From the day they became e-sports players, they have only one goal——


Wearing the national flag and holding a trophy in hand is the only compliment to a professional player.

"Compared to me, you should worry about the boss, he is two years older than me."

It was the first time Xiao San'er talked about this topic with her.

Li Jin is already 26 years old.

"To be honest, two years ago, I thought the boss would definitely retire... Fortunately, you found a genius doctor and performed an operation on him, so that he can also perform like a heaven and earth, training day and night. "

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was at a loss. He slapped his thigh and suddenly regained his energy.

"Why don't you ask that doctor to operate on me too?"

Li Qinian: "..."

She has no way to exchange items now.

"Forget it, if something goes wrong with the operation, wouldn't I have to be a disabled person for the rest of my life?"

He didn't need Li Qinian to speak, he persuaded himself to leave.

"Party time?"

Li Qinian spoke suddenly.

Xiao San'er's eyes lit up: "Tomorrow night!"

Damn, the bitterness card is really easy to use.


Time flies, the party arrived as scheduled.

As soon as Li Jin sat in the driver's seat, he was pulled down by Li Qinian.

"Let go of that car and let me do it!"

She also has a driver's license now.

"Boss, just let her come, I haven't been in a car driven by Xiao Niannian yet."

Lao Bai and Xiao San'er sat in the last row.

Li Jin hesitated for a moment, and finally sat in the co-pilot.

Sitting in the second row, Chen Yan was very interested in Li Qinian's driving skills, knowing that she rarely drives, so he took an encouraging education very thoughtfully:

"You let go of your courage and don't be afraid."

Li Qinian turned her head and showed her eight bright white teeth!


Twenty minutes later, the car stopped in front of a restaurant.

As soon as the car stopped, the door was opened.

Pedestrians passing by looked at the arrogant license plate of "888666", and were curious about the identity of the person inside, when they saw a figure rushing down from the car, running towards the side of the road in messy steps, as if there was a mad dog chasing after him.


The manager of the SOG team, who had collapsed in front of his eyes but did not change his face, was holding his throat, squatting next to the sewage tank on the side of the road, and vomited faintly! !

Li Qinian who just stepped on the brake: "..."

As for?

Considering that she was in the urban area, she slowed down a little.

She looked back at Xiao San'er.

Fortunately, Xiao San'er's ability to adapt is much stronger, and his face has not changed at all compared to before getting in the car.

"Little San'er, you..."


Her words seemed to turn on the switch, and the sound of Xiao San'er vomiting crazily came from the back row.

"You have to spit it out, don't spit it in the car!"

Lao Bai didn't talk about brotherhood at all, and kicked him down.


He decisively went to the edge of the ditch.

Li Qinian breathed a sigh of relief, and just as he was about to speak, he saw Lao Bai also get off the car.

Li Qinian: "..."

The three men who were once brilliant in the arena squatted in a row, as if they were in a competition, each of them vomited harder than the other.

"Brother, what about..."

Li Qinian looked at Li Jin with pleading eyes.

Li Jin tried his best to endure the overwhelming feeling in his stomach, and shook his head.

"They are weak and prone to motion sickness."

"No wonder."

When Li Qinian got the answer, he no longer struggled, and his mood improved a lot.

"I just said, how could it have anything to do with me."

When she was in the Golden Triangle, she had to drive almost every day, and she didn't see the group of people in the car throwing up.

As for why you drive?

To escape of course!

Many times, she had to fight back while throwing away the car behind her.

After waiting for quite a while, the three who vomited and rolled their eyes slowly walked back with weak faces.

"Did you throw up?"

As soon as she heard her speak, Xiao San'er felt her stomach start to churn again.

"Don't, don't, from now on, don't talk to me."

He is now seriously allergic to Li Qinian's face!

Li Qinian: "..."

Didn't you tell me to let go of my courage?

Who is to blame?


Some people dawdled at the door for a while before entering the restaurant.

This is a high-end garden restaurant that is popular on the Internet. Its name is Norns. The revolving restaurant on the top floor can overlook the night view of Jiangcheng. Every night, the phone calls for reservations are overwhelming. It can be said that it is hard to find.

"Who booked the restaurant? Norns is notoriously difficult to make reservations, let alone the revolving restaurant on the top floor?"

As soon as Xiao San'er entered the elevator, the waiter took the initiative to press the elevator button on the 33rd floor.

Lao Bai adjusted his clothes in front of the mirror: "I heard that she is Xia Guang's girlfriend."

"Xia Guang?"

Little San'er raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Is this kid next to the rich woman?"

Xia Guang is a member of the KIKO team, and his strength is second only to the captain Xi Yi.

"I heard that I met a young actor who has filmed several online dramas."

Chen Yan handled the work at hand and shared the gossip he heard with everyone.

Xiao San'er: "Tsk, are you still chasing?"

Chen Yan: "After all, he is a member of the entertainment industry, so he has a somewhat arrogant personality."

Ordinary people may have a sense of admiration for e-sports players, but celebrities never lack fans, and the salary for a movie is the annual salary of a professional player for several years.

"Our family is still cute."

Little San'er pouted.

Look at their little Niannian!

The first time he acted, he cooperated with a well-known actor, and he has countless fans, but he is still sloppy at the base all day long, wearing slippers, running around, and eating a takeaway worth more than ten yuan with great relish!


The 33rd floor is here.

"This way please."

The waiter who led the way led the way and brought the few people to the compartment by the window.

One side of the compartment is near the window, and the other three sides are surrounded by flower walls. There is a large table in the middle, which can accommodate fifteen or six people.

"Yo, here?"

Xi Yi was fiddling with his mobile phone with his head down, when he heard the movement, he looked up at several people.

Finally, his eyes fell on Li Qinian.

"Tsk, who is this?"

Li Qinian pulled out the chair and sat down: "Putting away your clumsy acting skills, hot eyes."

Li Jin took a seat beside her.

"Don't, why are you sitting so far away? Come here quickly and let my brother take a good look."

Xi Yi smiled coquettishly.

Li Qinian only wore a simple white shirt and jeans today, with the neatness of Miss Yu, especially when she squinted at people with her peach blossom eyes, her indescribable charm was captivating.

Xi Yi clasped his arms around his chest, secretly marveling.

The friendship between him and Li Qinian was all based on scolding, Li Qinian never stopped talking about him, and he also exposed her short stories in the live broadcast room.

He is not used to the good brothers suddenly becoming sisters.

Xi Yi suddenly took out his mobile phone, as if to take a picture.

With a cold face, Li Jin flew over with a knife eye.

Xi Yi likes to do things, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepens:

"Is this covered?"

Tsk, this dog guy, when he first had a younger sister, five out of ten sentences were always about his sister.

No matter what topic they were discussing, they would always turn back to Li Qinian in the end.

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