"Thank you, teacher."

Duan Xiaolan nodded obediently.

Teacher Yang looked at Li Qinian: "You can show her around, are you Xiaolan's sister?"

Such a fair-skinned and beautiful woman is incompatible with such a barren mountainous area, and I don't know where Duan Xiaolan found such a guardian.

"Well, Xiaolan is my sister."

Li Qinian rubbed her head.

"I'll take her around the neighborhood."

Teacher Yang: "Okay, you can ask me any questions you have."



Li Qinian took Duan Xiaolan to wander around the private school. The entire private school occupies a large area and is divided into teaching area and dormitory area.

"Does Xiaolan like it here?"

Duan Xiaolan hesitated for a second, then shook her head.

Although it is close to home and the environment is much better than the previous school, she just doesn't like it...

I can't say why, but there is some repulsion in my bones.

Duan Xiaolan: "It's okay, sister, I can try."

Children from poor families are not qualified to be willful, this is what she has long understood.

"Grandma is getting old and in poor health. It is convenient for me to take care of grandma when I go to school here."

Li Qinian sighed inwardly and said nothing more.

In this way, after sending Duan Xiaolan to the Shengxian Private School, Li Qinian returned to Liangzhou Village.


A week passed quickly, and when the group left Liangzhou Village again, the whole school had changed drastically.

The dilapidated walls were refurbished, the playground was flattened, many new beds were added to the student accommodation, and even the desks in the classrooms were brand new.

[After watching the whole program recording of this week, I feel a sense of accomplishment~]

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. 】

[I'm a bit reluctant to part with the crying little fat man hahaha, this brat's crying problem was cured by Mo Wanggui]

Those who were reluctant to part with Li Qinian and his party were also the students in the school.

Yan Xiaoxiao has been holding Li Qinian and refuses to let go.

She is not a little chubby who doesn't know anything. There have been many teachers in the village to support teaching, but only three of them stayed in the end.

She knows everything.

The environment in the village is too harsh, and the facilities are too backward. No one wants to live in this small place for a long time...

She looked at her dark skin, and then at Li Qinian's fragile skin, feeling more and more uncomfortable in her heart.

These brothers and sisters are destined not to belong here. After recording the variety show, they will all return to the big city, and then they will never come here again...

"not happy?"

Li Qinian knelt down and looked at him level.

"Sister, will you come back?"

She knew she shouldn't ask such a question, but when they parted, she really couldn't control the doubts in her heart.

She really likes Sister Fairy...

Li Qinian looked at her seriously:

"If Xiaoxiao wants me to come back, I will come back."

Yan Xiaoxiao was not too happy.

It's not like she hasn't been to school for a day, and when she was five, she had been in first grade for a few months.

At that time, she also met a teacher who supported her.

Similarly, when they were separated, she also asked the supporting teacher this question.

She got exactly the same answer.

It was only later that she never saw the supporting teacher again...

"Sister can come back to see you."

Li Qinian held her little hand, Yan Xiaoxiao's palm already had a thick layer of calluses, not as delicate and fair as her peers.

"But my sister hopes that you can get out of this mountain and see the city where my sister lives."

No one is born to be given up.

Yan Xiaoxiao: "...but mom won't agree."

"She will agree."

Li Qinian was determined, "I will convince her for you, so I promise my sister that you must study hard."

Yan Xiaoxiao was finally moved, and determination flashed in her clean black eyes:

"Okay! Sister, wait for me, I will definitely study hard, and when I grow up, I will go to the place where you live to find you!"

"I'm waiting for you."

Li Qinian left her a string of phone numbers.

the other end.

Mo Wanggui looked at the slug who was holding his calf and refused to let go, his face was ugly, and his tone was stern:

"let go!"

"Whoa whoa whoa—don't go—"

Xiaopang buried his head on his calf, and refused to let go of his hand, his nose and tears all rubbed against Mo Wanggui's trouser legs.

"Little kid, believe it or not, I will slap you?"

Mo Wanggui tapped his little head.

"Wow wow - fierce -"

His tone was pitiful, but Xiaopang still refused to let go.

No one expected that the most difficult thing to solve in the end was actually this two-year-old kid.

Lin Shishi looked embarrassed: "Little Fatty, come here and let mom hug you for a while."

Hearing his own numb voice, Xiaopang finally raised his head.

Mo Wanggui secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just stop crying.

Then in the next second, Xiaopang hugged Mo Wanggui tightly again, refusing to let go:

"Wow wow—brother, don't go—"

[Hahahaha fuck, I'm dying of laughter, who would have thought that Mr. Mo, who is the most detested by children, would end up being the favorite of Xiaopangpang]

[Mo Wanggui: Little brat, do you believe that I will beat you up?

Fatty: Woohoo, I won’t listen, I won’t listen]

【Hahahaha Mo Wanggui's expression of despair is so funny】

[To be honest, he is quite nice, there is chubby snot all over his trouser legs, and I haven't seen him get angry]

"Brother, why don't you go back?"

Li Qinian looked as if he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Little Fatty likes you so much, do you have the heart to watch him cry?"

Mo Wanggui gritted his teeth: "Be patient."

What can't he bear?

Li Qinian raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Then give him a try, kid, just don't get used to it, just hit him a few more times."

Mo Wanggui: "..."

"Whoa whoa whoa—"


[I'm dying of laughter, my daughter really eats Mr. Mo to death! 】

[Don't forget to return: It's too late, this sister should have been thrown away in the first place! 】

"Director, it's time to go. If you don't leave, it will be midnight in Jiangcheng."

The staff urged.

The director looked at Xiaopang with a headache: "What's wrong with this poor kid?"

"Let me do it."

Lin Shishi forcibly carried the child over.

"Mr. Mo, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."


Mo Wanggui and Xiaopang looked at each other.

"elder brother……"

The glutinous little milk voice was crying, and her big grape-like eyes were red, and tears were about to fall out of their sockets at any time.

Mo Wanggui: "Yes."

After teaching for so many days, I still cry so much.

"Brother, hug~"

He held out two chubby hands.

Mo Wanggui: "Do you still remember what I said?"

Fatty turned off the flame in an instant.

My brother said, boys can't be hugged casually...

"Don't cry, I have to go."

Mo Wanggui told him directly.

Xiaopang pursed his mouth and wanted to cry again.

"If you cry again, you won't see me."

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