After leaving the bathroom, he went straight to the balcony and lit a cigarette.

The door of the bathroom was reopened after a cigarette had ignited.

Shen Nian, who had changed into a bathrobe, sat in a wheelchair and was pushed out by Ji Ji.

"elder brother."

Shen Baijing snuffed out the cigarette butt with downcast eyes, he hid the thoughtful look on his face, and replaced it with a heartless smile.

Shen Nian had already refuted ten thousand times, he had nothing to do with him, but Shen Baijing didn't listen at all, and he simply didn't bother to correct him.

Shen Nian glanced at Ji Ji's wet trouser legs: "Ji team, go take a shower."

When I put water on him just now, Ji Ji's trouser legs were also wet. In this weather, wearing wet clothes is very easy to catch a cold.


Season threw him a towel.


Shen Nian brushed his hair on his own, Ji picked up his clothes from the bedroom and went into the bathroom.

Shen Baijing walked in from the balcony. As soon as he approached Shen Nian, he ordered him to stop:


Shen Baijing had just finished smoking, and his body was still tinged with a strong smell.

Shen Baijing was stared at by him, and had to stop half a meter away from him.

He sighed helplessly:

"Tell me, what's going on with your amnesia?"

As good brothers who grew up wearing a pair of open crotch pants, there is a subtle telepathy between him and Shen Nian.

With just one look from Shen Nian, he knew what the other party was going to do next.

Like this time, no matter what he says. He couldn't believe that he really lost his memory.

There is an aura that only Shen Nian, who has experienced countless times of life and death, can have.

Shen Nian raised his eyes: "Are you free?"

Shen Baijing looked gloomy, he was not idle, he was just worried:

"Finally, the matter of killing the wolf was settled. You finally have the opportunity to wash away your grievances, return to the public eye, and restore your Captain Shen's reputation..."

When he said this, he sighed heavily again.

"But you didn't."

"You obviously want to be a normal person more than anyone else, but when the opportunity comes at your fingertips, you give up. Why?"

Shen Baijing is not so much questioning him as he is questioning himself.

"Because it doesn't matter to you whether you restore your reputation or not."

He squatted down slowly, stared at Shen Nian's black eyes, and continued to analyze calmly:

"Why is it not important?"

A person obviously regards restoring his reputation as more important than life and death, but now, he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to clarify himself...

"Because you're dying, you don't think it's important to be you?"

He stared into Shen Nian's eyes, trying to find the answer.

Shen Nian's expression was very calm from the beginning to the end, as if words like "life and death" could not stir up any emotion in him.

"Is speculation enough, self-righteous detective?"

Shen Nian looked at him like he was looking at an unreasonable child.

Shen Baijing was most annoyed by his look.

It's been like this since he was a child, and he will keep anything from him if he has something on his mind.

"Even if it is a speculation, it is a reasonable and well-founded speculation."

Shen Baijing's gaze was fixed, like a stubborn lop-eared rabbit.

"Brother, you have been the first to rush forward when there is anything in the family since you were young. Others say that you are serious. You did this to perform well, so that you can compete for the position of the heir to the Shen family in the future..."

Halfway through the speech, his eyes also turned red like rabbits.

"Actually, I know that you are doing it for my own good."

He is playful by nature, and hates the rules and regulations that restrict him the most, making him like Shen Nian, sitting in the study room memorizing medical books at the age of three, he can't do it.

He hates endorsing books. Compared with dead knowledge in textbooks, he prefers to catch rabbits all over the mountains and plains to try his latest new drug.

"If it weren't for you, those old men wouldn't tolerate my medical skills of fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days..."

Witty, hard-working, mature and talented, he met every requirement for a successor, and they all found it in Shen Nian.

It is precisely because of the "perfect" Shen Nian that those people will turn a blind eye, close one eye, and tolerate the "not so perfect" Shen Baijing.

"Although you always have bad things to say, and you are harsh and fierce to me, but I have been taking care of my worry-free brother in your own way."

No matter what troubles he got into when he was young, Shen Nian would be the one who came forward to clean up the mess for him in the end.

Shen Baijing sniffed:

"In fact, I don't want to be the head of this family at all. There are so many troubles every day, and I have to deal with those annoying old men..."

"But I want you to be happy more."

He didn't dare to look at Shen Nian, and opened his heart for the first time, chatting with him about the past.

"You always want nothing, that's the first time I saw you have something you want."

For everything he wanted, he even gave up medicine to join the police, and gave up the coveted title of Patriarch of the Shen family.

"I thought at that brother protected me for so many years and gave me a carefree and happy childhood. Now it's my turn to stand up and protect his dream..."

Although the price is a bit high, he loses a lot of freedom.

Even though he didn't like the position of the Patriarch of the Shen family, he lost a lot of happiness.

it's OK.

He only wants his brother to be happy.

There is nothing more precious than a god who has no desires and desires and finally moved his heart.

His brother has been young for half his life, and now he finally wants to be willful and crazy for a while. As a younger brother, why not support him?

For the first half of his life, he was the one who protected him, and for the second half of his life, it was finally his turn to protect his brother.

Shen Nian lowered his eyes, maintaining a silent silence.

Shen Baijing suddenly stretched out a hand and tugged at his sleeve:

"elder brother……"

The tone was a little aggrieved.

"Don't hide it from me, okay?"

"I have grown up, and I can take on one side. Don't think of me as that three-year-old child who "will only cry when I fall down"..."

Shen Baijing, a big man, squatted in front of him, grabbed the sleeve of his bathrobe, and shrunk into a small ball, looking pitiful.

Shen Nian sighed inaudibly.

Perhaps Shen Baijing himself didn't realize that in front of him, he would always look like a child who couldn't grow up.

"stand up."

He spoke coldly.

Shen Baijing curled his lips, stood up, and called out again:

"elder brother."

Dark waves surged in Shen Nian's eyes, as if caught in a vortex of struggle.

Seeing his appearance like this, Shen Baijing was not in a hurry to ask for an answer.

He just opened his mouth to remind:

"I can still guess the answer, let alone your teammates who have lived and died with you..."

Listening to the sound of water in the bathroom, Shen Nian paused with his fingertips.

"Just because I don't want to act with you, doesn't mean others don't either."

The state is a bit weak today, only 4,000 words, and tomorrow I will try to make a base of 6,000...

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