At the other end, Xia Guang has already asked the waiter to move two chairs and set up two new sets of bowls and chopsticks.

"I've been waiting for a long time, you can sit down now."

With two extra people temporarily, everyone's space for activities has narrowed a lot.

Xia Guang sat next to Xi Yi, next to Su Qi and her good sisters.

"Captain, have you ordered?"

Xi Yi raised his eyes and glanced at him lazily:

"not yet."

Li Qinian said that he wanted to order all the dishes, it was just a joke, and he still had a conscience.

"Qiqi is a regular customer here, you can ask her to recommend it."

Su Qi's friend Chen Yunwei is a small Internet celebrity who opened a trendy brand shop to make clothes. Although she is not as well-known as Su Qi, she is richer than Su Qi.

Xia Guang is a straight man, he couldn't hear the show-off in her words at all, and thought she was sincerely trying to help, so he readily agreed:

"Okay, Qiqi, I'm sorry to trouble you."

He is Su Qi's drama fan. He has liked her for two years. The two met in public for the first time. He couldn't resist asking for her contact information. He didn't expect that Su Qi would actually give it to her and would reply to him. WeChat.

The goddess is close at hand, and his spring heart that has been frozen for 22 years has finally moved.

Su Qi skillfully ordered: "Fortunately, I usually go to the Green party, and there are fewer people here."

The Green party she was talking about was a private restaurant that was not open to the public at all. Only people with connections could go in and eat.

"Oh, I also wanted to go to Green last time, but because I didn't have enough identity, I couldn't get in. It's better for Sister Su Qi, you can get in if you want..."

Chen Yunwei flattered Su Qi deliberately.

Most of the professional players present are straight men, and they train hard every day without having so many twists and turns in their hearts.

I didn't feel presumptuous when I heard the conversations of several women.

"Is your name whisper?"

Su Qi suddenly took the initiative to talk to Li Qinian.

Li Qinian was chewing a piece of jelly, with long legs on the ground, with a very casual attitude:

"You can call it that if you want."

Su Qi smiled: "I didn't expect there to be female players in the e-sports circle, and they are still such beautiful female players."

The team that can dine with the KIKO team is definitely not an unknown team. This female player must also be very skilled.

It's just a girl, she is definitely not as good as a boy in games, she took it for granted that Li Qinian is not as good as Xia Guang.

"Don't say it's you, we didn't expect it at first."

Xia Guang felt a little excited thinking about it.

"Whisper shows people in men's clothing every day, but no one would have thought that she is actually a woman..."

Men's clothing?

A look of disdain flashed in Su Qi's eyes.

He turned out to be a tomboy who didn't know how to dress up. No wonder he didn't put on makeup or change clothes when he attended such an occasion. He didn't have any restraint.

Su Qi intentionally showed off the frosted manicure that she did:

"Girls, you still have to learn how to dress up."

Xia Guang was taken aback when he poured tea.

This may sound a little wrong, but when you think about it carefully, is it such a truth?

There's no harm in girls being well-dressed, right?

When Li Jin heard these words, the low air pressure around his body was unscrupulously released.

Li Qinian was chatting enthusiastically with his baby, and he didn't take it to heart when he heard that Su Qi was always making fun of him.

The smile in Chen Yunwei's eyes disappeared:

"Not everyone is like Sister Qiqi, who is a big star on TV."

"It's just a few small web dramas, not a big star." Su Qi said modestly.

"Qiqi, don't be modest, you have been a heroine twice since your debut, how can ordinary people get such treatment?"

She could see that Su Qi and Li Qinian were not on the same page, and deliberately beat around the bush to disgust Li Qinian.

"After all, there are barriers to entry in the entertainment industry, not everyone can enter."

Li Qinian: "..."

Is it because she has been hanging out with these men in the base for a long time, and she can't understand the world outside?

Are the current green tea essences so low-level and mentally handicapped?

Can't he just learn from her brother, who is so handsome and cute?

Su Qi smiled while drinking tea.

She really can't understand Li Qinian.

I thought she was the only girl present, but I didn't expect Cheng Yaojin to come out halfway.

A beautiful girl can completely handle herself among a group of straight men and enjoy the treatment of being a star.

What's more, she is a debut female star.

"Huh? Filming?"

Suddenly someone in the crowd was surprised.

The smile in Su Qi's eyes deepened: "Actually, it's not..."

"I remember Whisper also filmed a movie two years ago, by the way, what's it called..."

Suddenly someone in the corner scratched his head and opened his mouth, with painful memories on his face:

"Look at my memory, I can't remember life and death. I don't usually follow dramas, but my girlfriend dragged me to watch them."

The smile on Su Qi's face faded unnaturally: "Oh? Whisper has also filmed?"

Li Qinian: "Friendly cameo, just play casually."

If it weren't for her brother, she wouldn't have agreed to do this favor.


Su Qi's expression immediately became subtle.

Most of the guest appearances are unimportant roles, showing their faces, and only have a few lines.

Presumably, Li Qinian's face was too good, so he was pulled to be an extra.

"Actually, with your qualifications, you can come to the entertainment industry to test the waters."

Su Qi tested Li Qinian's tone.

"I heard from Xia Guang that the golden period of an e-sports player is only a few years. If you are filming, you will have more fans than an e-sports player."

"Miss Su, I'm afraid you have misunderstood something."

Li Qinian finally gave her a straight look.

"Who said I have fans?"

Su Qi was stunned at first, then looked at her sympathetically:

"You don't even have fans, sorry, I don't know..."

"A true e-sports person will never say whose fan I am."

Li Qinian spoke slowly as if he didn't hear her words.

"Then, what do you say?"

"Say... I am your father."

Su Qi: "???"

For a moment, she felt that Li Qinian was scolding her.

Li Qinian continued: "Besides, compared to the entertainment industry, the e-sports industry is really nothing special."

Su Qi's heart tightened. Hearing what she said, he always felt that the next sentence was not good.

Sure enough, Li Qinian started again.

"The e-sports circle is really nothing special, it's just that it's all about your father."

She is the best at tearing green tea.

Su Qi's little face turned pale when he was bullied, his watery eyes gleamed, and there was a touch of pitiful bewilderment.

Xia Guang quickly made a rescue: "Qiqi, don't take it to heart, these are normal uses in the e-sports circle, whisper is not targeting you."

Li Qinian raised his eyebrows, and the movement of turning the teacup quickened.


She was really targeting Su Qi.

"Of course I know she's not targeting me. Don't worry, I won't take it to heart."

She shook her head weakly, showing a considerate smile.

Seeing this, Xia Guang felt more guilty in his eyes.

False e-sports fans: I am your fan

Real e-sports fans: I am your father

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