Dressed As the Younger Brother of Four Pet Sisters and Crazy Demons

Chapter 1072 Heartless and Desireless Learning Group

"Mom, the guests are here."

She turned her head to face the timid opening of the middle-aged woman.

"You unlucky boy, why don't you know how to greet the guests?!"

A fat woman with wrinkled face came over, her first reaction was to raise her hand to greet Yan Xiaoxiao.

Displeasure flashed across Li Qinian's eyes, and he directly grabbed the woman's wrist to stop her movement.

"You want to do it?"

The middle-aged woman stared at her with a look of "you are sick":

"It's none of your business if I teach my children a lesson?"

It is only natural for parents to beat their children, so what does it matter to you as an outsider?

"Okay old lady, why are you crazy?"

The village chief came out of the house suddenly, ending the frozen atmosphere.

"I'm laughing at you. We rural people are rough people. We have no education, and we don't know how to educate our children. It's raining outside. Come in quickly, so you don't catch a cold."

The director's team took shelter from the rain under the eaves, and the cold wind in the mountains made people get skin bumps.

"Your accommodation has been allocated, come with me."

He opened the door so that everyone could come in.

There are five rooms in the village chief's house.

The village chief, the village chief's wife and the village chief's youngest son shared a room, Yan Xiaoxiao had a room, and the remaining three rooms were all given to the guests.

"The rooms are limited, so we live in groups of two."

"I live with Seventh Brother!" Tang Tang quickly hugged his thigh.

Director: "There is a big bed room, the three of you girls can live together."

"This is the best way, I don't want to live alone." Julie joked with a smile.

Mo Wanggui looked unhappy.

He has a cleanliness freak and can't stand sharing the same bed with other people.

"I want a room alone."

Let Chen Yu'an and Jiang Juan to fend for themselves.

The director looked embarrassed: "There are only two rooms left, and the four of you male guests can just fit in."

The premise is that the two live separately.

Mo Wanggui: "..."

What kind of bullshit is this?

"I'm in a team with Jiang Huang."

Chen Yu'an has already made a decision.

Mo Wanggui: "???"

Then wouldn't he want to live with that idiot Zhou Cheng?

Li Qinian made a final decision: "Let's live like this."

Mo Wanggui: "I..."

Li Qinian: "The objection is invalid."

Mo Wanggui: "..."

It makes no sense, he donated 100 million for this project, 100 million, doesn't he deserve to have a bedroom of his own? ! ?

With the support of Li Qinian, the director's team stiffened up.

"Mr. Mo, the conditions in the village are poor, there is really nothing you can do, just make do with it..."

Mo Wanggui: "..."

Without him needing to speak, Li Qinian has already carried his suitcase and walked into one of the bedrooms.

"What are you still doing?"

She opened the door and glanced back at Mo Wanggui.

Mo Wanggui: "..."


In the end, Mo Wanggui still did not share the same bed with Zhou Cheng.

In Jiangcheng, the omnipotent CEO Mo Da, who called the wind and called the rain, hit the floor with incomparable stubbornness!

Zhou Cheng felt that he was disgusted like never before.

What kind of virus is he?

Would rather sleep on the cold ground than sleep with him?

In contrast, the team of Jiang Lu and Chen Yu'an was much more harmonious.

Chen Yu'an squeezed the quilt: "Do you want to sleep inside or outside?"

The bed is placed against the wall.

Jiang Lu: "Outside."

Chen Yu'an: "Yes."

The two reached an agreement harmoniously.


A sleepless night.

Early in the morning of the next day, the filming of the program group officially started.

As for the content filmed yesterday, they cut it into tidbits and put them on the official blog of the program group.

Because of the warm interaction between Li Qinian and Yan Xiaoxiao, many fans have long been squatting on the live broadcast platform, waiting for the program group to start broadcasting.

Director: "It's 5:30 in the morning, and the guests are still sleeping. Next, the director team will conduct a morning raid to see the sleeping guests, and what kind of surprises will they bring us..."

[The program team really lacks Dade, but I like it]

[Ahhhhhhh, can you see the sleeping posture of King An, tears of excitement flowed down from the corner of his mouth! ! 】

【In case there is a guest who likes to sleep naked, wouldn't it be...hehehe~~】

Director: "That's right, this is the first room we raided today!"

[I'm so curious about who lives in it, I want to see my son sleep! 】

[The screen recording has been turned on, I hope the director team will not let me down]

The director took out a key, inserted it into the lock, and turned it gently.


The room opens.

The room was so dark that it was impossible to see the specific scene clearly.


The director directly turned on the bedroom lights!

Zhou Cheng, who was lying on the bed, was still sound asleep, and didn't even realize that he was secretly photographed.

As for the people on earth...

Mo Wanggui sat up halfway, with the words "I'm getting up, I want to kill someone" written all over his face, staring at the camera with cold eyes, almost scaring the follower to death! !

"Mr. Mo is awake?" The director was a little surprised.

【Ahhhhhh, Mo Wanggui is actually wearing a gray silk pajamas, help, he only has four buttons buttoned up, wow, I can actually see his chest! ! 】

[I'm sorry, his eyes are so scary, I suspect he wants to tear me apart! 】

[Hahahahaha, the biggest director of the Mo Group has been reduced to the point of beating the floor. It's really sad to hear, and tears to the ears! 】

【Zhou Cheng: Sleeping soundly, don't disturb】

[Laughing, so Mo always dislikes Zhou Cheng, would rather sleep on the floor than sleep in the same bed with him? ! 】

"Get out."

Don't Forget Home doesn't care if you're recording a show or not.


On the other end, Zhou Cheng's snoring was steady, and this careless child was sleeping very peacefully!

The director was tightened by his vicious heart, but he still bite the bullet and said:

"...Gather at seven o'clock, don't be late."


Sleeping on the ground was hard and uncomfortable, he tossed and turned all night, finally fell asleep, but was woken up again by this group of people!


"Whose room is it next... We will reveal the answer immediately."

The director team came to another door and opened the door in the same way.

"Hey, is the light on?"

No one expected that the lights in the house were turned on, making the room extraordinarily bright.

Chen Yu'an sat cross-legged on the bed, holding a copy of "A Brief History of Time" in his hand, and raised his head when he heard the sound of the door opening.

"Here we come."

His tone was flat, and he couldn't hear any emotion at all, as if he had predicted the arrival of the program group in advance.


His gaze fell to the man on the other side.

Jiang Wang sat on the head of the bed, dressed meticulously, his coat was zipped up to the top, not an inch of skin was exposed.

[Worthy of being my daughter-in-law, she is so tightly wrapped up, she is really a masculine prefect! 】

[? ? ? At 5:30 in the morning, one of you watched "A Brief History of Time" and the other watched "Five Dimensions", is this reasonable? 】

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