream.

The crisp sound of wooden fish is always lingering with incense. Outside the window, the gurgling brook is accompanied by bursts of birdsong. In the spring of March when the grass grows and warblers fly, children are playing and playing, surprised by the broken kite.

The man in the dream had exactly the same face as him.

He stood on the gorgeous stage where thousands of people looked up to, neon lights danced in his hair, he held up the microphone, and his thin lips slightly curled——

Hello everyone, I am Chen Yu'an.

Same face, same name.

Those noisy fragments drilled into his mind again.

The sound of the wooden fish disappeared.

The sound of children playing disappeared.

Later, the sea of ​​neon lights disappeared.

There are no more overwhelming screams and adoring gazes admired by thousands of people.

"elder brother?"

Chen Yu'an was pulled back to reality by a voice, and his blurred vision focused again, and he raised his eyes to look at the person in front of him.

With the faint moonlight outside the window, he could clearly see the worry in Li Qinian's eyes.

He moved his dry lips:

"Are you all right?"

His voice was hoarse as if he had ground gravel.

Li Qinian choked for a moment at his reaction.

You're already like this, and you still ask me if I'm okay?

"I'm fine, I caught the ghost back."

Li Qinian raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his coat.

"It's fine..."

Chen Yu'an let out a mouthful of turbid air, his mind returned, and he returned to the cold and banished fairy who was so beautiful in front of the camera.

"Is he the one pretending to be a ghost?"

He stared at the white-clothed staff beside him.

Brother Ghost: "..."

He is a working social animal, is it easy for him?

"Tell me, what clues do you have?"

Li Qinian's attitude of pressing questions is very good.

The corner of the ghost's mouth twitched, and the dedicated man began to pretend to be crazy, and said with hatred:

"Hahaha you people...will definitely get retribution...you...must...do not die..."

Li Qinian: "..."

Why are you attacking personally?


She's also counting on more leads.

Brother Ghost was crazy, and after talking for a long time, he just repeated these few sentences in his mouth.

"It seems that there are no other clues."

Jiang Lu let go of the shackles on the man.

The man was free and ran away immediately.

Fuck, this group of people is so scary, he's never coming back!

"You people, don't you want to die?"

Li Qinian pondered over his words.

Several people from Zhou Cheng who came over just heard this sentence and asked in doubt:

"Who? The group that killed Sissi?"


Li Qinian's black eyes surged.

She thought she knew the answer.


"Reminder, there are still ten minutes before the end of the game, players please hurry up to collect evidence and find the last spy~"

The long-lost broadcast sounded.

Julie: "It seems that Niannian's guess is correct, as long as the spies are found, Stockholm Academy can be rebuilt, and we have completed the task."

"But who is the spy?" Zhou Cheng was still at a loss.

"There is one last secret room, let's go and see it first."

Ji took out the key he got somewhere, and opened the last iron door.

"Ji team, where did you get the key?"

Tang Tang couldn't keep up with these people at all.

The season is succinct and has no intention of explaining at all:

"Found it."

Tang Tang stuck out her tongue and didn't continue to ask.

Eight people stood outside the door, waiting for the last door to open.


The iron gate was rusted red and made a piercing sound.

The cold wind in the room came out head-on, and a piece of white drawing paper flew in, just covering Ji Ji's face.

The slender five fingers held the corner of the drawing paper, gently removed it, and illuminated the content on the drawing paper with the help of the red light in the secret room...

The protagonist in the painting is Sissi.

Tomorrow the chamber of secrets will end, and the real "spies" will be revealed! In addition, 50,000 words will be released on July 17th, so please wait, good night~

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