Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 1070 Crazy slaps in the face, she is the actor's younger sister

Looking at his brother, Li Qinian couldn't help but turn into a sycophant, with a flirtatious attitude and a violent tone, as if molesting a good woman and man:

"Handsome, where are you going?"

She didn't deliberately lower the volume, and everyone around could hear it.

Su Qi felt more at ease seeing her being so carefree.

Just work hard.

The more she does it, the more it proves that what she just said is correct.

Her eyes flashed brightly, and she was waiting for Chen Yu'an to get angry the next second! !

In her expectant eyes, Chen Yu'an finally moved.

He slowly raised his hand and stretched it towards Li Qinian.

"My God, he doesn't mean to do something, does he?" Xie Miao covered her mouth in shock.

Chen Yunwei: "Then you can say no..."

Before she finished speaking, her voice stopped abruptly! !

How could this be? !

She widened her eyes, unable to believe the scene in front of her.

That high-ranking man, who was regarded as a creed by the entire entertainment circle, actually smiled in his eyes and pampered Whisper's head? ! !

Su Qi: "!!!"

The scene in front of her was too shocking, she took two steps back to stabilize her figure!

How could this be?

Chen Yu'an and whisper know each other?

Then she said bad things about Whisper in front of Chen Yu'an just now, didn't she just seek her own death and humiliate herself? !

"Are you in a good mood today?"

As soon as Chen Yu'an saw his little girl, the exhaustion from a busy day was swept away, and he finally smiled from the bottom of his heart.

How could his little girl be so pretty?

He is handsome, handsome, and full of vigor, like a little sun with endless energy!

Li Qinian was rubbed on the head by him, he didn't hide, the corners of his mouth curled up:

"It's okay~"

How could her brother be so handsome? !

When she first walked into the restaurant, she was amazed by Chen Yu'an's outfit today.

The theme color of the Green Party restaurant is sky blue, which matches the color of his suit today. He is sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, exuding the elegance and luxury of filming.

You don't even need to look for an angle, just snap a shot and it will be a blockbuster movie.

"Just be happy."

He used to live for only one purpose, which was to lead Huaguo Film and Television onto the international stage.

But now, looking at the smiling young man in front of him, he has another dream in his heart...

She keeps smiling like this.

"Do you know Su Qi?"

Li Qinian looked at Su Qi at the dining table.

She didn't forget that when she entered the door, what she saw was the scene of Chen Yu'an talking with Su Qi.

Judging by Su Qi's appearance, they seemed to be having a good chat.

"Su Qi? I don't know."

Chen Yu'an didn't pay attention to the other party's name at all.

Li Qinian: "?"

Sitting and chatting without knowing each other?

Su Qi had already approached, and happened to hear Chen Yu'an say "I don't know", so his face was livid and he was shaking.

do not know?

After chatting with her for so long, he actually said he didn't know her?

"Miss Su."

Li Qinian nodded at her.


Su Qi pointed at Li Qinian and Chen Yu'an, already too shocked to speak.


Li Qinian raised his eyebrows and immediately understood:

"Chen Yu'an is my brother, don't you know?"

Su Qi: "..."

Li Jin is your brother?

Chen Yu'an is also your brother? !

There was a bang in her head.

"Oh! I remembered!"

After Xia Guang finished speaking with his captain, he heard this sentence when he came back, and he slapped his head suddenly.

"The TV series Whisper filmed was directed by Actor An, right? I remember this TV series was a hit, and Whisper won the Best Newcomer Award because of this TV series?"

""Shenxu Kyushu"?"

Su Qi suddenly remembered something and couldn't help raising his volume.

"That's right! That's the name!"

Xia Guang was surprised.

"I didn't expect you to be brothers and sisters, no wonder you cooperated at that time!"

Su Qi's face was too pale to be seen, her eyelashes were trembling slightly, and her delicate makeup couldn't hide her panic.

She tried to stabilize her mind and calm herself down.

"An, actor An, I'm sorry, what I said just now is because I misunderstood whispers, I, I shouldn't listen to other people's nonsense, I really didn't mean it, don't take it to heart, I can tell her Apologetic……"

She was a little incoherent.

Offending Chen Yu'an meant that her stardom had come to an end.

She's still young, she still has a bright future, she wants to be a superstar, she doesn't want to end yet...

Seeing her reaction, Li Qinian knew what happened just now.

"Brother, what did Miss Su tell you?"

"Don't listen to dirty words, it will dirty your ears."

When talking with Li Qinian, he always has a gentle expression.

Li Qinian: "..."

Dirty her ears?

Did her brother misunderstand her?

Has there been less swearing from the corner of her mouth? !

"Qiqi, what happened just now?"

Xia Guang was the most confused person from beginning to end.

It was the first time he saw Su Qi so humble.

Su Qi was a little timid in his heart. After all, whisper was Xia Guang's friend. It was immoral for her to speak ill of his friend behind his back.

"Xia Guang, I really know I was wrong, can you persuade Whisper not to be angry..."

"Angry? Why is whisper angry? You have to tell me first, what happened?"

No matter how dull Xia Guang was, he also noticed that something was wrong.


Su Qi moved his mouth a few times, but he couldn't say anything.

"It's not a good word anyway."

Li Qinian sneered contemptuously.

"Brother, let's go back."

For such a jumping clown, she didn't want to waste time.

Chen Yu'an gave Su Qi a cold look: "Yes."

A group of people came and went in a hurry, Su Qi looked at Chen Yu'an's eyes and felt extremely flustered.

She wanted to catch up, but she didn't dare, so she could only stay where she was, watching Chen Yu'an and the others gradually walk away.


The new variety show started very quickly.

After receiving one million poverty alleviation funds, the program team locked the recording location without stopping.

The location where the program was recorded was in a poor mountainous area. It was a 13-hour drive from Jiangcheng. There was no highway, no high-speed rail, and no plane. There was only one way to enter the mountain——


The mountain road is rugged and is the most primitive mud-rock road. When the bus is driving in the mountains, the bumps are extremely strong.

The car of the director's team stopped several times before arriving at the final recording location.

Director: "Let's take a rest tonight, and we will start recording the show tomorrow."

After more than ten hours of continuous driving, everyone was so exhausted that they dared not even move a finger.

Li Qinian dragged the suitcase and got out of the car, with a trace of exhaustion on his brows.

Chen Yu'an took the suitcase in her hand:

"There is no road ahead, the car can't go in, and the parking place is 20 minutes away from the accommodation."

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