In the eyes of outsiders, she is glamorous, but in fact, she is just a low-level character in the entertainment industry. In order to climb up, she bows her head and becomes a small person every day.

Directors, producers, senior entertainers, everyone is the object of her favor.

For Li Qinian, who is so full of stars, she felt envious in her bones.

"Qiqi, look quickly, actor An is also having dinner nearby!"

Chen Yunwei swiped her phone with her head down, and suddenly looked up with surprise.

"Chen Yu'an?!"

Su Qi was overjoyed, leaned over and zoomed in on the photo:

"It's really him... Weiwei, where did you get the news?"

The photo was taken secretly. In the glass window, a man in a royal blue suit folded his hands on the table, with a gentle profile, discussing something with the two people opposite him.

"You know, I like star chasing, so I added an artist's itinerary group. The people in it are very well-informed, but you also understand that there is no free lunch in the world..."

"How much?"

Su Qi made a quick decision and made a decision.

Chen Yunwei made a gesture: "Report a coordinate at 800."

"WeChat me."

Su Qi decided to meet Chen Yu'an by chance.

Compared with the 800 yuan, the private contact with the actor moved him more. Chen Yu'an's trip seemed to be a private itinerary. Without fans and security guards, it was easier for her to get in.

"The one sitting opposite him is Director Chen."

Su Qi pointed to the middle-aged man opposite Chen Yu'an, about fifty years old, with a fat body and a rich face.

Chen Nan is well-known both domestically and internationally. The period films he directed are nominated for major awards every year. Many artists want to play supporting roles in his films.

"Chen Nan?"

Chen Yunwei had also heard of this person.

"Last year's New Year's Eve, his "The Years" seemed to have won many Golden Rooster and Magnolia Awards. Qiqi, if you can catch up with Chen Nan, then you will be able to achieve great success in the future..."

Su Qi felt the pressure:

"How can it be so simple, everyone in the circle knows that Chen Nan only loves Chen Yu'an, except for Chen Yu'an, no one can catch his eyes."

"Then save the country with curves, go hook up with An Yingdi, he is single anyway."

Chen Yunwei thought of a way for her.

Su Qi: "..."

She glanced sideways and glanced at Xia Guang.

Xia Guang is not bad, he looks good, his family is well-off, and most importantly, he is willing to spend money on himself.

But compared to Chen Yu'an...

Well, there is no comparison at all.

Li Qinian looked at the two murmurers, and silently put down his chopsticks.

"I am full?"

Li Jin didn't eat much by himself.


To be precise, she was full, and a group of people insisted on clinking glasses with her. After a round, she drank a lot.

"Xia Guang, I'm going to find someone later." Su Qi suddenly said.

"Who is it, do you want me to see you off?"

When Xia Guang heard that she was leaving, he looked at her worriedly.

"It's eleven o'clock, it's too late, it's not safe for you to go home alone."

Su Qi's house is outside the Fifth Ring Road, and it takes half an hour to take a taxi from the city center.

Su Qi didn't hide it:

"It's a very powerful senior, Chen Yu'an, you should have heard of it."

Hearing Chen Yu'an's name, Li Qinian glanced sideways at her.

"So it's King An!"

Xia Guang smiled indifferently, trying to find a common topic with her:

"When I was young, I watched him play "Xian Xia Qi Yuan". He played..."

Su Qi listened absently, and nodded perfunctorily.

She found the restaurant where Chen Yu'an ate, it was just downstairs from them, it happened to be the Green party she was familiar with.

The people who stayed there said that director Chen Nan had already left, and now only Chen Yu'an was in the restaurant, as if he was waiting for someone.

Chen Yunwei: "Qiqi, let me go with you."

"I'll send you off."

Xia Guang got up, picked up his coat, and said goodbye to Xi Yi and the others:

"Captain, I'll send them back first, you guys eat slowly, and I'll go back to the team by myself later."



Several people walked out of the restaurant and went straight to the Green party downstairs.

"I haven't gone in yet, Qiqi, thanks to you, I finally have a chance to go in today."

Another friend of Su Qi's is Xie Miao, who is also a small Internet celebrity. He usually broadcasts live broadcasts to show off his talents, and has many fans on the platform.

Hearing that Su Qi was going to take them to find Chen Yu'an, both of them couldn't help but get excited.

No woman can refuse Chen Yu'an!

National actor Chen Yu'an!

"Wait for me to put on some lipstick."

Su Qi took out the small mirror, and after making sure that his makeup was flawless, he tidied up his clothes and walked into the Green party.

"Hello, miss, please show your membership card."

The waiter stepped forward and stopped them.

Su Qi opened Burberry's new bag, took out a black membership card with gold glitter, and handed it to the waiter.

"Four of you, please come in, please order here."

The waiter bowed his head respectfully and returned the black card to Su Qi.

"No, I'm looking for someone."

She rejected the waiter and walked towards the restaurant.

Walking to the farthest part of the restaurant, she saw the man in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows at a glance.

Chen Yu'an lowered his head to the phone, the starlight of the city was shining by the window, and the warm lights of the restaurant hit his side face, making the smile on his mouth more gentle.

Su Qi was stunned for a moment.

Moshang is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

This sentence automatically flashed in her mind.

The Creator was really too generous to this man.

The entire restaurant became his background, the city lights, the lights of thousands of houses, but his elegant smile shone so brightly.

At that moment, she finally understood why the man in front of her had been able to dominate the film industry for more than ten years without fading.

Chen Yu'an's era will never wither.

She was stunned for more than ten seconds before mustering up the courage to step forward.

"Film Emperor An."

Her voice was as light as a feather.

She always felt that speaking loudly with Chen Yu'an was a crime.

Chen Yu'an had already noticed her existence when she was in a daze.

He was used to being watched, and he didn't take it seriously.

"What's up?"

Chen Yu'an slowly put away the phone, with an official polite smile on his face.

Su Qi felt a little lost in his heart.

She still has the ability to perceive words and emotions, she can tell at a glance whether a person is genuinely happy, or is perfunctory out of etiquette.

"My friend and I came over for dinner, and I happened to see you here alone, so I came over to say hello."

Su Qi wished that his voice could be softer, turning into a puddle of spring water.

Chen Yu'an nodded to her as a greeting.

"My name is Su Qi. I met you at the party last month, but there were too many people at that time, so I was embarrassed to say hello to you."

Chen Yu'an: "..."

None of his business?

"May I ask, are you waiting for someone?"

Su Qi naturally sat down beside him.


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